Cops cuffed her for failing to signal, but a camera turned their plan upside down

Brittany Trevino of New Braunfels, Texas was going through her family storage unit two years ago when she was suddenly accosted by police and arrested under questionable circumstances. Trevino’s possession of a small pipe used to smoke legal CBD hemp was used to charge her with drug paraphernalia, a crime for which she was ultimately convicted. Despite this injustice, Trevino tried to move on with her life—then, one day, she encountered the same officer who arrested her. Overcome with displeasure, Trevino made a rude gesture to the officer, who responded by walking away from a traffic stop he was conducting to pull Trevino over and arrest her for failing to signal a lane change. Police Accountability Report reviews the footage and evidence surrounding Trevino’s case, and speaks with Brittany personally to examine how much of a burden the system has placed on her life and family.

Production: Stephen Janis, Taya Graham
Post-Production: Stephen Janis, Adam Coley

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


43 thoughts on “Cops cuffed her for failing to signal, but a camera turned their plan upside down

  1. Here is our Patreon link for donations to support our work- Please consider supporting we don't run ads on our videos or take corporate dollars so we depend on people like you! And there are some special extras for our Patrons!!! -taya 🤗

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  2. I'm shocked that this happened to a white woman this is very unusual this cop needs to immediately taken off duty if he will do this to a white person I would hate to imagine what he would do to a black person I hope he got fired.

  3. This is out-fu€|<ing-rageous! There's no way you couldn't make this insanity up! That cop needs to be FIRED IMMEDIATELY and I hope the people he has abused get to sue the $#it out of him!

  4. The defund the police bs did no favors as bad cops were all that was left when that all shook out.

  5. She didnt do anything, lawsuit retaliation against her. Holding them accountable for their unlawful actions lol 😆😂🤣😅

  6. It goes into policing because this is a corporate society and all judges are are bankers and police are trash men who get the money from the people who are considered trash it’s a failed bogus system

  7. Its about time we respect our Police, have respect they put their lives on the line. When your being assaulted by a perpetrator who do you call, she didnt need to be screaming at him or making an obscene gesture. Its time to grow up your not special.

  8. In the Uk giving the police the middle finger is a public order offence and you can be arrested for it. you lot should think yourselves very lucky you can get away with such disrespectful and childish behaviour.

  9. We know who is responsible…it's more important to understand the BENEFITS of an overbearing and coercive government. The citizen of our supposed "Republic" IS the enemy of Government agents aka the Police. There us NO benefit to a civil de-escalating
    members of a police force and The Judicial branch. They only benefit from arrests, prosecutions and convictions. If they have to use insane levels of violence to do it all the better because you see its all-about THEIR SAFETY and viability of their massive beauracracy.

  10. My Father worked for a small police department in south Texas. Here found out the municipal court was overcharging people. He brought this up to the judge, city manager, mayor, and the county clerk. They were all in on it. Turns out they were all getting their cut. My father would inform the drivers the amount the city could charge for each infraction (there is a limit set by the state). When people would go to court, they told the judge what my father told them. The judge was furious and told the people that he set the fees and that my dad was wrong. My father took this to the state and the judge resigned, was arrested and I believe he went to jail. There are good cops out there. My dad was definitely one of them. 😊

  11. You left out the part where a majority of that funding dedicated to policing likely goes right into their paychecks…

  12. Cop clearly committed a crime…ILLEGAL detainmemnt/kidnapping basically…I hope he was 'fired' & $ued Personally..for violating HER rights constitutional rights

  13. This is typical for a system based on masters and slaves. This will continue until we create a voluntary society based on mutual consent and voluntary agreement. Government is slavery. Let’s go voluntary.

  14. You bring up “obesity “…and I notice that there’s quite a significant amount of American cops that ARE obese! How do they serve the people, if they’re NOT in proper physical shape in order to do a chase on foot?? I wonder just how many actual criminal suspects have gotten away BECAUSE OF THIS!!!

  15. Kudos to you, young lady, for exposing, for revealing, a major TRUTH behind the progressive mental and physical destruction of American citizens! The speech you blessed us all with at the end of your video should be published in every magazine and shown on every TV network! It’s people like YOU who really make a difference in this difficult world we live in! And it’s people like YOU that we all need more of! God Bless you and THANK YOU so very much!❤

  16. Little tip for you…stay away from popo if you don't like jail or harrassment….i got pulled over recently and the passenger starting mouthing off to the cop and i explained to him that cops can do whatever they want even if it's reversed they can still take you in for breathing.

  17. Police keep repeating resisting arrest, as if repeating the phrase makes it true. Many videos show people are not resisting, they are complying. Police repeat this phrase to justify illegal detaining when their so called authority is questioned and no crime is committed. A crime has to be committed in order to arrest. These psychopaths are charging people with resisting arrest as a crime. What crime was committed in the first place? Judges are as corrupt for going along.

  18. If you're already pretty sure you're dealing with a corrupt cop, don't flip him off. That was just dumb. That was easily avoidable.

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