Biden welcomes Bernie Sanders rallies boosting workers in swing state as Trump courts working class

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Please enter a valid email address. Having trouble? Click here. President Biden’s campaign is welcoming a series of events being held by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., in key swing state Wisconsin to rally workers ahead of the 2024 election, in which former President Trump is making his own appeal to the group. Sanders is holding a total of six “Building Working Class Power” events throughout Wisconsin from Wednesday to Saturday, in places such as Mount Pleasant, Sheboygan, Kaukauna, Stevens Point, Eau Claire and La Crosse. “We’re excited to have Senator Bernie Sanders in Wisconsin to campaign for the one candidate in this race who is fighting for the working people: Joe Biden,” said Biden campaign Wisconsin press secretary Timothy White in a statement to Fox News Digital. “While President Biden is holding Big Pharma accountable, bringing down prescription drug costs, and building an economy that works for everyone – Trump is only focused on giving tax handouts to his billionaire friends and big corporations.”GOP SENATORS INVOKE STATUTE TO FORCE HHS ANSWERS ON COVID ORIGINS: ‘FULL-FLEDGED COVER-UP’ Sen. Bernie Sanders, center, is traveling to Wisconsin for a week of rallies to unite workers as President Biden, left, and former President Trump compete for the swing state. (Getty Images)According to a press release, the independent senator’s rallies are aimed at “Building Working Class Power.”The Biden campaign noted that the rallies are not affiliated with the president’s re-election bid. “Bernie Sanders might be an independent, but everyone recognizes that this election is about more than party affiliation,” Democratic strategist Max Burns said. “It’s going to be on all of us to ensure Donald Trump never sets foot in the White House again, and Bernie’s big rallies are a great sign of unity between progressives and centrists.”TRUMP LEADS BIDEN IN STATE THAT LAST VOTED FOR A REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE IN 2004 Sen. Bernie Sanders has been an advocate for workers’ rights. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)”Bernie has always had a huge following in Wisconsin, and it’s good to see him locking arms with Biden to ensure those voters come out for democracy in November,” he added. Sanders notably defeated Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic presidential primary in Wisconsin, besting her by double digits. However, Clinton went on to become the nominee before facing off against Trump. “This is an all-hands-on-deck moment and Senator Sanders is a strong voice for working people,” explained senior adviser to former President Obama, Eric Schultz. “Nobody has more at stake in November than hardworking Americans and Senator Sanders is uniquely positioned to make the case that we need leadership in Washington that has the backs of working people.”WHICH DONALD TRUMP WILL SHOW UP AT THURSDAY NIGHT’S CNN PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE? Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 primary in Wisconsin to Sen. Bernie Sanders. (Photo by Franziska Krug/Getty Images)Democratic strategist Brad Bannon similarly noted Sanders’ commitment to preventing Trump from being president again and having the opportunity to push back with issues the senator has prioritized, saying, “Whatever hope there is for Medicare for all” and action on climate change issues “will disappear completely if he becomes president.” However, he suggested there may be more that is motivating Sanders’ workers tour, which has also taken him to Ohio and New York this summer. According to Bannon, the Vermont lawmaker, who is running for re-election this year, could also be campaigning for Labor secretary in Biden’s second term. “He may still want that Labor job,” he said. Biden had revealed in 2021 that he was considering Sanders for the role in his administration, but due to the tight majority in the Senate and the potential for Vermont to vote Republican, he did not give it to him. “Bernie and I agreed — matter of fact, Bernie said this — ‘we can’t put control of the Senate at risk on the outcome of a special election in Vermont,'” Biden said when announcing Boston Mayor Marty Walsh was chosen for the position, the Daily Beast reported at the time.A White House spokesperson disputed that the administration was actively considering Cabinet candidates for a potential second term.The senator did not provide comment when asked by Fox News Digital whether he would accept the role.NEW YORK TIMES CHANGES HEADLINE ABOUT BOWMAN’S DEFEAT, INITIALLY BLAMED ‘FLOOD OF PRO-ISRAEL MONEY’ President Biden, left, said he considered Sen. Bernie Sanders for Labor secretary. (Getty Images)Sanders’ swing through worker-heavy Wisconsin comes as Trump is competing with Biden for the critical voter group, opting to meet with the Teamsters union and speaking to a group of United Auto Workers members during their strike.CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPTrump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt told Fox News Digital in a statement, “Bernie Sanders is a proud socialist whose entire political career has been based on taking money away from hardworking people and giving it back to the corrupt government.””If Biden and Bernie are allowed another four years, they will sign the largest tax increase in American history which will rob the average working family in Wisconsin of nearly $40,000 per year, on top of their record-high inflation. President Trump will bring down inflation, make gas cheap again, and pass more tax cuts to put more money back into the pockets of workers and families,” she said. Get the latest updates from the 2024 campaign trail, exclusive interviews and more at our Fox News Digital election hub.

Biden welcomes Bernie Sanders rallies boosting workers in swing state as Trump courts working class ,

Author: Rafael Nieves


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