Tag: Allies

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The Second World War Draws to a Close

The Second World War is drawing to a close, but how quickly it will actually end is uncertain. The worst-case scenario for the Allies would be an unsuccessful crossing of the Rhine, which could slow…

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Battle at the Oder Front: Preparation for Red Army attack

During the final months of World War II, Hitler’s orders to the German Wehrmacht were clear: Surrender was not an option. The German fighter divisions had to be on standby at all times and be…

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The Crossing of the Rhine Line: A Symbolic Victory for the U.S. Troops
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The Crossing of the Rhine Line: A Symbolic Victory for the U.S. Troops

The Rhine has a great historical significance in Germany and is an enormous obstacle for the Allies. Therefore, the crossing of the river requires the most precise preparation in order to advance against the enemy…

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Inside the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp: A Glimpse into History

American troops liberate the Flossenbürg concentration camp and discover the gruesome traces of years of incarceration. Following liberation in April 1945, the conditions of the camp and those imprisoned there were recorded. Documentary: Countdown to…

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Advancing into Hitler’s Reich: US Troops face intense Resistance #documentary #worldwar2

Since the Battle of the Bulge, US troops have faced slow progress and intense warfare, losing over 20,000 lives. Now, they gather to advance into Hitler’s Reich, encountering persistent Wehrmacht resistance. Documentary: Countdown to Surrender…

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The What-If scenario of an Atomic Bomb over New York City in 1945 #worldwar2 #hitler #documentary

Hitler’s desire to attack the American East Coast, including the hypothetical scenario of a German atomic bomb over New York City in 1945, raises questions about the potential outcomes of World War II…. Documentary: What…

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The soviet breakthrough #worldwar2 #hitler #documentary

In January 1945, amid a heavy snowstorm, the Soviets penetrated the Wehrmacht’s defense lines, signaling a decisive turning point and the impending end of the war in favor of the Allies. Documentary: Countdown to Surrender…

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The Rubble Murders of Hamburg after World War 2 | Crime in Post-War Germany | Documentary

During the intervening years between 1945 and 1949, Germany was in a state of chaos and despair following the end of World War II. The postwar period was one of intense violence, and women became…

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