Is Trump Betraying the American People? Q&A (Pt 1/6)

Part 1 of Paul Jay and Aaron Mate’s interactive discussion with viewers about the real reasons Trump should be considered a traitor by the American people – From a live recording on August 2nd, 2018

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Author: phillynews215


25 thoughts on “Is Trump Betraying the American People? Q&A (Pt 1/6)

  1. One thing is certain: Russia will not betray Iran for anything that Trump – or any US president – might promise or threaten. If the endless sanctions, the insults, the "freezing" (ie stealing) of assets, the embassy violations, coups in Ukraine, and so on hadn't happened, there might have been some room for discussion – but with the reality of those things in mind, Putin would have been wondering that even if he could trust Trump's word (basically meaningless after violating the Iran agreement), he would certainly have doubts about Trump's ability to make good on any promises he might make. Iran is a major power in the region, especially after the US destroyed Iraq as a powerful state, and is a regional neighbour with major strategic value for Russia – why destroy a good relationship with Iran for the dubious promise of something from the USA? After all, Russia has long stopped waiting for the USA to make good on countless previous agreements and understandings. This is why the "Russiagate" story is so stupid – why would Putin want a "puppet" who never does anything useful for Russia in the first place?

  2. Nice of Sanders, after HE was accused of being a "Commie" (as if Communists were still in power in Russia) during the election – even unto that simpering little trust-fund baby Anderson Cooper deliberately lying during the debates that Bernie had "honeymooned in Moscow" – now joining the Democrat's dangerous recrudescent Red Scare. Does he get his marching orders from Chuck Schumer?

  3. The greatest betrayal of the American People was Obama signing and later defending the 2012 NDAA allowing 'indefinite detention' of Americans on US soil. Nothing Trump has done has come close to this…

  4. 1% Have A Playbook With name's of player & team play History the 1% setup the situation pick the players & Reap $, Havoc & War are there most profitable Play's in there Books.

  5. What's with Bernie & the Russian spin lately? Does he know more than we do? Is he surrounded by DNC advisors? Or does he really believe that the Russian Hackers worked for the government? Personally, I believe that the only Russians that Trump has colluded with belong to the Russian mob – truth! goes back to Brighton Beach loans for construction & Atlantic City money laundering thru casinos &Trump hired illegal Polish immigrants & stiffed them – my parents lived in Brigantine, NJ for many years & it was common knowledge among residents (see David Cay Johnston)

  6. What else didn't they discuss? Why exclude advisors? You really don't care do you? You seem to have found your niche. The Real News started out on the right foot, but apparently not enough people cared.

  7. Trump is nothing more than a Petty Crook Grifter marketing a narrative in an effort to save a dying Political Economic structure. The Trump saga is great entertainment because we get a chance to witness the Justice department unravel a criminal enterprise that happens to be run by their boss. I listened to a Common Censored Podcast several days ago titled “Where are all the Aliens.” In the episode Lee and Eleanor was wondering out loud “if there are so many planets in the Universe why haven’t we been contacted by an advanced life form from another planet.” Considering the fact that our species is at the edge of extinction an advanced life form could probably offer some suggestions as to what we’re doing wrong. My view on the matter is that all complex life forms in the Universe once they open the Carbon Pandora’s box find themselves confronted with the same Riddle which is part of a mystery that is wrapped in an enigma. And if the riddle isn’t solved the species ends up in the position we find ourselves in. We’re headed for a Post Carbon World and here is a spoiler alert; this new world will not be a Neo-Feudal Police State or a world of a couple of million of the chosen few. I’m not sure of the complete riddle but I’m sure we want solve it the way we’re headed.

  8. What a stupid question! We’ve been living in the Corporate Fourth Reich since 1/20/2017.

    “Germany was the dress rehearsal for the United States.” Sid Haddad, NYC, 1970

  9. I could answer this question in one word. YES. Not talking about Russia or Putin or whatnot… but his whole presidency is a blatant grab for cash. Not to say all the other presidents weren't terrible… but this is a lot more blatant.

  10. Doesn't make sense to blame the cat's paw; fire Congress, every one. We already have a Congress we elected here in every state. In the exact intent of our constitutional framers, the Congress meets in Washington twice a year for a month do do the nation's business taking time from the state where they sit.

  11. No more than previous presidents. To give trump credit he has delivered on most of his promises which is rare for a politician.

  12. Trump is betraying the American People in every way possible.  Trump told every lie he could think of to get himself elected.   He is utterly corrupt and he has appointed only utterly corrupt politicians.  He is in it only for the money and the power and because Putin ordered him to run for the Presidency.    Trump is a Russian agent and a treasonous traitor.  Trump is a kleptocrat, robbing the US treasury by giving huge tax cuts to the rich,  falsly claiming that wages would go up significantly.   Trump is trying to collapse the US economy through reckless overspending and overborrowing, tarriffs, the trade war and exploding the national debt.  Trump is also denying climate change and ensuring civilization collapse and even human extinction.

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