Tag: breaking news

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Far-Right Wins Presidency in Colombia: ‘A Frightening Result’

Ivan Duque, who is the candidate of former president Alvaro Uribe, won a solid victory for Colombia’s presidency and will probably take Colombia back towards civil war and internal repression, with the help of the…

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Turkey’s Erdogan Allies with Fascists for Election, Repressing Leftists and Kurds

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan formed a coalition with the fascist party MHP for the upcoming snap election. TRNN’s Ben Norton speaks with scholar Baris Karaagac about Turkey’s economic ills, the AKP’s neoliberal nationalist policies,…

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Can North Korea Believe Trump’s Promises?

The United States has a history of not keeping its word. U.S. just withdrew from the Iran agreement, so why would the North Koreans believe the U.S. asks Tom Collina of the Ploughshares Fund Visit…

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Success of N. Korea Meeting Depends on Whether Trump ‘Likes’ Kim Jong-Un

No matter the outcome, whether the talks fail or succeed, both sides will be able to present themselves as winners in this meeting, as either having been tough or for having held a successful historic…

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‘Freedom Flotilla’ Heading for Gaza to Raise Awareness

We speak with Ron Rousseau, the second Vice President of Canada’s Yukon Federation of Labor, who is on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which is now heading south along the coast of France Visit http://therealnews.com for…

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The Kirwan Comission: What’s at Stake for the Future of Maryland Schools?

The Future of Education & The Kirwan Commission. Join us to examine the Kirwan Commission’s policy recommendations with Maryland’s candidates for Governor. If you can’t make it, watch it live at www.therealnews.com Visit http://therealnews.com for…

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“Bankrolling Abuse: Israeli Banks in West Bank Settlements” (2/2)

Omar Shakir, director for Human Rights Watch in Israel-Palestine discusses an investigative report on the illegal role of International and Israeli banks in the West Bank Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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US Movement for Single-Payer Health Care Grows, with Historic NY Bill

As the demand for single-payer health care in the US becomes mainstream, the New York Health Act could lead the way. TRNN’s Ben Norton speaks with Ursula Rozum of Physicians for a National Health Program,…

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Livestock Industry Greatly Underestimates Carbon Emissions, Endangering Paris Climate Agreement

By greatly underestimating their greenhouse gas emissions, the livestock industry is placing the Paris Climate Agreement in jeopardy because we do not know just how big an impact this industry is having on climate change…

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AT&T – TimeWarner Merger: A Disaster for Consumers (Pt. 1/2)

The argument that this merger, which will create one of the world’s largest media giants, is not anti-competitive lacks all basis in reality, says Jeff Cohen of RootsAction.org and FAIR Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories…

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AT&T – TimeWarner Merger: A Disaster for Consumers (Pt. 2/2)

The argument that this merger, which will create one of the world’s largest media giants, is not anti-competitive lacks all basis in reality, says Jeff Cohen of RootsAction.org and FAIR Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories…

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Fake News and the Real Existential Threat, Paul Jay Takes Viewer Questions

Recorded live on June 14th, Dharna Noor hosts a wide ranging discussion with the TRNN Senior Editor Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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Seattle Buckles Under Corporate Pressure, Repeals ‘Amazon Tax’ to Fight Homelessness

Socialist City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant says that as long as corporate Democrats run government, we should expect them to buckle under Amazon’s and Starbucks’ pressure Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work…

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Rev. Barber and Rev. Liz Theoharis Arrested in DC

In Baltimore, Fight for $15 is at the forefront of the 5th consecutive week of the Poor People’s Campaign that will culminate in Washington DC next Saturday, June 23 Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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Trump’s Trade Wars: An Opportunity to Refashion the Intellectual Property Regime?

One of the main arguments for imposing tariffs on China is that China is undermining the intellectual property of US companies. China can now either retaliate against US tariffs or take this opportunity to help…

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Trump Administration Defends Separating Migrant Children from Parents

People across the country are protesting the new policy which Attorney General Jeff Sessions defended by citing a Bible verse previously used to justify slavery Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work…

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Advocates Say Hospitals Should Prioritize Health, Not Profit

On the Marc Steiner Show, Marc talks to Rev. Annie Chambers and Margaret Flowers about the closing of a Baltimore pediatric hospital and how corporate hospitals harm patients and doctors by prioritizing profit Visit http://therealnews.com…

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Two Doctors Laid Off From Pediatric Hospital Speak Out

On the Marc Steiner Show, two doctors who worked at Franklin Square Pediatric Hospital talk about how the loss of the hospital will affect the communities it served Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help…

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Colombia’s Choice: ‘Fascism’ or ‘Protest Vote Without Program’

As Colombians vote in the presidential run-off election this Sunday, they face a stark choice between the far-right/fascist candidate Ivan Duque and the center-left Gustavo Petro. Even though the center-left has enough votes, infighting could…

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Maryland Gubernatorial Krish Vignarajah on Schools, Police, the Environment, and Being a Woman

With the primary just weeks away, Krish Vignarajah talks to Dharna Noor about how she would fund schools and implement criminal justice reform, and explains why Maryland needs women in elected office Visit http://therealnews.com for…

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The Baltimore Bureau Podcast Show

Dharna and Khalilah talk about the future of the Kirwan Commission, how the coming Maryland gubernatorial race will affect public education, the Poor People’s Campaign, and what happens when hospitals prioritize profit Visit http://therealnews.com for…

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New Progressive Georgia County Commissioner Takes Oath on Malcolm X’s Autobiography

Georgia’s new Athens-Clarke County Commissioner Mariah Parker is a 26-year-old PhD student and rapper who took her oath of office on Malcolm X’s autobiography. She discusses with TRNN’s Ben Norton how leftists can start transforming…

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Catastrophic US-Saudi-UAE Attack on Yemen Port City Hodeida Could Trigger Mass Famine

The UN warns millions of Yemenis could starve as US-backed Saudi and Emirati forces attack Yemen’s port city of Hodeida. TRNN’s Ben Norton speaks with Medea Benjamin, who is campaigning to try to end the…

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Heated NY Primary Pits Corrupt Establishment Democrat Against Young Democratic Socialist

In the closely watched upcoming primary in New York, democratic socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is challenging neoliberal Joe Crowley, the chair of the House Democratic Caucus, who Howie Klein says is “the most corrupt Democrat in…

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Koreans Want Peace, Do Liberal Pundits Want War?

In decrying the Singapore summit and Trump’s freeze on U.S. military exercises, liberal pundits are ignoring popular opinion and years of peace activism in South Korea, says Christine Ahn of Women Cross DMZ Visit http://therealnews.com…

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Rattling the Bars: More Arrests And Jail Time do not Make Cities Safer

Executive Producer Eddie Conway uncovers why more arrests isn’t making communities safer. Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational…

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Afghan Refugees Continue Daily Protest at Balikpapan Detention Center in Indonesia

Ehsanullah Sahil, a refugee from Afghanistan who is being held at the Balikpapan Detention Center in Indonesia report on the ongoing protests against miserable conditions at the center Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help…

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