Tag: Impeachment

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Does the Cohen Tape Spell Trouble for Trump?

Longtime Donald Trump fixer Michael Cohen has released a recording of him and Trump discussing the financing for a hush money deal with Karen McDougal. Allan Lichtman of American University, author of “The Case for…

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Col. Larry Wilkerson on Mueller and Courage to Impeach Trump

Chuck Schumer to Nancy Pelosi, democrats are cowardly, incompetent and without courage to begin impeachment proceedings says Col. Larry Wilkerson Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Mueller’s Statement: Why is it Unconstitutional to Indict a Sitting President?

Mueller says a legal analysis of a DOJ Policy prevented him from charging the president. Professor Doug Colbert says one objective for Mueller was to put some distance between himself and Attorney General Barr’s representation…

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Trump’s Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia: An Impeachable Offense?

Trump pulled an end run around Congress when he declared a national emergency letting him sell arms to Saudi Arabia. We speak to RootsAction’s David Swanson about whether the move is an impeachable offense Subscribe…

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Democrats Face Decision On Impeachment

To impeach or not to impeach? Do Democrats win in 2020 with impeachment, or does Trump? Jeff Cohen and Kamau Franklin discuss the topic with host Jacqueline Luqman Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Trump Impeachment Case Keeps Getting Stronger

White collar criminologist Bill Black outlines why the case against Trump was strong even without a quid pro quo with Ukraine, and that his defense strategy now gives reason for obstruction of justice charges. Subscribe…

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‘The Civil War Is Here’

Jeet Heer of The Nation explores the deepening political divide, the growing support for impeachment, and the political battles that it will define. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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As Dems Focus on Impeachment, Trump Heads to “Imperial Governance“

The Trump administration is undermining our nation from immigration to the environment, while his tweets and impeachment distract us. Add it all up, says our guest, we can see how he threatens what remains of…

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Trump Spouts Conspiracy Theories and Attacks Omar at Minnesota Rally

Trump’s attacks on the impeachment process and Minnesota’s Somali-refugee community are an appeal to America’s far-right militia movement, say professors Joe Lowndes and Gerald Horne. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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How Corporate Media Fueled Trump’s Rise

Co-author Nolan Higdon discusses “United States of Distraction: Media Manipulation in Post-Truth America (And What We Can Do About It).” Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Trump: The Most Corrupt President in US History

So says whistleblower and former federal investigator Bill Black, who defines with fine detail what will likely be emerging from the impeachment hearings. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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Impeachment Begins; Trump Panics as Facts Unfold

Even though it is becoming clear that Trump violated the Constitution, the partisan divide is only getting deeper. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended…

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11 Pro Impeachment Activists Arrested at Sen. Mitch McConnell’s Office

“By The People” is a grassroots group that has been pushing for impeachment for a long time. Instead of taking a pause to celebrate victory, they showed up at Senator McConnell’s office to demand that…

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Debate: Is Impeachment the Best Way to Get Rid of Trump?

Jacobin Magazine hosted articles on either side, Real News now hosts their debate. Does Impeachment make any sense? Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended…

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Across America Thousands March To Support Trump’s Impeachment

People turned out in over 600 communities all over the United States calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment. David Siever of MoveOn talks about what this means and what happens next. Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley…

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Impeachment Trial Won’t Be Impartial and Won’t Convict Trump

Legal scholar Marjorie Cohn says ‘Vichy Republicans’ are making a mockery of the constitutionally mandated impeachment process. Director/Video Editor: Taylor Hebden Audio Engineer: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Subscribe to our page and support…

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Trump Will Be Acquitted but the Political Struggle Has Just Begun

When McConnell opened his mouth it was done; but impeachment revealed a lot: most Americans want him convicted and the possibility of a Giuliani indictment means this is far from over Director/Video Editor: Cameron Granadino…

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How Capitalism’s Structural and Ideological Crisis Gives Rise to Neo-Fascism

Globalization sociologist William I. Robinson explains how global capitalism has been mired in a structural crisis since the 1970s, but especially since 2008, which has also led to a crisis of legitimacy, giving rise to…

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At first Biden impeachment inquiry hearing, Republicans try to make their case

House Republicans on Thursday are holding the first hearing in their impeachment inquiry into President Biden after outlining the basis for the inquiry in a 30-page memo. But they haven’t made public concrete evidence to…

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How impeaching a president works

The House on Thursday held the first hearing in an impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden. Over the past few years, the House twice launched probes that led to the impeachment of former President Donald…

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Where government shutdown talks stand two days ahead of deadline

Lawmakers on Capitol Hill are running out of time to avert a government shutdown with no deal that can pass both the House and the Senate anywhere in sight. CBS News congressional correspondent Nikole Killion…

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House Republicans hold first hearing on Biden impeachment inquiry | full video

House Republicans held the opening hearing Thursday in their impeachment inquiry into President Biden. The chairmen of the Oversight, Judiciary and Ways and Means committees outlined the factual and legal basis for the inquiry and…

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House Republicans contradicted by their own witnesses at Biden impeachment hearing

House Republicans held their first hearing on the impeachment inquiry of President Biden Thursday. For more than six hours, GOP members insisted they have evidence of wrongdoing by the president, only for their own witnesses…

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House Republicans hold 1st Biden impeachment hearing as shutdown looms

House Republicans held the first hearing of their impeachment inquiry into President Biden on Thursday as the U.S. government inches toward a possible shutdown. CBS News congressional correspondent Nikole Killion reports from Capitol Hill. #news…

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House Republicans subpoena Hunter and James Biden’s bank records

Republicans on the House Oversight Committee have subpoenaed the banking records of President Biden’s son and brother — Hunter and James Biden. The subpoenas request all documents or communications in the bank’s possession from the…

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Double life of FBI agent Robert Hanssen, Biden warns of threats to democracy, more | America Decides

Strain on House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Congress to avoid shutdown; Why the story of FBI double-agent Robert Hanssen intrigues. #news #politics #governmentshutdown CBS News Streaming Network is the premier 24/7 anchored streaming news service…

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Neo-fascists found their voice in Trump. Where will the left’s voice come from?

Between the Trumpist insurgency at the U.S. Capitol, Democrats’ Senate wins in Georgia, COVID-19, and the internal battles raging within both parties, history is moving fast these days. In this episode of “The Marc Steiner…

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