Hong Kong Authorities Bow to Beijing, Determined to Ignore a Million Protesters

Hong Kong residents have taken to the streets to protest against the growing influence of mainland China over the city. But, the protests are falling on deaf ears, says Prof. Sean Starrs

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Author: phillynews215


34 thoughts on “Hong Kong Authorities Bow to Beijing, Determined to Ignore a Million Protesters

  1. ignore a million protesters? a million is nothing to a country who's population is getting close to 1.5 Billion, almost 20% of the world, sure china needs a lot of work but Hong Kong will never be large enough to make a dent.

  2. very disappointed with 'real news network'. if u did ur homework and read the extradition bill, u will know that the bill clearly states that extradition cases will only be considered by HK courts if the crime in question committed outside of HK also violates HK law that will carry a sentence of 7 years imprisonment or more.
    look at provision 3

  3. very disappointed with 'real news network'. if u did ur homework and read the extradition bill, u will know that the bill clearly states that extradition cases will only be considered by HK courts if the crime in question committed outside of HK also violates HK law that will carry a sentence of 7 years imprisonment or more.
    look at provision 3

  4. Interesting those demonstrators speaks English than their own language Chinese, everyone can see that once slaved per colonized, whom always dream their Master comes back.  That's what this demonstration is all above, Their Master British/M16/US/CIA manufactured, engineered, sponsored a vehicle welcomes their home return. as a matter of fact, the Westerner never left HONGKONG, since 1997 when returned the HK to China, they have been trying every dirty trick to colonized HK again, of course, with the slaves demanding and stipulation.. 
    Another Tiananmen Square replica by CIA/US/Britain is clear and well documented. I simply don't believe in a second , that TheRealNews.com and "DemocracyNow" whom, reported the news have no clue,  but brought the official narrative rather then stick their gun found out the truth.TRN and DN had historical records and desires to bashing china whenever it is possible.
    Why the Hong Kong people didn't demonstrate for "democracy" when under Britain ruling? because China didn't do the dirts as the west's systemically
    schemes to upheaval and destabilize nations upon nations,  region change,  color revolution, umbrella revolution, Iran Threaten, North Korean Threaten, 7 or 9 middle-east nations bombed to stone-age per democracy", "spring revolution" and Tiananmen Square.  Any legitimate news agency can smell the rotten corpse when this kind of riots happened in the nations adversary to US's welfare.  That this is yet another US/Britain trump up episode. Only yellow vest is organic, which main-stream news deadly silenced since 11/17/2018 to present for 8 month now. 
    The Only reason that CNN to be harassed when reported falsified report per Tiananmen Square.Two points: a. CNN is a fake news agency per CIA/Pentagon Pro War propaganda machine.  b. CNN distorted the realities that the Tiananmen Square was another CIA proxy domestic upheaval against China. 

    "I should mention to you what was happening in the past 18 days that the Chinese students were being attacked 13 times in the US. Btw,I need to reclaim once again that there's no repression or slaughter or massacre by the PLA in Tiananmen Square. The student movement leaders (partial) got $10,000,0000 sponsored by western (from HongKong's governor by the CIA and British agency)  democracy activists in order to incite students to fight against the CCP gov't with the name of anti-corruption, anti-bureaucracy,  democratic society and so on. Nothing happened and the student protest was peaceful until the involvement of western organizations. Everything was out of control that the thugs hired by CIA had given students woods poles, iron poles, bricks and etc as the weapons to attack PLA soldiers with/without weapons on streets. (Videos proved on youtube in Chinese)   At that night, soldiers have been commanded by the CCP that no open fire on any students except the warning fire. Students and thugs burned, killed and destroyed facilities, vehicles, soldiers, policemen, firefighters, and innocent people. Around 80+ students, 30 thugs+, 150+ PLA soldiers, and 50+ policemen firefighters were injured or killed in the incident. After that, some student leaders escaped to Hong Kong as refugees and told the CNN or BBC (they were repeating what CIA want them to say) that the PLA killed thousands of students on Tiananmen Square and filmed by BBC and CNN. Sounds familiar to some incidents nowadays? This is how the CIA works."
    By Ricky Luo  

    As well known in Asian Community, that Tiananmen Square in Beijing was yet another coup engineered by CIA/USA contrived  a domestic upheaval, The Army didn't fire one shot to harm the students. To the contrary, that the students were equipped with all the professional weapons ID the Arab spring revolution and other national riots by CIA/US.  It is so great that US again, uses their own crimes against other nations as a narrative attacking the victimized nation to beginning with, so the truth can be revealed and divulged to the world.  So US and their violent citizens can't conveniently camouflaged  their  criminal masks any more. Kansas City Massacre, My Lai Massacre, Gulf War, War on Terror, Pacific theater- Rape diromg the occupation of Japan,  European theater – Rape during the liberation of France and Rape during occupation of German. No Gun Ri Massacre, Highway of Death – During the American led coalition offensive in the Gulf War, American, Canadian, British and French aircraft and ground forces attacked retreating Iraqi military personnel and fleeing civilian convoys attempting to head towards Baghdad on the night of February 26–27, 1991, resulting in the destruction of thousands of vehicles and 200 to 1,000+ deaths.
    Tiananmen Square student leaders all processed US Visa and Green Card up initiated then Riots, and all of them immediately shipped out of China, also, instantly admitted to Yale and Harvard to be cultivated and breeded to be a vehicles against China on the US payroll until present.

    In a world filled with Western-sponsored, manufactured color revolutions and "astro-turf" mass demonstrations, designed to disrupt and weaken any state, government, or people who seek independence from Western control and domination, these "protests" should be viewed with extreme suspicion as to their sincerity. The West has a very long history of atrocities, deceptions, interventions, false-flags, the overt and covert support and use of terrorism, and out-right lying.

  5. Even the 'Real' is in a larger font and in paint in yellow, but didn't cover the fact that this is a piece of fake news.

  6. The Bill began when a HK man committed a crime in Taiwan and escaped back to HK for safe haven. HK government decided to extend extradition agreement with Taiwan. However they also prepare one for China. This is how the controversy begins. If both Taiwan and China want the extradition to be signed with HK, then the argument about how China wanted to extend heir muscles to HK’s autonomy would not work since you can’t attack ChinA while leaving out Taiwan at the same time and also because Taiwan is an ally and could do no wrong, no one ever questions why Taiwan bothered to withdraw at that particular time i the first place. There is absolutely no legitimate reason why Taiwan should withdraw their agreement with HK because the agreement in question is only between Taiwan and HK. It had nothing to do with China! Eventually The crony manipulative Taiwan government decided to withdraw their right to seek justice for their own citizen in order to let China take all the heat. They did it purposefully, opportunistically and politically in bad faith. They allow fake news and fear mongering about China continued fuelled by the fake news media in order to criticize China’s one county two systems framework and paint ChinA as extremely authoritarian to help affirm support of Taiwanese independent project. Same with Israel, Taiwan has to act in bad manners to achieve their impossible goal.

    China’s internal policies such as the lack of free speech and poor justice systems are irrelevant. Neither HK nor Taiwan has the right to tell China, an independent nation how to deal with their criminals. They also can’t arbitrarily decide the fugitives are already innocent without trials in the name of human rights. Let me point what this is all about. The Bill is sabotaged with help of fake news in order to help CIA trained spies who are actively scheming something around the world to escape the grasp of China disguised as democracy movement for HK. They got their wish.

    This massive protest is really messed up and so many ppl have failed to ask how this extradition agreement with China would be any different from any other nations? Any hidden clauses we don’t know about? Where is it? No discussion, no pushback from the media. Everybody just goes along with it believing this would further infringe HK freedom. How?

    One last note. If this protest or riot teaches China anything. That should be: Don’t let the desire of unification to blind your judgment. Taiwan and the current state of HK are a threat to China’s security. Chinese citizens are getting harassed and blamed for something they did not. These puppet states act in conjunction with the western empire to undermine China’s growth and prosperity and I am not even exaggerating. Taiwan and HK already belong to the Western empire in body and soul. They are in bed with the CIA or MI6 together. Not saying the entire populations of these states are, but the leaders of these professional agitators are. Find a solution to cut ties with them. Diplomacy would only work if both sides agreed. In this case they sincerely lack.

  7. 2:37 This is confusing. I didn't understand if he was to be extradited to Taiwan from Hong Kong or from Taiwan to Hong Kong god what he said didn't made sense

  8. After further research, it seems that there is no evidence that Beijing is pushing this bill. The evidence shows that it was a decision made independently by Hong Kong, due to a Hong Kong citizen murdering his girlfriend in Taiwan. Just because Taiwan rejected the extradition of the murder suspect it doesn't mean that this bill is being pushed by Beijing. The fact that the west is framing these events as totalitarian China trying to squash freedom loving Hong Kong only weeks after the Tiananmen square anniversary is highly suspicious.

  9. Hong Kong is part of China. There is no point in separating the two. The West was counting exactly on this when they put the 50 years rule. To make two different mentalities between the two.

  10. Civic engagement at work. Americans sit on their duff watching reality TV while America is burning around them. What will it take for us to take to the streets?

  11. It appears like a fantastic victory of the American propaganda imagine if Newyork would refuse to hand over a rapist to the federal police with the support of a million Newyorker and all the protests financed and supported by Moscow. In case of war, Hongkong is a fantastic Beachhead for the USA 1million people from Hongkong would applaud the USA as liberators

  12. So many replicated policies and corruption favoring the higher caste and their minions over the majority of people or the serfs and slaves. Looks like the larger world order under the real masters is well into moving into fruition all over the world.

  13. The world is losing their rights and freedoms because of a push towards One World Order. We must continue to RESIST!

  14. These two protagonists are thick, a professor who paid lots of money for his certificate, it’s wanting a murderer to face justice you moron, she has been on substances that are normally reserved for the intimacy of ones home.

  15. Fear of "growing influence of mainland" is true. China doesn't have an independent judiciary system and they persecute human right, religion activists are true. Agreement to be made btn Taiwan and Hong Kong to extradite criminal suspects is also possible if the CCP so accedes.
    China extends the reach of this individual murder incidence in order to persecute Hong Kong based political activists. President Tsai would rather forgo such extradition arrangement than being abused. Traditional Chinese values were completely destroyed during Mao's Cultural Revolution. The torture, famine, personal relationships, etc., changed the basic mentality of every Chinese survivors dramatically and passed onto their descendants. The CCP is fearful of their own ppl and hence these surveillance and social credit system. Xi and his Beijin hawks have openly questioned the need of having independent judiciary, administrative, and legislative system in Hong Kong.

  16. This has nothing to do with Beijing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCokRDKR89c

    A million protestors ? Where the figure come from? Tyranny of the brain washed protestors over the silent majority. What is the population of Hong Kong ?

    An issue of extradition as a legal right has been turned into a political football. The protestors want HK to be a harbour for criminals and fugitives.

  17. For those who actually concern about this issue, someone linked this to me and I am just going to paste it here:
    From the Government of Hong Kong:

    Government response to procession
    In response to a public procession today (June 9) on the
    Fugitive Offenders and Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

    Legislation (Amendment) Bill 2019 (the Bill), a Government spokesman
    As a free, open and pluralistic society, we acknowledge and respect
    that people have different views on a wide range of issues. The
    procession today is an example of Hong Kong people exercising their
    freedom of expression within their rights as enshrined in the Basic Law
    and the Hong Kong Bill of Rights Ordinance. At the time of this
    statement, we note that apart from some obstructions to traffic, the
    march, though large, was generally peaceful and orderly. As usual, the
    Police have provided the needed facilitation before and during this
    public order event and taken resolute actions against breaches of the
    The reasons why the Government tabled this Bill have been explained
    in detail on many occasions. Based on experience in recent weeks that
    face-to-face explanations by relevant officials have helped to dispel
    misunderstanding, the Government will continue to engage, listen and
    allay concerns through calm and rational discussion.

    The Government spokesman stressed the following points:


    The Bill was prompted by the murder of a Hong Kong citizen in
    Taiwan which brought into sharper focus deficiencies of the existing
    regime dealing with mutual legal assistance in criminal matters and the
    surrender of fugitives. If these deficiencies were not addressed as a
    matter of priority, Hong Kong would continue to be a bolt-hole for
    criminals, putting Hong Kong residents' safety at risk and disregarding
    our international responsibilities in the fight against cross-border and
    transnational crimes.


    The Bill covers only the most serious crimes punishable by
    imprisonment of seven years or more (i.e. cases that would normally be
    tried in Hong Kong's High Court) and the crimes must exist in the laws
    of both Hong Kong and the requesting jurisdiction before a surrender
    request will be processed.


    None of these serious criminal offences relate to the freedom of
    assembly, of the press, of speech, of academic freedom or
    publication. And no surrender for a political offence or if the
    purported charges are in fact on account of race, religion, nationality
    or political opinions.


    Executive and judicial safeguards built into the system protect all
    the human rights enshrined in the Basic Law and Hong Kong Bill of
    Rights Ordinance and ensure that any requests for assistance or
    surrender are legal, and subject to challenge and review up to the Court
    of Final Appeal. As guaranteed under the Basic Law, the courts of
    the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region exercise judicial power
    independently, free from any interference.

         Throughout the past four months, the Government has listened
    attentively to views expressed and responded positively to suggestions
    made. As a result, two sets of amendments were made, respectively before
    and after the presentation of the Bill. These have provided additional
    safeguards which have been welcomed by stakeholders and have effectively
    allayed most of those earlier concerns. The Chief Executive could not
    bypass the Court to surrender a fugitive to any requesting party
    including the Mainland. The government's proposals are therefore firmly
    grounded in the rule of law.

         "We urge the Legislative Council to scrutinise the Bill in a calm,
    reasonable and respectful manner to help ensure Hong Kong remains a safe
    city for residents and business."

         The Second Reading debate on the Bill will resume on June 12.
    Link : https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/201906/09/P2019060900587.htm?fontSize=1&utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ios_share_flow_optimization&utm_term=control_1

  18. Lol at HKers protesting on behalf of, and not against, corrupt multinationals who actually have reasons to be afraid of the new law and are actually responsible for making HKers' lives hell

  19. One thing I don't understand, the problem of China's criminals escape to HK is a real problem that needs to be addressed; it happens in other countries too and the way other countries addressed this problem is through extradition law, other countries don't find this law as robbing them of their country's independent. With this much example given by other countries, I don't think China asking for extradition law with HK is that strange or too much.
    I think if HK protesters don't want this extradition law, they need to give another plan on how to solve the problems or they need to add something that make sure of HK citizen to be free and independent from this extradition law or there's a clear limit of how much this extradition law could affect HK citizen.

  20. Real News isn't doing a good job covering this. The bill allows Mainland to extradite hk citizens who commit crimes in mainland china. The worries from HK citizens is that the mainland China legislation isn't transparent and thus the extradition law can be abused. In my opinion, both sides have their reasons. For Beijing, it's ridiculous they cannot get criminals who fled to HK. But HK citizens' worries are also justified. With the social unrest in HK and HK independence movement, Beijing is feeling a need to put on its iron grip.

  21. Whoa whoa… did not realise Hong Kong is part of Canada. Anyway, that man Chan is a violent killer. He stuffed his pregnant girlfriend in a suitcase and dump her like a garbage. Clearly he understand very well that, once he got himself to Hong Kong, he is immuned from prosecution. Right now he is facing jail sentence for 29 months for stealing properties belonging to Poon.

    By the way, that Canadian guy did not tell you the reason why Taiwan Government does not want to extradite the killer. The reason is politic, alot of Taiwanese are living in Hong Kong, so they are worried their citizens will be extradited too. They will agree with the extradition as long as their citizens will be protected.

    When I saw this news, being someone from Malaysia that used to be colonised by the British ''Huh, the Western countries cannot help themselves involving in another country affair, can they? Typical.'' Right now, I am trying to find the bill itself, what does it says about the people that can and cannot be extradited. Anyone got a link to the bill?

    About the 1 million people marching in Hong Kong, according to the Hong Kong police, its number is around 250 k. Well you decide which number you want to believe in.

    I am out. Peace.

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