Russiagate was a hoax w/Matt Taibbi | The Chris Hedges Report

Journalist Matt Taibbi has revealed that the source of many of the claims of ongoing Russian disinformation during the Trump presidency, Hamilton 68, was itself a disinformation operation concocted by former US intelligence officials. Matt Taibbi joins The Chris Hedges Report to discuss his findings and dissect how legacy media, the public, and even Congress were taken along for the ride in the ‘Russiagate’ saga.

Matt Taibbi is a journalist, author, and co-host of the Useful Idiots podcast.

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Author: phillynews215


20 thoughts on “Russiagate was a hoax w/Matt Taibbi | The Chris Hedges Report

  1. If people are ignorant about what's really going on and who's really pulling the strings how can the people change anything? It's all by design.

  2. As an Australian who grew up in New Zealand, I’m very interested in how this whole subject of governmental control of media is being advanced in these two countries and has been since the middle of the pandemic.
    The NZ Prime Minister is on record as stating that the government is (and should be, according to her) the ONLY SOURCE OF TRUTH.
    (Her exact words!!!)
    That anyone in any position of power would DARE make such a statement is troubling enough, but what’s frightening is how many people are ready to just accept this kind of claim as perfectly viable.
    In Australia, we recently voted in a referendum to amend our constitution in a way that would create a racial division between Australians. It was pushed by the Prime Minister and many other people who ran a very deceitful campaign, but was defeated by a two thirds majority of Australians.
    The PM and all on the losing side of this campaign have no begun campaigning for a Ministry of Truth to stamp out misinformation and disinformation, on the grounds that this was the only reason their campaign failed.

    The basic rule of how this MoT would operate is that anything that THEY decide is either misinformation or disinformation will become a crime and subject to penalties under the law, but both governments and legacy media will be immune from any such sanctions.

    The results of any such legislation will effectively make this nation a dictatorship in which any dissenting views will automatically become criminal.
    The cynical part of me wonders if this is why the government insisted on going through with the referendum even though the polls showed overwhelming majority opposition to the proposal. The results turned out to be even worse than poll predictions for the Yes campaign, but I wonder if the government, knowing that this is how the vote would go, went ahead with the referendum anyway, just so they had an excuse to push for their Ministry of Truth.

    I don’t trust anything I hear from either the government or the legacy media and I see no reason to, based on past performance.

  3. SNOPES??!! Did I hear you refer to a fact checking site called Snopes?

    I’m sorry, but I just can’t believe that anyone takes those liars seriously.

  4. @19:28 this can be easily understood when you consider theLeftist reporters creating these news stories, and their political motivations, to not be neutral.

  5. I'll tell you why this happened. Trump asked Russia in a speech, to find Hillary's emails. Also, Putin confessed to helping Trump. Now, let me tell you this. What you call a hoax, produced over 100 indictments. About a dozen Russians were convicted and sent to prison, but also two of Trumps top advisors and his campaign manager went to prison. SOoooo, 🤮.

  6. Tulsi Grabber is an military officer in a psy-ops unit. She's no more trustworthy than The Clinton crime family.

  7. Hang on, hang on. Didn't Gillum end up tanked and caught with 2 men. In well who am I to judge. We all have faults, but to call Ron a racist, and a Nazi? Hang on, look who you are following. Biden is basically shot due to age, and Alzheimer's. Harris OMG, SHE IS A NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT!!!
    College Educated, University of Bong Hits!

  8. There were A TON of odd and undisclosed contacts and interactions between Russia and Trump and between Russia and eleven members of Trump's cabinet and inner circle. I wish Chris Hedges would acknowledge/address that. Much of the Trump/Russia reporting was fake but how can it be considered a "hoax" when there were so many substantiated connections? Even some of our very best journalists don't seem to tell the full story when it comes to Russiagate.

  9. russiagate turned TRNN and DemocracyNow into garbage. anyone that bought into it for half a second is disqualified from matters imo. your judgement is clearly way off to miss such an obvious call.

  10. If you're not sure you have no business speaking about it, everything you said before that and after that was to sway opinions

  11. Why don't y'all just say Trump got help, and y'all are going to continue to put up a smoke screen for him while he does all of his anti American deeds, he's a trader and so are those who help him

  12. The Democrats attempted to overthrow Trump and they now accuse him of trying to overthrow Biden. The establishment is about perpetuating the US war machine.

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