Tag: Britain

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Theoretical scenario: Life under German Rulership #documentary #hitler

British movies and books since the 60s, including the widely translated novel ‘Fatherland,’ delve into the hypothetical scenario of life under German rulership, reflecting people’s fascination with counterfactual narratives amid the profound influence of World…

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As Brexit Throws UK Gov’t in Turmoil, ‘We See Only the Shadows’ of What is Really Happening

Prof. John Weeks talks about what is behind the Brexit maneuvering that has led to Boris Johnson’s and David Davis’s resignations from Theresa May’s cabinet and how this will affect the process by which the…

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British Labour Party’s Anti-Semitism Document: Criticizing Israel Is not Anti-Semitism

Moshé Machover discusses the advances and limitations of the Labour Party’s document on anti-semitism, which represents an important step forward to diffuse an issue that has become an artificial controversy designed to undermine Jeremy Corbyn…

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President’s UK Visit ‘An Opportunity for British People to Unite’ Against Trump

President Trump’s visit to the UK caused important upheavals both in British politics and society, when over 250,000 took to the streets against his visit. Thomas Barlow, of Real Media, talks about the visit’s impact…

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Julian Assange’s Asylum to be Rescinded

Since Julian Assange is now an Ecuadorian citizen, President Moreno must protest his rights, says Alfred de Zayas, former UN independent expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order Visit https://therealnews.com for…

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Is Jeremy Corbyn’s “anti-Semitism Crisis” a Smear Campaign? (Pt. 1/2)

UK Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn is accused of presiding over a surge of anti-Semitism inside the Labour Party. Author Norman Finkelstein and British scholar Jamie Stern-Weiner say that Corbyn’s foes have cynically concocted a fake…

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Is Jeremy Corbyn’s “anti-Semitism Crisis” a Smear Campaign? (Pt. 2/2)

UK Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn is accused of presiding over a surge of anti-Semitism inside the Labour Party. Author Norman Finkelstein and British scholar Jamie Stern-Weiner say that Corbyn’s foes have cynically concocted a fake…

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New US Sanctions on Russia and Iran Raise Tensions, May Backfire

The US has imposed a new round of sanctions on Russia over the Skripal poisoning in Britain, despite the absence to date of evidence. This follows the reimposition of Iran sanctions following Trump’s withdrawal from…

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The Anti-Semitism Campaign Against Corbyn Leaves out Palestinians

Palestinian scholar Ghada Karmi explains that in defending himself from accusations of anti-Semitism, both Jeremy Corbyn – the head of the British Labour Party – and the opposition to him are reneging on their responsibility…

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As UK is About to Leave EU, Key Brexit Issues Remain Unresolved

British Prime Minister Theresa May has famously declared that ‘Brexit means Brexit.’ But with just months to go before her country is due to leave the European Union, key issues like the border between Northern…

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Brexit Agreement: A Deal Between German Manufacturing and UK Finance Sectors

As Britain’s Theresa May inches closer towards a final Brexit agreement, for leaving the European Union, behind the scenes it is not quite the compromise politicians and the media make it out to be, says…

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US Sabotages UN Attempt at Yemen Ceasefire, as Opposition to War Grows in Congress

The Trump administration claimed it would seek a ceasefire in Yemen in 30 days, but the US blocked a UN Security Council resolution submitted by Britain. Colonel Larry Wilkerson discusses with TRNN’s Ben Norton Congress’…

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British Doctors Respond to American Attacks on NHS

Two British doctors fire back at recent criticism of Britain’s Government Run Health Service by Donald Trump and conservative commentators ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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What can Britain Teach the US About Curbing Gun Violence?

After a 1996 school shooting, Britain implemented tough gun control laws. Today they have 100 times fewer gun deaths than the United States Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating…

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The Never-Ending Brexit

The Brexit agreement between the UK and the EU is a temporary arrangement that maintains much of the status quo and does not really provide a clear path forward. As it stands, it could lead…

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Theresa May’s Brexit Blood in Water as UK Tories Circle

UK Prime Minister Theresa May wins a no-confidence vote, but the Conservatives remain split on the Brexit deal, says Jeremy Smith, Co-director of Prime Economics. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work…

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Ecuadorian Ex-Diplomat: Report Claiming Assange Met Manafort Is False

The Guardian report claiming WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange met with Paul Manafort is fake news, says the former consul in Ecuador’s London embassy, Fidel Narváez. But he tells TRNN’s Ben Norton is true that Trump’s…

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Pro-Corbyn UK Labour Councillor on Hunger Strike to Protest British Role in Yemen War

Maya Evans, a Labour councillor in Hastings, Britain, is refusing food for two weeks in a hunger strike protest against the war on Yemen. She was inspired to enter politics after Jeremy Corbyn’s historic leadership…

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Brexit Vote: Will the EU Throw UK PM Theresa May a Lifeline?

In spite of the deep splits among the Tories, Prof. John Weeks says that a Brexit agreement will be made when the EU bails out Theresa May in the lead-up to the EU parliamentary elections…

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UK Brexit Vote Reflects a Deep Crisis in Capitalism (Pt 1/2)

Had the British been presented with the option, people might choose a socialist Britain over a capitalist EU, but they are not given that choice, say Prof. Leo Panitch of York University and Jon Lansman…

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UK Brexit Vote Reflects a Deep Crisis in Capitalism (Pt 2/2)

Had the British been presented with the option, people might choose a socialist Britain over a capitalist EU, but they are not given that choice, say Prof. Leo Panitch of York University and Jon Lansman…

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Labour MP: Future of Humanity Depends on Compliance with International Treaties

Britain’s Shadow Minister for Peace and Disarmament Fabian Hamilton discusses Brexit, Yemen and Trump’s shedding of international arms treaties Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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UK Parliament Rejects Latest Brexit Deal, Corbyn Calls for New Elections

Parliament rejected Theresa May’s latest Brexit deal by a vote of 391-242 just 17 days before Britain is scheduled to leave the European Union ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational…

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Theresa May’s Resignation Could Mean a Hard Brexit

The chaos in Britain’s politics has only intensified in the wake of Theresa May’s resignation and the tremendous losses that Conservatives suffered in the European Parliament election. Prof. Leo Panitch analyzes the result Subscribe to…

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Johnson’s Brexit Mess Now a “Constitutional Crisis”

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson tried to undermine parliament and the Brexit process by temporarily suspending parliament, but now a court has ruled that the suspension is unlawful and a constitutional crisis unfolds, says Grace…

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Over a Hundred Arrested Resisting one of the World’s Largest Arms Fairs

Hundreds of protesters gathered in East London at one of the world’s largest arms fairs seeking to peacefully prevent the Defence and Security Equipment International from going ahead as usual. Subscribe to our page and…

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Brexit Sparks Renewed Calls for Scottish Independence

Britain’s departure from the European Union has sparked calls for another referendum on Scottish independence. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and…

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