Tag: breaking news

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Haitians Rise Up Against Corruption, Austerity

A corruption scandal in Haiti has ignited a massive protest and thrown the Haitian government into crisis. At issue is the misuse of nearly $2 billion from PetroCaribe, a Venezuela-sponsored program that was supposed to…

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Don’t Forget The Saudi Role in 9/11 – Q&A (Pt 6/6)

Paul Jay says the Saudi dictatorship only exists to enable US domination of the Middle East, and has been committing war crimes for decades with American approval – From a live recording on October 16th,…

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Brazilian Students Protest Police Raids Ahead of Presidential Election

Students and professors rallied across Brazil, following police raids at more than two dozen public universities, attempting to stop “partisan” activity on campus. Mike Fox reports Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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Erdogan Rehabilitates his Image With the Khashoggi Murder

The murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in Istanbul gave Turkey’s president Erdogan a unique opportunity to present himself as a truth-seeker and to manipulate information about the case in his favor and against Saudi…

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Can Washington’s Hawks Sabotage Korea’s Peace?

North and South Korea have made important new steps in their ongoing peace process. But U.S. “discontent” over military de-escalation, along with Trump’s planned withdrawal from the INF treaty, show that Washington neocons are still…

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Calling Brazil’s Presidential Frontrunner ‘Neofascist’ is Accurate

Brazilians face a momentous decision on Sunday, between ‘neo-fascist’ frontrunner Jair Bolsonaro and the Workers Party’s Fernando Haddad. How did Brazil get to this point? We discuss the situation with Alex Hochuli Visit https://therealnews.com for…

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Facebook Purge of Alternative Media Is ‘Just the Beginning,’ Boasts DC Neocon Operative (1/2)

As Facebook and Twitter are purging alternative media outlets, a neoconservative operative at a US government-funded think tank says more censorship is on its way. Max Blumenthal and Jeb Sprague discuss with Ben Norton how…

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US Gov.-Funded Groups Push to Censor Social Media, Using Russia and China as Bogeymen (2/2)

As Facebook and Twitter are purging alternative media outlets, a neoconservative operative at a US government-funded think tank says more censorship is on its way. Max Blumenthal and Jeb Sprague discuss with Ben Norton how…

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Will The US Turn on the Saudi Crown Prince? Q&A (Pt 4/6)

Real News senior editor Paul Jay says the Saudi crown prince is becoming a liability for the Trump administration’s strategy for regime change in Iran – From a live recording on October 16th, 2018 Visit…

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The US Loves Dictators and Volatility in the Middle East – Q&A (Pt 5/6)

Paul Jay says US policy in the Middle East is not aimed at defending national security, but is primarily driven by the interests of arms and fossil fuel industries – From a live recording on…

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Is Orwell’s Big Brother Here? Bezos & Amazon Team up With Defense, CIA & ICE

Silicon Valley giants like Amazon & Palantir team up with ICE to hunt down immigrants, pick out the innocent as potential criminals, and build the cloud for Defense Department and CIA. Is Big Brother here?…

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Pipe Bombs Sent to Trump Critics, Right Wing Nationalist Terror Stalks the Nation

It is not just the pipe bombs that are grabbing headlines, it is the right wing forces seizing power under cover of the Constitution that we need to pay attention to says Henry Giroux Visit…

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Will Turkey Shield Saudi Crown Prince from Khashoggi’s Murder?

Khashoggi’s murder was indeed pre-meditated and botched-up. Did Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman send a package deal to President Erdogan to shield the Crown Prince from the Murder? We speak with Professor As`ad AbuKhalil Visit…

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Baltimore’s Women of Color Lead Charge to Get Out the Vote

Khalilah Harris discusses the role of women of color in driving voter engagement during the midterm elections in Baltimore and beyond Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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European Parliament Bans Single-Use Plastics in Historic Vote

Dr. Jonathan Latham says 95% of table salt contains plastic due to plastics pollution in the oceans Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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District Attorneys Now A Battleground For Progressives This Election

Anoa Changa talks about Rachael Rollins uprecented run for DA in Boston, as Black woman and a progressive. Progressives challenging for local positions as never before. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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MBS Crimes a Distraction for US Regime Change Plan in Iran - Q&A with Paul Jay (Pt 3/6)

Lindsey Graham, a key spokesman for neocons and the military-industrial-complex, has said it’s time for MBS to go – From a live recording on October 16th, 2018 with Paul Jay and Ben Norton Watch full…

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Republican Kemp’s Desperate Moves to Stop Stacey Abrams in GA Gov’s Race

Georgia Republican Gov Candidate Kemp uses voter suppression and scare tactics to stop Stacey Abrams from being first Black woman Governor Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Withdrawal From INF Nuclear Treaty Brings us “Closer to Doomsday” Than any Time Since 1950’s

The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces agreement is one of the most important international treaties and its cancellation will mean a full return to the nuclear arms race and closer to nuclear disaster, says Peter Kuznick of…

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Are Baltimore Police Stealing Overtime?

A new audit concludes that the Baltimore Police Department cannot stop fraud and abuse of overtime, and that controls are so lax that officials can’t determine how many hours officers are actually working Visit https://therealnews.com…

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Supreme Court Stops Deposition Of Commerce Sec Wilbur Ross In Census Citizenship Question

Even though Ross’s memo contradicts his and DOJ testimony, Supreme Court says Sec Ross will not have to testify in the challenge to the 2020 census citizenship question, which threatens to undercount immigrants in the…

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Trump Built a Wall of Fear in Rural America, Can Progressive Ideas Break Through?

A spirited race in Pennsylvania’s newly drawn conservative 11th district became a contest of progressive ideas against Trumpism.  TRNN traversed Lancaster county to find out if the message resonated Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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Trump’s Firing of Jeff Sessions Sparks Marches for Mueller

People across the country are sounding the alarm over Trump’s firing of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the temporary appointment of Matt Whitaker, a perceived Trump loyalist and a Russia probe critic. Robert Weissmann of…

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U.S. Planned Nuclear First Strike to Destroy Soviets and China – Daniel Ellsberg on RAI (6/13)

U. S. cold-war nuclear plan called for all out attack on China, even if it was not involved in the war, says Daniel Ellsberg on Reality Itself with Paul Jay Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories…

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Voting Rights Restored to Felons in Florida: Could It Have Changed the Governor’s Race?

Ballot measure restoring rights to Felons was approved by 64% of the electorate in Florida.  Desmond Meade of Florida Rights Restoration Coalition and Eddie Conway, Executive Producer at The Real News Network discuss battles won…

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Relative to Previous Midterm Elections, Trump’s 2018 Loss Was Significant

Given how well the economy has been doing, Trump, if he were a “normal” president, would have expanded the Republican House majority, not lost it, says CEPR’s Mark Weisbrot Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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Will Kemp Get Away With Suppressing Georgia’s Black Votes?

Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State, Brian Kemp, has declared victory in a heated gubernatorial race, but Democratic opponent Stacey Abrams is not conceding. Kemp purged tens of thousands of votes as part of a crackdown…

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