Tag: demonstration

Posted in Cop Shows

Sig Sauer Range Day with LET

If you’ve ever been to Shot Show in Las Vegas, you know that one of the most exciting parts of it is the range day. During this event, both media and show attendees are able…

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Shooting the Monstrously Powerful Quad M134 Minigun

The extremely powerful quadruple M134 Minigun in action on a shooting range during the Big Sandy Shoot event held annually near Phoenix, Arizona, United States. The Big Sandy is the largest machine gun shoot in…

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Posted in Cop Shows

Albuquerque Police Department APD Junior Police Academy Taser Demonstration

Albuquerque police Department officers provided a live presentation and demonstration of the taser in order to educate the APD Junior Police Academy cadets on the power and effects that the taser has on the human…

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F-22 Raptor in All Its Beauty

A few video episodes showcasing the F-22’s maneuverability that hitghlight the capabilities of the 5th-generation aircraft during aerial demonstrations & air shows. The Raptor performs a wide range of aerial maneuvers making it one of…

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