Ruling party candidate wins tightly contested presidential race, upsetting China’s ambitions

Gordon Chang discusses Taiwan election Gatestone Institute Senior Fellow and China expert Gordon Chang discusses with Fox News Digital the ramifications of the Taiwan election on U.S. and China relations. Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate William Lai has emerged victorious after a tightly contested presidential election as the island’s next leader, according to Reuters.  Lai, defeated his rival, New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih of the Koumintang (KMT) party, by just over 7% of the vote after Hou conceded at 8 p.m. local time. Taiwan saw around 69% of voters turnout for the election this year – less than the impressive 75% seen in the 2020 election, which saw 13.6 million people turn out to vote, but more than the 66% that turned out for the 2016 election, according to the Taipei Times. The victory marks DPP’s third successive win over KMT for the first time since Taiwan began democratic elections over 30 years ago – the first time a party has done so, with parties retaining control for no more than 8 years before switching places as voter sentiment swayed between the two major parties. Fox News Digital spoke to one woman in the city of Kaohsiung who flew from California to vote in the election. The woman said she voted for Lai for his policy of making the country independent was “good for the people.” She also dismissed the main opposition candidate from the KMT for being too close to China, saying it would be “dangerous” for the country.CHINA THREAT LOOMS LARGE AS TAIWAN VOTES IN PIVOTAL ELECTION: ‘CHOICE BETWEEN WAR AND PEACE’ DPP supporters in Kaohsiung celebrate as their candidate in the presidential election takes a strong lead and the party wins the legislative race in the city over its opponents. (Eryk Michael Smith)Lai held a slender lead going into the final weeks of the election: The last polling, released more than 10 days before the vote, had him averaging five points ahead of Hou, with some polls showing them separated by just one point. Early results however saw Lai take a comfortable lead of around 43.27% compared to Hou’s 34.01% after just about 10% of polling places had reported. The lead narrowed slightly as results continued to trickle in, but not by enough for KMT to have a realistic chance at victory.Hou, joined by major KMT party figures, spoke to his supporters after 87% of the vote had been counted and it became clear that the path to victory had closed. Hou congratulated Lai and declared that all must work together for the good of Taiwan as he thanked voters for their support.  Third-party TPP candidate, former Taipei mayor Ko Wen-je, conceded shortly after Hou did. BIDEN TO SEND DELEGATION TO TAIWAN DAYS AFTER ELECTION IN MOVE LIKELY TO ANGER CHINA Democratic Progressive Party presidential candidate William Lai, votes in southern Taiwan’s Tainan city on Saturday, Jan. 13, 2024. Lai’s election victory means the DPP maintains the presidency. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)Beijing did not indicate which candidate in the field it supported, but analysts identified Hou as the most likely candidate, with his party historically more friendly to the mainland. Chinese officials also went to great lengths to frame the vote as a choice between “war and peace,” with Lai pitched as a separationist who would lead Taiwan to conflict. DPP’s lead in the most recent election proved the tightest win since KMT last took victory in 2012’s presidential election, winning that contest by around just 6 points. The two successive elections saw DPP win back and retain control of the government with double-digit support. TAIWAN APOLOGIZES AFTER EMERGENCY ALERT MISTRANSLATION LED TO ‘MISSILE’ WARNING FOR CHINESE SATELLITE LAUNCH In Kaohsiung voters watch the results come in on large screens in Taiwan’s presidential election. (Eryk Michael Smith)Third-party TPP’s roughly 3.3 million votes is the largest number a third-party candidate has won since the 2000 presidential election.In another historic first, DPP’s vice-presidential candidate, former Taiwanese Representative to the United States Hsiao Bi-khim, is the first mixed-race candidate to hold the position. Hsiao mother is American mother.Heino Klinck, former deputy assistant secretary of defense for East Asia and military attaché to China, previously told Fox News Digital that the election would likely play out fairly straightforwardly. CLICK HERE TO GET THE FOX NEWS APPInstead, Klinck warned that China would more likely retaliate during the months leading up to Lai’s inauguration with military drills and surveillance pressure to try and influence Lai’s posturing ahead of his tone-setting inaugural speech.   Peter Aitken is a Fox News Digital reporter with a focus on national and global news. 

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