RISKY: (pt3) The Search for Robert and his Truck!.. 🛻

Dangerously close to the spillway, a stark reminder of the lengths AWP is willing to go to in their search to find Robert Cavanagh who vanished without a trace on December 24, 2004, along with his black 1996 Mazda B2300 pickup truck. Focusing on the chilling note he left behind, drives AWP to push boundaries and face risks head-on.

🎬.. The Search for Robert
Day 1 – 18 YEARS MISSING..→ His Mazda→ The NOTE Left Behind!

Day 2 – VANISHED: Robert’s Note, Missing Truck, and the Truth (pt2)

Day 3 – This Video

Out Now for Members (Public Release Oct 28, 2023)

In our previous searches, we’ve combed through the areas surrounding Mansfield, Connecticut, where Robert was last seen. We’ve retraced his steps, considered the significance of the note he left behind, and explored the potential paths he might have taken in his Mazda. The truck, with its Connecticut license plate number 681CZT, remains a key piece of the puzzle.

On this third day, our search takes a more focused turn. We’re drawn to the vicinity of St. Joseph’s Church, a location that holds significance due to its proximity to Robert’s last known whereabouts. The Willimantic River, with its unpredictable currents and depths, presents both a challenge and a potential lead. The river, situated between two dams, has areas of white water that make the search risky, especially after recent rains.

Our team discusses the possibility of Robert visiting the church, perhaps seeking solace or guidance, before making his way to the river. The church’s location, just a few minutes from his home, makes it a plausible point of interest. As we scan the river, we identify potential anomalies that could indicate the presence of a vehicle. The depth and flow of the river, combined with the presence of large boulders and debris, make the search complex.

We also consider the weather conditions from December 2004. With temperatures averaging between 30° to 35°, it’s possible that ponds in the area were frozen, making the moving body of water in the river a more likely location for any intentional act.

Throughout the search, we’re reminded of the importance of community and collaboration. Drone footage provides a bird’s-eye view of the area, while discussions with locals offer insights into the landscape and its changes over the years. The presence of a new fence near a potential launch spot, the shifting depths of the river, and the historical significance of the surrounding buildings all play a role in our investigation.

As we conclude our third day, the search for Robert and his truck remains at the forefront of our minds. The note he left behind, the truck he drove, and the years that have passed all intertwine to form a narrative of loss, hope, and determination. Our mission remains clear: to uncover the truth, bring closure to Robert’s loved ones, and ensure that his story is never forgotten.

Join us on this journey as we continue to piece together the puzzle of Robert Cavanagh’s disappearance. Every clue, every lead, and every moment spent searching brings us one step closer to finding Robert and understanding the events of that fateful December day.

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🎬.. Watch Other Cases We’ve Solved
SOLVED: Missing 23-years Underwater
(Samantha Hopper, 22-month-old Daughter Courtney, Unborn Baby)

SOLVED: 💔 Missing 24-year-old Jacob VanZant Found


#MissingPerson #Vanished #ColdCase

Author: phillynews215


40 thoughts on “RISKY: (pt3) The Search for Robert and his Truck!.. 🛻

  1. Most of his family wants to find him and we appreciate everything AWP has done to date and will continue to support them. We will never give up trying to find him and the truth to his disappearance. 🙏

  2. Please keep putting these videos out. Public awareness is essential to finding and solving some of your cases. I've watched your videos from the time you were finding cell phones and sunglasses. And have enjoyed the progression of your efforts. Keep it up.

  3. Keep up the great content first of all!! Maybe do some dives on the potential vehicles in the river by the dam. One of those you scans you picked up looked like a body and then the other one by the dam could very well be a car! Tons of junk goes through dams so I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a car flipped over and somewhat buried. Wouldn’t hurt to dive that with that potential.

  4. Of course all of us are disappointed when a case doesn’t get solved because we want closure for the families and those that are missing. It’s really nasty to shame AWP or any other search teams because they can’t solve every case. These searches are much harder than they look. With so many missing and so many places to search, sadly not everyone can be found. Posting all these videos solved or not brings in donations and tips so they are able to keep searching and find more people.

  5. I like the solved ones best of course. Or the ones where they find something unexpected. But tbh, I love seeing them find anything on sonar, even if it isn't what they are looking for.

  6. Hey got something i was think look funny at this point 34:49 if you look carefully it looks like a person floating at the bottom ???? Am I just seeing this wrong

  7. I have quite a few places you guys haven't looked that may be places you would like to look, Ill get my kayak out soon and see how deep they are to confirm them as possibilities if you would like. Also the "walking path" has been a walking path for years, you definitely could have drove a truck down it (as me and my father had). It wasn't paved till recent years.

  8. God bless Robert Cavanaugh. It sounds like he had a difficult time before he disappeared. My condolences to his family. I can’t imagine how hard it would be to not know where he is. I hope Robert is found. Thank you AWP for helping to find him.

  9. If anyone has a complaint on these videos that you don’t find who ur looking for are absolutely crazy. If you find them or not ur giving so many answers either way. Amazing content and stories.

  10. You have to look at the position of the family missing their member. They want to know, what happened to it and there's usually more than one point to look for him. Outside and inside rivers, ponds. Then you have to deal with the financial thing – if you have enough money and can't do the search yourself or within the family, you have to find someone doing it and if you haven't enough money nor the ability to perform the search yourself, it is even more difficult. AWP helps such families for free, even though this team has their own costs from doing such a search. If they would charge for their time, the gas, the usage of the car, the boat, the diving per area and sometimes even the recovery of the vehicle out of the water, if the police doesn't do it, I bet there would be some people, who wouldn't be able to afford such a search, but also aren't able to do it themselves and these people would have to live with the nagging suspense about what happened to their loved one. I'm usually not commenting on the published videos from AWP, because I can only try to imagine the feelings of the ones left behind – but I had to comment on this one, because it did not want to go into my brain, why somebody just does not think through a thought or even a comment, before making it – I have to believe those people didn't. Because 1. AWP isn't an entertainment company, but a project the team of them build up themselves to help families find their loved ones underwater, so they wouldn't go too long without an answer, what happened to them and 2. they publish such videos here on YouTube to keep the project running anyhow, without having to stop their active help for people, who have to suffer from such an incident – and as you've seen, they are very concerned about not only the discretion of the missing person, because they want to keep it for them and their families, so publishing them they only do to let the community know, they're here, if somebody else misses a person, they've not seen a long time after a sudden disappearance. 3. The families allowing to be interviewed by AWP and allowing the documenting of the recovery of the car, no matter if it has human remains inside of it or if it hasn't – that deserves respect, that they allow AWP to do that, but of course they also know AWP has to finance itself anyhow – and 4. even the police allowing itself to be documented on video on such a missing person case, that's not something the police has to agree to. So that's a concession from the police, even when they don't go against the location and the recovery of the car being documented on video – as it's a crime scene, once you've found a car of a missing person underwater anywhere. I apologize for the long text, but commenting to only want to see solved cases is a disrespect for the families of the loved ones suffering – also: AWP, please keep up the good work and thank you for reaching out to those, who made those comments. Don't let badly or not fully considered comments harm your feelings or stop you from what you were doing, because there surely are many people as me, who doesn't just support, what you were doing by watching your videos or even with money as a member of your channel here on YouTube, but also really like your videos, out of the reason, for what you were doing.

  11. Who said this wasnt a recovery video? They recovered the location of a missing bicycle. Looked old. Simeone missed that bike. But y'all gave me an idea.

  12. As a UK viewer, i love this channel, all the great work, effort & time that gets put into these noble investigations, very successfully as well. I still enjoy the episodes that's not able to recover these missing folks, coz, its very educational & interesting & uou get to see what all that investigation takes to pull it all off. Well done team !!!… 👏 👍…cheering you all on, from theUK…❤

  13. I said something about not being able to watch Part 2 videos…. After watching your videos more I realize how much work you do and how emotional things get…. I can only apologise to you guys you do a great job keep up the good work…my apologies

  14. Some times they are found and others it may take a long time, and then thete are those are never found and those are the ones they never give up on finding praying one day they will be found.

  15. Sad that people would comment they only want to see solved cases. I enjoy watching ALL your videos. I can put a face with the lost loved ones and see the faces of the family/friends left behind and pray for them. I'm learning all kinds of things about sonar, and bodies of water, and makes/models of cars and how you prioritize where and how to search. It's educational. I admire your efforts and thoroughness and your respect for the families and how you work with local law enforcement. Thank you for what you do.

  16. May be a long shot but next time your in the area check Enfield boat launch in thompsonville CT river, It’s pretty shallow from what I remember at the actual launch, however right underneath the suffield bridge (if your looking into the river left hand side) is an old dam that flooded over I don’t know how many years ago and from what I remember of it it gets deep like real deep and the river without a doubt in that area can bring a vehicle over the dam with how fast that river flows also there’s a boat launch in Windsor locks that goes right into the CT river I believe it’s called Windsor boat ramp. Again both long shots however it is a possibility.

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