How Will Iran Respond to Trump’s Escalations?

After re-imposing sanctions, Trump’s new “Iran Action Group” is the latest step in his destabilization campaign against Tehran. International Crisis Group President Robert Malley, who helped negotiate the Iran nuclear deal under the Obama administration, discusses the White House’s goals and Iran’s response.

[This is the first part of an extended interview on US policy in Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, and Syria, with Robert Malley, a senior Obama administration official on Middle East issues and one of the negotiators of the Iran nuclear deal]

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** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

Author: phillynews215


37 thoughts on “How Will Iran Respond to Trump’s Escalations?

  1. Bolton and Brennan's logic is towards world war for world domination. If the standard is "behaving like a normal country" i.e. as a puppet like NATO states, then that can be applied to every country in the world, so war with Russia and China is inevitable, if US policy cannot tolerate anyone having an independent foreign policy not under their thumb.

  2. Anyone who murders defenseless children either intentionally or by accident should be held accountable in the heig. No more collateral damage excuses.

  3. When this administration is over , the American people will bring retributions to all the war hawks of all the wars that have happened since 2000 .

  4. Not a word about the overthrow of Mossadeq? When a democratically elected government was knocked over because Anglo Persian Oil didn't want to share their profits? Aaron, really….

  5. Thank you dear American people,
    Please speak up and make your friends aware that Iranians are peaceful nation.

  6. The real question that should've been asked – he was an Obama official invloved in the negotiations after all – is why we still talking about an Iranian nuclear weapons program when the IAEA and US intelligence both confirm no such program exists?

    I mean, we're supposed to trust US intelligence estimates (see Russia lol) as fact, right?

    Also, next time ask this guy why there's such screaming about a non-existent nuke program in Iran and all we here is crickets about Israel's actual nuclear arsenal.

    Oh, also, good to point out also, after you play clips about a US official saying "everyone" blah, blah, blah about Iran, what they really mean is the US, Israel and whatever US protectorates they can muster to join them, while the actual "everyone" – the international community, as we can see through UNGA votes, NAM positions, IAEA reports – doesn't buy into this nonsense at all.

  7. Mr. Malley is not objective. He is basically Pompeo Lite. For example, without proper evidence he blames the Assad government for starting the Syrian War, and without evidence he claims that the Iranian presence in Syria to help the Syrian government comes "at great humanitarian cost," etc., etc. These are not realistic assessments of Iran and Syria. They are basically partisan propaganda. I hope you will interview more objective scholars in the future, since this is a very important topic. Former arms inspector Scott Ritter, for example, has just written a new book and would be a good person to interview.

    In addition I hope you will ask specialists about the following two points. First, the Trump economic policies aim to overthrow the Iranian government by causing intense economic hardships to ordinary Iranian people and thus causing them to riot and use violence in order to get enough to eat. In order to cause enough pain and hunger to trigger widespread rioting, Trump will try his best to block Iran's ability to export oil, and he will arm guerilla terrorist groups like MEK and send them into Iran. Please ask specialists in international law whether these forms of economic and terrorist warfare are legal or whether they are forbidden under international law and whether use of these methods would cause the US to become an international pariah. What are the international laws pertaining to sanctions and to measures that would prevent a sovereign nation from carrying out basic exporting activities?

    Second, I hope you will ask historians of German history and of diplomacy and warfare in the 20th century whether any of the proposed Trump economic war policies resemble policies used by Nazi Germany toward certain areas near Germany in the immediate prewar period (the late 1930s). If there are some similarities, what would that say about the US as a nation?

  8. It's good vs evil here – clue; evil claims other peoples' land as theirs then builds settlements there. When the owners fought back, they were beaten and labelled as terrorists.

  9. US is proven they are not a trustworthy country to do businesses with so why EU is still afraid of losing doing business with the US? This US Administration is all about their own bottomline; they care nothing about the future of the world and its “allies.” They tore down the Paris Agreement, imposing tariffs on its “allies” and now rolling back the Iran International Agreement signed by international nations. Who is stupid enough to trust any horse shit coming out of the US’ mouth?

  10. Why is the RealNews providing a forum on the left for US imperialism? This imperialist spokesperson, Robert Malley, repeatedly denounced the government of Iran by calling it "regime". A dozen times in the short space of 15 minutes. The term regime constitutes evil and rogue. They never refer to the governments of the US, Israel or Saudis as a "regime". The Iranian support of Hezbollah is support for the Independence of Lebanon from US backed Zionist invasions. Iran also support Hamas. This support of Palestinians fighting is not support for "surrogates" or "terrorists". Rather, it is support for Palestinians fighting US backed Zionist occupation.

  11. Pompao and Netanyahu think we don't understand irony. It's obvious who the real terrorists are. The two bullies picking on the little guy minding his own business. The American people and people worldwide are waking up to this BS.

  12. There is no 'guess' what is going on Trump has laid it out, it's time for a better deal. I disagree entirely with this bias guest. Oh now I understand why, he is an Obummer mouthpiece. Hey Iran, give back those pallets of cash, $150 billion in cash. For…. nothing.

  13. The US has to resort to bullying near the end because they are fundamentally weak…It’s important for bullies to always win. Because once their weakness is exposed they can no longer be bullies.

  14. How can these two frauds just stand there and project forth this bullshit while they’re best buddies with one of the most sickest and cruelest regimes on earth Saudi Arabia? Iran isn’t perfect but by contrast to Saudi Arabia its heaven and Iranians are lovely people

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