Tag: Ivan Duque

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Far-Right Wins Presidency in Colombia: ‘A Frightening Result’

Ivan Duque, who is the candidate of former president Alvaro Uribe, won a solid victory for Colombia’s presidency and will probably take Colombia back towards civil war and internal repression, with the help of the…

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Colombia’s Choice: ‘Fascism’ or ‘Protest Vote Without Program’

As Colombians vote in the presidential run-off election this Sunday, they face a stark choice between the far-right/fascist candidate Ivan Duque and the center-left Gustavo Petro. Even though the center-left has enough votes, infighting could…

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Month-Long Student Strike Paralyzes Colombia’s Public Universities

Colombia’s university students face on-going repression of their protests, while they continue their month-long university strike, demanding adequate funding for the public university system. Recently elected conservative president Ivan Duque faces his first crisis. We…

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Dramatic Increase in Political Violence in Colombia due to Abandonment of Peace Agreement

Recent human rights reports show that murders of social leaders have skyrocketed since Colombia’s right-wing President Ivan Duque came into office in 2017. Activist Manuel Rozental speaks to us about the situation from one of…

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Colombia’s President “Wants War,” FARC Dissidents Comply

Colombian activist Manuel Rozental explains that the flawed 2016 peace agreement with the FARC rebels was an important step forward, but now FARC dissidents are giving in to the government’s push for more war Subscribe…

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Colombian Students, Unions Mobilize Against Neoliberal Reforms While Government Stalls

Hundreds of thousands protested throughout Colombia in the past days against neoliberal reforms and the government’s failure to comply with an agreement to increase education funding. Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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