Tag: donald trump

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Democrats’ Russophobia Hid Trump’s Real Crimes

Gerald Horne and Jeff Cohen join host Paul Jay to unpack the Democrat and corporate media obsession with Russiagate, the foreign policy implications, and how it let Trump off the hook on major policy issues…

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Democrats’ Russia Obsession Let Trump Abandon Nuclear Treaties—Wilkerson and Jay

While there’s ample evidence to indict Trump for obstruction and Democrats naively trusted Mueller, more crucial issue is the missed opportunity to negotiate stronger nuclear weapons treaties—Larry Wilkerson joins Paul Jay Subscribe to our page…

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Trump and GOP Steeped in Corruption, as Corp. Dems Push Cold War Fever

Our weekly roundup panel looks at the fracture lines in the Republican Party and the corporate Democrats continue their frenzy about Russia – with Jacqueline Luqman, Jeff Cohen and host Paul Jay Visit https://therealnews.com for…

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Billions From Deutsche Bank Despite Trump’s Bankruptcies, Defaults, and Financial Malfeasance

The latest developments about Trump’s relationship to Deutsche Bank could be the unraveling with Deutsche Bank and Trump facing a serious legal probe on bank fraud by the House Financial Services Committee chaired by Rep….

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It’s “Pro-Criminal” to Oppose Mandatory Minimums – Gov. Larry Hogan

Veteran police officer Neill Franklin pushes back on recent comments by Maryland’s Republican Governor, and says harsh sentences are not effective in reducing crime Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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The Bizarre Billionaire that Backed Bannon and Made Trump President – a TRNN Documentary

TRNN Documentary: Steve Bannon was fired from the White House on Friday, August 18th, 2017, but most of the media is missing the story of Robert Mercer, the billionaire that brought Bannon to the White…

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Russia Defies US Threats Over Venezuela

Trump insists Russia ‘get out’ of Venezuela; Vijay Prashad says Russia is protecting its own economic interests, billions in outstanding loans Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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Deep Faith in the Deep State Gives Dems a Set Back

Our weekly panel discusses the Mueller Report, as the Democrats and their media allies put their eggs in the Russia-Gate basket and handed Trump a PR victory – Jacqueline Luqman, Jeff Cohen and host Paul…

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Trump and Pelosi Both Cater to Private Health Insurance – RAI with Wendell Potter (1/7)

Trump’s “great healthcare plan” and opposition to Medicare for All’s “socialism” and Pelosi’s defense of the ACA and opposition to single-payer are both aimed at garnering support from the private insurance industry Watch full series…

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Trump’s Tweets Fuel Media Slander and Death Threats Against Ilhan Omar

James Zogby, of the Arab American Institute, analyzes the increasing threat against Arabs and Muslims in America and its impact on 2020 elections Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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Steve Miller and the Nationalist Takeover of the White House

We are in a battle to stop white supremacy from seizing power, says TRNN contributor Jacqueline Luqman Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for…

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Don’t Celebrate: Mueller Report Continues Russiagate Narrative

The Mueller report, while finding no collusion by Trump, did reinforce the narrative that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections to sow discord and disinformation, reinforcing the idea that Russia is an existential threat to…

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From Jim Crow Kentucky to Red Square –  RAI with Stephen Cohen (4/5)

Prof. Stephen Cohen, professor emeritus of politics at Princeton University and of Russian studies and history at New York University, his recent book is titled ‘War with Russia? From Putin and Ukraine to Trump and…

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Mueller Report: A Battle Over Maintaining ‘Imperial Hegemony’  (Pt 1/2)

Gerald Horne and Kamau Franklin discuss the Mueller Report, Russia Gate and whether alleged Russian interference in the US elections is actually significant Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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Will the Mueller Report Help Defeat Trump in 2020? (Pt 2/2)

Trump and his base will remain unaffected by the Mueller Report, and it will mainly serve as a “political football” between Republicans and Democrats, say Gerald Horne and Kamau Franklin, but it can still be…

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Mueller and a Dangerous Moment in Human History – Jay and Curry

The threat of nuclear war; the climate crisis; Trump’s regime change plans for Iran and Venezuela; and confrontation with China are far more significant threats than election meddling – former Pres. Clinton advisor Bill Curry…

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Fear Mongering and Capitalism: A Recipe for Fascism? (1/2)

The effort to sell security to the people of the US is based on stoking irrational fears, something Trump has taken to new extremes, but which Democrats are guilty of as well, explains Charles Derber,…

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Fear Mongering and Capitalism: A Recipe for Fascism? (2/2)

Progressives have been notoriously bad a countering the right-wing fear/security narrative, says Charles Derber. The trick is to address the real dangers, of climate change, economic insecurity, and war Subscribe to our page and support…

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The Calm After the Storm in Venezuela: Opposition and Government Measure Support in Streets

It would seem that the April 30th coup effort by Juan Guaidó backfired and  energized the Chavista base while it demoralized the opposition. Mike Fox reports from Caracas Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Deutsche Bank: Trump’s Money Laundering ‘Criminal Organization’

In 1990 Trump reorganized his finances and no bank would lend him money except for Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank has already paid $600 million dollars in fines for money laundering says David Cay Johnston. Subscribe…

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Trump Provokes Iran With Intensified Economic War

Trump and Bolton’s strategy is to bait Iran into a war Bolton’s wanted for twenty years – says Trita Parsi, President of the NIAC Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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Trump’s New Policies to Limit Asylum

Having failed to force the courts to bend to his will, Trump has now resorted to backdoor and covert measures outside of legislation to keep asylum seekers from crossing the border. We speak to Helena…

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Mueller’s Statement: Why is it Unconstitutional to Indict a Sitting President?

Mueller says a legal analysis of a DOJ Policy prevented him from charging the president. Professor Doug Colbert says one objective for Mueller was to put some distance between himself and Attorney General Barr’s representation…

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The New Authoritarians

David Renton discusses his new book The New Authoritarians: Convergence on the Right. Although the new wave of right-wing politicians is not fascist, it is dangerous and must be studied closely in order for the…

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Trump’s Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia: An Impeachable Offense?

Trump pulled an end run around Congress when he declared a national emergency letting him sell arms to Saudi Arabia. We speak to RootsAction’s David Swanson about whether the move is an impeachable offense Subscribe…

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D Day: Mythology of America as Liberator Feeds Trump’s Militarism

It was the Soviet army that broke Hitler’s back at Stalingrad, but the myth that the American army liberated Europe, serves aggressive U.S. policy, including Trump targeting Iran – historian Peter Kuznick joins Paul Jay…

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The Central Park 5 and the Rise of Donald Trump

The Central Park/Exonerated 5 case is a horrifying example of the injustices committed against marginalized youths in the criminal justice system–and it has a deep connection to the rise of Donald Trump. Subscribe to our…

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