Tag: peru

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Countries Alarmed Over Venezuelan Migration Forget History of Venezuela’s Acceptance of Migrants

As governments in Latin America hold emergency meetings to discuss how to curtail the influx of Venezuelans escaping their country’s economic crisis, they forget how Venezuela for the longest time took in economic refugees escaping…

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The Year in Latin America: The Right Continues to Advance, but so do Popular Movements

2019 presented a complicated and mixed legacy for Latin America. Right-wing governments continued to make electoral in-roads, but popular uprisings against neoliberalism also left their mark on the region, says TRNN’s Greg Wilpert. Director: Taylor…

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What’s happening in Peru? Coup and protests explained

TRNN reports from Peru, speaking directly with union leaders and protestors battling to save their nation’s future and democracy. Read the transcript here: https://therealnews.com/they-treat-us-like-animals-perus-anti-coup-protests-explained Video editing, script writing: Gabriela Modesto Production, editing, English voiceover: Rael…

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From Brazil to Peru, the far right is on the move in Latin America | The Marc Steiner Show

Read the transcript of this episode: https://therealnews.com/from-brazil-to-peru-the-far-right-is-on-the-move-in-latin-america Between former Peruvian president Pedro Castillo being removed from office and Jair Bolsonaro’s far-right supporters in Brazil storming the halls of government in a January 6-style coup attempt,…

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‘We will die for our motherland’ | Peru fights back against Boluarte coup government

Over 50 people have been killed by military and police in more than two months of demonstrations for new elections and a new constitution following the ouster of democratically-elected President Pedro Castillo. Producer: Martín Varese…

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