Tag: economic policy

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Franco’s Foreign Policy Successes | Spain’s Forgotten Dictatorship Ep. 4 | Documentary

Franco’s foreign policy successes opened up new perspectives in Spain in the mid-1950s, which brought the country forward again after a long period of stagnation. The renewed legitimization of Franco’s rule led to dwindling resistance…

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Franco after World War 2 – Spain’s Forgotten Dictatorship Ep. 3 | Documentary

At the conclusion of the Second World War, a reconfiguration of the global political landscape took place. The Allies began to categorize nations distinctly as either champions or adversaries of democracy. Franco found himself in…

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The Reign of Franco – Spain’s Forgotten Dictatorship Ep. 2 | Documentary

Dive into the compelling narrative of Francisco Franco’s rule in “The Reign of Franco – Spain’s Forgotten Dictatorship Ep. 2”. This documentary explores Franco’s ascent during the Spanish Civil War, his alliances with fascist leaders…

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Fed Comes to its Senses, Lowers Interest Rate

After causing almost every recession of the past several decades, the Federal Reserve is lowering interest rates before a recession takes hold. This represents an important shift in the Fed’s policy, says CEPR’s Mark Weisbrot…

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Yesterday’s Man: Biden’s Neoliberal Economic, Foreign Policy Record

Branko Marcetic discusses Joe Biden’s neoliberal economic policy and his neoconservative foreign policy record, as covered in his book, “Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden.” Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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