Tag: Coal

Posted in Car Mod

Diesel SMOKES a Mustang GT350!

Everybody loves seeing diesel trucks victimize people by rollin’ coal on them..but it’s even better when a Mustang gets dumped on while trying to get through a crowd! At the end of the day, no…

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Trump’s Dirty Energy Appointees Dismantle Clean Energy Controls

Trump’s EPA announced a plan to end Obama’s Clean Power Plan, using coal companies’ proposals, which lowers federal regulations on emissions and allows states to set their own emissions reduction goals. We discuss the proposal…

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Global Carbon Emissions Set to Hit Record High in 2018

From COP24 in Poland, Greenpeace USA’s Naomi Ages says that carbon emissions are set to rise by 2.7% in 2018 due to more coal use in Asia, and that to combat this trend nations need…

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Most US Coal Ash Sites are Contaminating Nearby Groundwater

Coal ash is contaminating water across the nation with toxic chemicals—and Maryland is home to to one of the most polluting sites, according to a new study Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support…

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G20 Members Dole Out Coal Subsidies Despite Climate Crisis Talk

A new report documents G20 member states giving $63.9 billion in subsidies per year to King Coal, while professing the urgency of the climate crisis. The study says this may “underestimate the actual amounts of…

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A German Village Fights for Survival Against Coal Mining

Germany wants to phase out climate-damaging coal power by 2038. But before that, five villages in North Rhine-Westphalia are slated for demolition so that the lignite in the ground beneath them can be mined. Villagers…

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Fossil Fuel Production Plans Could Push Earth off a Climate Cliff

The United Nations is beginning its climate summit in Madrid. Their new report says that if all booked fossil fuel reserves are burned, it could lead to a cataclysmic rise of global temperature by 2100….

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