Tag: breaking news

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Skyrocketing Prescription Drug Prices Could Be Key Election Issue

Maryland’s Democratic nominee for governor Ben Jealous has backed a proposal to reign in drug prices, while advocates say incumbent Larry Hogan has helped drug makers ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational…

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Chicago Hotel Workers Strike for Decent Health Care

Chicago’s UNITE HERE union is engaged in one of the largest labor actions in the city in decades, for a new contract for service workers at 30 hotels, with simultaneous strikes at 26 of these….

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Communities Seek Solutions to Keep Billionaires Out of Local Politics

The Real News investigates how new laws are fighting the wave of cash pouring into state and municipal elections, and how local public financing of campaigns might work Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help…

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De-Regulation, and De-Criminalization Set the Stage for the 2008 Financial Crisis (Pt. 1/3)

White collar criminologist Bill Black analyzes how the U.S. got into the 2008 financial crisis and what it means that we have not learnt the lessons from that crisis 10 years later, on the anniversary…

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Chevron Arbitration Ruling Against Ecuador ‘Completely Off Base’

A secret corporate arbitration panel in the Hague ruled that Ecuadorean courts’ $9.5 billion judgement against Chevron for environmental damages is illegal and should not be enforced. We speak to the plaintiffs’ lawyer Steven Donzinger…

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Merchants of Death: How the Military-Industrial Complex Profits from Endless War

A look into how the military-industrial complex fuels endless war for corporate profits. CODEPINK’s Medea Benjamin discusses with TRNN’s Ben Norton her new report on the five largest US weapons manufacturers and their arms deals…

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Bolton Mobilizes the Coalition of the Willing – This Time for Syria

John Bolton warns of joint action in Syria, calling on the UK and France to join. Talk of regime change. The excuse: weapons of mass destruction. Sounds familiar? Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help…

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How Global Warming and Arctic Ice Melt Intensify Hurricanes

Arctic ice melt, due to global warming, not only intensifies hurricanes, but also steers them in previously uncommon directions, which is why Hurricane Florence hit the Carolinas, says Prof. Jennifer Francis Visit https://therealnews.com for more…

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Students Want Change at University Accused of Hiding Sexual Abuse

Students at the University of Maryland Baltimore County protested Monday after a federal lawsuit alleged officials discouraged rape reporting, dismissed cases and destroyed evidence Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by…

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Fossil Fuels Divestment Reaches $6.24 Trillion

Fossil fuel companies own our governments, so the number one goal of the movement is to weaken their grip and and then to expose the failed business model of the industry.  We want them to…

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Biofuels: An Eco-Friendly Alternative to Fossil Fuels?

While biofuels, such as ethanol, are often touted as being environmentally friendly and renewable, they have many negative consequences that more than make up for their benefits, says Rachel Smolker, co-director of Biofuelwatch Visit https://therealnews.com…

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Jair Bolsonaro: Brazil’s Far-Right Version of Trump Leads the Presidential Race

We update our profile of Jair Bolsonaro, who is leading in the presidential race in opinion polls, now that Workers Party candidate Lula da Silva was forced out of the race on corruption charges. Visit…

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10 Years Since Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy – Did the Economy Really Recover? (Pt 1/2)

The Lehman Brothers bankruptcy was the largest in U.S. history and unleashed a financial meltdown. The Banks were saved but not people’s debt, savings or homes. Michael Hudson looks at the economic instability that we…

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Arms Manufacturers In UK Classrooms

Andrew Smith discusses how schools in the UK involve the arms industry to teach school children about weapons manufacture and trade. BAE Systems invests tens of millions of pounds in order to improve its image…

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Media Coverage of Hurricane Florence Leaves Out Crucial Information

Analyses of the media coverage of hurricane Florence show that most outlets leave out the link to climate change and the real dangers the hurricane presents for creating toxic spills. We speak to Lisa Hyams…

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Annie Leonard: Governor Jerry Brown Doesn’t Care About Climate Justice

Greenpeace USA Executive Director Annie Leonard says to be a climate leader, California Governor Jerry Brown must stop issuing new fossil fuel permits, protect frontline communities instead of the oil and gas industry, and begin…

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Author of New IPCC Report Says She Still Has Hope

The IPCC’s new report says we could face irreversible consequences of climate change by as soon as 2030, but a coordinating lead author of the report says policymakers, businesses, and individuals can still make big…

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What Is Behind The Conservative Win In Quebec?

For the first time since 1966 the Quebec governing party will not be the Liberals or the Parti Quebecois. The Conservatives won and the left surged Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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What Does Low Unemployment Rate Mean When Most Jobs Created Are Low Wage?

3.9% Unemployment rate with almost half of new jobs low wage no benefits. And how many stopped looking for work? Saurav Sarkar of the Institute for Policy Studies discusses what’s behind the numbers Visit https://therealnews.com…

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Trump Probably Engaged in Felony Tax Evasion

White collar criminologist Bill Black analyzes the New York Times investigation into Trump’s tax evasion and argues that if true, these would be considered felonies. However, he will probably never be held to account for…

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Is the U.S. Complicit in Saudi Journalist’s Disappearance?

President Trump says the US is pressing Saudi Arabia for answers on the fate of missing journalist Jamal Khashoggi. But new questions are being raised about the US role after a Washington Post report that…

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Trump Tears up Treaties Pushing for War on Iran, Using Bush-Style Iraq Lies

As the US ramps up aggression against Iran, withdrawing from agreements and imposing crippling sanctions, Iranians fear Trump and the neocons he surrounded himself with want war – and are echoing Bush-era Iraq “WMD” lies…

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Will Al Qaeda Leave Syria’s Idlib?

Under a deal that prevented a Syrian military assault on the province of Idlib, “radical” militant groups are supposed to withdraw by October 15th. The al-Qaeda affiliate Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is said to control…

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Brazil’s Presidential Election is Part of a ‘Global Reactionary Cycle’

With the near first-round election of Jair Bolsonaro as president of Brazil last Sunday, the country is on the precipice of a neoliberal neofascism, which fits into a very dangerous larger global cycle towards the…

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Hidden Victims:  The Psychic Toll of a Racist Criminal Justice System

Prominent psychiatrist Dr. Patricia Newton explains the physiological and psychological impact of racism, trauma and violence on black women and communities of color Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating…

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Michael Mann: We Are Even Closer To Climate Disaster Than IPCC Predicts

A new report from the world’s leading body on climate change says we could see catastrophic global warming by 2030, and climate scientist Michael Mann says their predictions are too conservative Visit https://therealnews.com for more…

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Kavanaugh Lied, A Truncated FBI Investigation, & Democrats Search for a Backbone

Why did Democrats not push the fight to the America against Kavanaugh’s appointment? What do we face in the future? What should be our response? Current Affairs politics editor Briahna Joy Gray makes some suggestions…

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