Tag: daily news

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Is Jeremy Corbyn’s “anti-Semitism Crisis” a Smear Campaign? (Pt. 2/2)

UK Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn is accused of presiding over a surge of anti-Semitism inside the Labour Party. Author Norman Finkelstein and British scholar Jamie Stern-Weiner say that Corbyn’s foes have cynically concocted a fake…

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Are Hamas and Israel Headed to War or to a Ceasefire?

Prof. As’ad Abukhalil on the dangerous game that both Hamas and Israel are playing. Hamas succeeded in challenging the power relations, but the lives of two million Palestinians in Gaza are put at risk in…

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Facebook Taps Militarist Think Tank Atlantic Council to Police its Content (Pt 1/2)

From Alex Jones to alleged Russian trolls, major internet companies are increasingly policing content on their platforms. Max Blumenthal of the Grayzone Project says the partnership between Facebook and the Atlantic Council highlights “the merger…

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Russiagate Frenzy Targets Leftist Sites (Pt 2/2)

Russiagate has deepened the partnership between Washington and Silicon Valley, and leftist websites are among the first casualties. After falsely accusing an anti-white supremacist rally event page of being a fake, Facebook shut down the…

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Berkeley Police Dept Persecutes Counter-Protesters Who Opposed Far-Right Rally

In an unusual move, the Berkeley police Department made public the mug shots and names of counter-protesters they arrested, who had come to oppose a far-right demonstration. Was this an effort to intimidate leftists and…

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New US Sanctions on Russia and Iran Raise Tensions, May Backfire

The US has imposed a new round of sanctions on Russia over the Skripal poisoning in Britain, despite the absence to date of evidence. This follows the reimposition of Iran sanctions following Trump’s withdrawal from…

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The Link Between Immigration and the Military Budget

IPS’s Khuri Peterson-Smith joins Marc Steiner to talk about the connection between the new US military budget and its direct connection to the the immigration crisis and Trump’s policies in both areas Visit https://therealnews.com for…

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Major Legal Victory: Canada’s Kinder Morgan Pipeline Stopped

Canada’s Federal Court of Appeals completely halted work on the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline, scoring a major victory for environmentalists and Canada’s First Nations. It is unlikely that the pipeline project, which would have…

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Kaepernick NFL Collusion Case Moving Ahead; Trump at the Center

Arbitrator ruled that collusion hearing on NFL keeping Colin Kaepernick from playing can move ahead. Trump’s divisive fingerprints are all over this case. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating…

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Brazil’s Supreme Court Disqualifies Lula Da Silva from Running for President

Former President Lula da Silva planned to run for president from prison, but Brazil’s Supreme Court ruled that he cannot and now his Workers Party must scramble to put forward its replacement candidate, Fernando Haddad….

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Koch Brothers-Backed Conservative Archbishop Attacks Pope and “Homosexuals in the Church”

On the heels of the sexual abuse disclosures conservative Archbishop accuses Pope of hiding sexual abuse and attacks “homosexual underground” in the Church. He is backed by the Koch brothers and other right wing Catholics…

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John McCain: Hawkish Voice of Military-Industrial Complex, Paved Way for Trump

John McCain was an extreme war hawk who represented the military-industrial complex on Capitol Hill. And while he sometimes clashed with Donald Trump, their politics were mostly similar, and the Republican senator opened the door…

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Does Russia Benefit If The U.S. Is Weak? Q&A (Pt 5/6)

Part 5 of Paul Jay and Aaron Mate’s interactive discussion with viewers about the real reasons Trump should be considered a traitor by the American people – From a live recording on August 2nd, 2018…

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How Have Liberals Used Russiagate to Further American Exceptionalism? Q&A (Pt 4/6)

Watch Part 4 of Paul Jay and Aaron Mate’s interactive discussion with viewers about the real reasons Trump should be considered a traitor by the American people – From a live recording on August 2nd,…

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Book Alleges Trump is Compromised by Russian Mafia

As the legal cloud surrounding President Trump and his associates grows, the new book “House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia,” argues that Trump is compromised…

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Debate: Who Is Behind Nicaragua’s Turmoil? (Pt 2/3)

Recent months of deadly unrest in Nicaragua have fractured splits in the Sandinista movement, with critics accusing President Daniel Ortega of autocratic rule, and supporters accusing the opposition of attempting a US-backed soft coup. We…

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Debate: Who Is Behind Nicaragua’s Turmoil? (Pt 3/3)

Recent months of deadly unrest in Nicaragua have fractured splits in the Sandinista movement, with critics accusing President Daniel Ortega of autocratic rule, and supporters accusing the opposition of attempting a US-backed soft coup. We…

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Hezbollah Leader Nasrallah Calls Israeli Military Weak: He is Correct

Shir Hever discusses the relationship of mutual admiration that has developed between Israel and Hezbollah, and that Nasrallah’s sources in the Israeli media indicate a continuing erosion of the Israeli military edge in the region….

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50 Years Ago: As World Watched, Chicago Police Attacked Protesters at ’68 Democratic Convention

Mayor Richard Daley unleashed a brutal police attack on anti-Vietnam war protesters at the 1968 Democratic National Convention in Chicago. We discuss the story’s deeper implications for that moment and for today’s world with William…

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Uri Avnery, a Dissident Israel Voice of Non-Racist Zionism

Uri Avnery passed away on August 20th, a man who challenged the Israeli government and demanded rights for Palestinians throughout his life. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at…

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How Has Trump’s Working Class Rhetoric Compared to His Policies? Q&A (Pt 2/6)

Part 2 of Paul Jay and Aaron Mate’s interactive discussion with viewers about the real reasons Trump should be considered a traitor by the American people – From a live recording on August 2nd, 2018…

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Will Putin Support Trump’s Plans for Iran? Q&A (Pt 3/6)

Part 3 of Paul Jay and Aaron Mate’s interactive discussion with viewers about the real reasons Trump should be considered a traitor by the American people – From a live recording on August 2nd, 2018…

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With Reality Winner Sentenced, Does The Intercept Owe Answers?

Reality Winner has been sentenced to five years for leaking an NSA document to The Intercept alleging a Russian cyber-operation targeting the U.S. voting system. Shadowproof’s Kevin Gosztola joins Aaron Maté to discuss major questions…

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Environmental and Union Activists’ Town Hall on the Green Economy

The Baltimore People’s Climate Movement held a town hall meeting on how labor and environmental movements can work together to promote a more just future Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work…

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Hogan Adopts Trump’s ‘Fake News’ Attack on Media

Critics say the popular governor can’t call himself a moderate if he supports policies backed by the Koch Brothers and Donald Trump Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at…

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Does Washington Want a Korean Peace, or Colony?

With U.S.-North Korea talks at an impasse, the Trump administration’s colonial attitude toward the Korean peninsula is threatening the prospects for peace, says Tim Shorrock Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work…

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Black, Latino & Progressive Candidates Rise; Deep Divisions Exposed in Both Parties

Andrew Gillum wins in Florida; African American & Latino candidates win in Arizona and Florida; Progressives and Trumpites win, while deep divisions erupt in Republican party Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our…

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