Tag: muslim brotherhood

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Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Is Being Pushed By ‘Islamophobia Industry’

Civil rights lawyer and activist Arjun Singh Sethi says, “Even the CIA actually came out and said it would be a mistake, because in many ways the Muslim Brotherhood more recently has been a force…

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US Has No Moral Authority to Deem Muslim Brotherhood ‘Terrorist’

As’ad Abukhalil shares his perspective on the Trump administration’s stated intent to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, pointing out that the U.S. has killed countless civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq in recent years…

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Morsi’s Death Represents the Demise of Hope for Democracy in Egypt

Professor Seif Da’na discusses the circumstances under which former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi collapsed and died and the Egyptian government’s fear of an uprising Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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Turkey’s Bounty on Ex-Palestinian Security Chief Reveals Web of Intrigue

Palestinian security chief Mohammed Dahlan was involved in mercenary operations in Palestine and Yemen, and was expelled from Palestine’s Fatah party. Evidence of his involvement in the 2016 coup attempt in Turkey reveals his operations…

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