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Chinese officials say surge in respiratory illness likely not caused by novel pathogen

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has provided data suggesting the spike in respiratory illnesses in the country is not from a novel pathogen, World Health Organization (WHO) officials claim.Earlier this month, Chinese authorities from the…

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California Senate Shelves Bill Tying Affordable Housing to Climate Crisis, Public Transit

Senate Democrats have removed SB 50 from the docket for the 2019 legislative session. Aiming to tackle housing, public transit and wildfires, it came under fire for loopholes and weak mandates, but policy conversation now…

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China-Russia Partnership Threatens US Global Hegemony

The U.S. expected China to integrate into global capitalism as a subordinate power, but recent deals with Russia show China is moving towards equality in economic and military power Subscribe to our page and support…

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Saudi King Calls on ‘Despots’ to Mecca for Emergency Meeting on Iran

Prof. As’ad AbuKhalil says Saudis attempts to create a united front against Iran has dismally failed. Summits categorically reject the `deal of the century’ by Jared Kushner Subscribe to our page and support our work…

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Biden tries to hide away in Nantucket but can’t escape pro-Palestinian protesters

President Biden retreated to Nantucket, where he normally finds reprieve from the demands of running the country, but pro-Palestinian protesters managed to track him down and remain a reminder of the troubles waiting for him. The…

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After Sudan Massacre, Opposition Demands Immediate Return to Civilian Rule

Sudan was suspended from the African Union following a military attack on  peaceful demonstrators that killed over 100. But Saudi Arabia and UAE continue to support Sudan’s military regime. We discuss the situation with Prof….

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At least 10 dead, 22 injured as fire rips through Pakistan mall

A large fire ripped through a shopping mall in Pakistan on Saturday morning, killing at least 10 people and injuring 22 others.The fire broke out inside RJ Mall, a multi-story building in the southwestern city…

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UN Torture Expert Says Assange Is Victim of Psychological Torture

UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer investigated the situation of Julian Assange, despite initial reservations. He says if Assange is extradited he faces a “politicized trial,” part of the unprecedented international effort to silence…

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Puerto Rico to Receive New Disaster Relief, but Colonial Status Prevents  Economic Recovery

Congress passed a new disaster relief bill, to provide Puerto Rico an additional $1.4 billion. But colonial status, a financial oversight board with conflict of interest, and unfavorable laws ensure that the Island remains mired…

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D Day: Mythology of America as Liberator Feeds Trump’s Militarism

It was the Soviet army that broke Hitler’s back at Stalingrad, but the myth that the American army liberated Europe, serves aggressive U.S. policy, including Trump targeting Iran – historian Peter Kuznick joins Paul Jay…

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Media’s Russiagate Obsession Smears Black Activists

Specious claims that Russians plan to use disaffected African Americans in a covert war against the U.S. reveals the long history of corporate media blaming “outside agitators,” dismissing the Black freedom struggle Subscribe to our…

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Mission to rescue trapped Indian workers stopped as drilling machine breaks down

The race to save 41 construction workers trapped in a tunnel in northern India has hit yet another setback as the drilling machine rescuers have been using has broken down and cannot be repaired –…

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Biden’s Real Union & Labor Track Record

Biden has presented himself as a friend of unions. But does he have a record of showing up for workers? Kamau Franklin and Jeff Cohen discuss his record with host Jacqueline Luqman Subscribe to our…

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Tennessee Passes Law Designed to Intimidate Black Voters

Successful voter registration drives among Blacks have motivated Tennessee lawmaker to pass bill with onerous fines for simple registration mistakes, which will cause voters to think twice about registering. We speak to Ezra Rosenberg of…

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Democrats Face Decision On Impeachment

To impeach or not to impeach? Do Democrats win in 2020 with impeachment, or does Trump? Jeff Cohen and Kamau Franklin discuss the topic with host Jacqueline Luqman Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Russia launches largest drone attack on Ukraine since start of war, injuring 5

Russia on Saturday morning launched its most intense drone attack on the Ukraine capital of Kyiv since the beginning of its full-scale invasion, leaving five people injured, military officials said.Seventy-five Iranian-made drones were launched into…

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New Evidence Suggests 2018 Chemical Attack in Douma, Syria Was Staged

Leaked documents from the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) that were analyzed by MIT Prof. Theodore Postol about the 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria, contradict the official UN report Subscribe to…

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Kim Jong Un claims to see US target regions with spy satellite, including Pearl Harbor and Hickam Air Base

North Korea is claiming its newly launched military spy satellite has provided leadership with photo images of key South Korean and U.S. bases.Kim Jong Un visited the Pyongyang General Control Centre of the National Aerospace…

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Greece Heads Towards New Election – Can Syriza Survive?

Founding member and EU parliamentary candidate Michalis Spourdalakis analyzes Syriza’s recent loss in the EU election and evaluates Syriza’s chances for staging a comeback Subscribe to our page and support our work at **…

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Israel’s horrific video of Hamas atrocities leaves viewers shocked and sickened

JERUSALEM — Over the past few weeks, I have watched from Israel as a 43-minute film containing raw footage of Hamas terrorists’ Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel makes its way around the world. The extreme…

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Where Do the Politics of Reparations Go From Here?

This week, the first congressional hearing on reparations in nearly 12 years was held on Capitol Hill. As the discussion on reparations matures, what needs to happen politically for the effort to move forward? Subscribe…

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Vatican blocks doctrinal changes on homosexual relationships, female priests

The Vatican filed a letter to German bishops prohibiting the prelates’ attempts to change doctrine that condemns homosexual relationships and female clergy. Vatican officials admonished the “German Synodal Way” — the national-level meeting of Catholic leaders…

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Cop Caught on Body Cam Arresting a Man for Talking

The illegal arrest by a Baltimore City cop has lead to charges of false imprisonment and misconduct, but also reveals a deep-rooted reason why police seek to silence critics Subscribe to our page and support…

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‘Deal of a Century’: A Push for the Permanent Occupation of Palestine

Sonya Meyerson-Knox discusses US Ambassador Friedman’s and Chief Negotiator Greenblatt’s comments on annexing Palestinian land and why the Deal of the Century is dead on arrival Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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The Central Park 5 and the Rise of Donald Trump

The Central Park/Exonerated 5 case is a horrifying example of the injustices committed against marginalized youths in the criminal justice system–and it has a deep connection to the rise of Donald Trump. Subscribe to our…

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Venezuelan Community Builds Solidarity Pharmacy to Counter US Sanctions

The economic sanctions have severely affected Venezuela’s ability to import life-saving medicines. At least one community, however, is responding by creating their own solidarity pharmacy. Michael Fox reports Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Are Immigration Detention Centers Concentration Camps?

Aviva Chomsky discusses the reality of refugees coming to the U.S in light of the controversial statement of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez that refugees are kept in concentration camps Subscribe to our page and support our…

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