Tag: police brutality

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New Details Of Deadly No-Knock Warrant Show Just How Reckless Police Can Be

PAR uncovers new information on the dangers of serving no-knock warrants and analyzes the raid that killed 26-year-old EMT Breonna Taylor. Cop watcher Kenneth Dunham alleges continued intimidation from local Oregon police. Please join journalists…

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Outrage In Minneapolis After Police Killing Caught On Video

The city roils after the death of George Floyd as police confronted protesters and the mayor urged prosecutors to charge the officers involved. Please join journalists Taya Graham and Stephen Janis for this important episode…

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Protesters Demand Justice For George Floyd

Justice for George Floyd means prosecuting the officers responsible for his death and ending American apartheid, argues Dr. Lawrence Brown. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Thousands In Baltimore March For Justice For George Floyd

Protesters blocked streets and highways to demand politicians end police brutality and economic violence amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended…

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Why The Black Environmental Justice Network Is Relaunching

Founded in 1999, the coalition paused its work in 2006. The relaunch aims to bring environmental racism and enforcement of environmental regulation back into focus. Producer: Steve Horn Ericka Blount Danois Video Editor: Oscar León…

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Say Her Name: On Average, Police Kill One Black Woman A Month

Historically, Black women like Fannie Lou Hamer, Atatiana Jefferson, Breonna Taylor, Korryn Gaines, and Eleanor Bumpers, who were killed or brutalized by police officers, receive less community outrage and media coverage than their male counterparts….

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Activists Push Police Out Of Schools In Madison, WI

Queer, trans, and Black students organized for their safety and dignity and pushed for the removal of police from Madison public schools. Director/Video Editor: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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A Blueprint For Violence: Police Training Manual Reveals Disturbing Methods

A training manual obtained by PAR raises questions about what cops are being taught and how they handle encounters with civilians. PAR speaks with Jaelyn Cedillo of Pueblo, CO, whose brother was gunned down by…

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Who Controls The Money When We Defund Police?

Do we trust the police to defund and restructure themselves? Will community control really guarantee permanent changes to policing as we know it today? Frank Chapman is executive director of the National Alliance Against Racist…

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Cop Pulled A Gun On Woman’s Unarmed Son, Then Used Facebook Posts Against Her In Court

PAR investigates police use of Facebook posts in the cases of Korryn Gaines, Arturo Adame, and Michael Avery, and follows Erica Hamlett’s fight for accountability for an off-duty officer who pulled a gun on her…

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Why Do American Police Keep Shooting People In The Back?

Despite promises of reform, police are still killing. PAR examines the case of Rayshard Brooks, shot in the back twice as he fled police, and speaks with James McLynas, who says his lack of law…

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Police Punish And Wall Street Profits

Taxpayers are paying double for police brutality settlements thanks to local governments buying bonds from Wall Street to cover payouts. San Diego cop watcher Kat from Irate Productions discusses recent police harassment of unarmed residents….

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Leaked FBI Documents Reveal Secret Program To Criminalize Social Media

Simply posting about your presence at a police brutality protest can be used to incriminate you and lead to your arrest. We speak to Portland residents on the ground about the influx of unmarked federal…

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America’s Brutal Police State Expands Its Reach In Portland

The way white moms in Portland are being treated has long been the norm for BIPOC people. Director: Taylor Hebden Video Editor: Sebastian Pituscan Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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The Secretive Source Of Cash Police Unions Use To Block Reform

PAR investigates how police unions use taxpayer dollars to defend brutal police officers and block legislative change. We speak with a New York commuter who was arrested as a “violent” protestor for stopping her bicycle…

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Mainstream media misses damning evidence in Blueleaks police data dump

The massive document dump reveals a troubling trend the mainstream media has overlooked: Tech companies monetizing criminal surveillance. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended…

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The theology of police authority: the impact of Biblical text Romans 13

A deep dive into the inner workings of a church in Kenosha, WI that espouses the scripture of Romans 13 to imbue police authority with the power of the word of God. The department’s theology…

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He exposed police corruption, now cops won’t leave him alone

The story of cop watcher Otto The Watchdog reveals how American law enforcement uses the criminal justice system to retaliate against critics and their families. But Otto is not alone, First Amendment activists, auditors and…

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Breaking: Another cop charged with assault, another example of a broken system

The latest charges against a Baltimore police officer for assault and misconduct highlight the inability of police to police themselves. And we analyze the exceptional privileges afforded to officers by a special set of laws:…

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K-9 attacks: The new (old) face of police brutality

Indiana mother Jennifer Fleming speaks out about the brutal and excessive police dog attack on her 19-year-old daughter and calls for police to rethink how these animals and their handlers are trained. Please join journalists…

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One frightening story reveals the true cost of rural overpolicing

A single dad goes camping with his kids and ends up in handcuffs; Then, PAR talks with Otto the Watchdog, a cop watcher who says he has been targeted for harassment for his First Amendment…

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From Standing Rock and J20 to the US Capitol: Who gets treated like the enemy?

We’ve seen this so many times before, but it never ceases to shock: The brutal disparity between law enforcement’s response to far-right insurgents and its response to Black, Indigenous, and social justice protests reveals which…

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This bodycam footage reveals all that is WRONG with policing

Video obtained by TRNN reporters Taya Graham and Stephen Janis highlights American law enforcement officers’ lack of de-escalation training and respect for civilians. In this week’s PAR, Graham and Janis investigate the questionable arrest of…

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Is the Chauvin verdict a sign of change, or the policing system saving itself?

Derek Chauvin’s defense used every tool at its disposal to keep him from being held accountable for killing George Floyd last May, including David Fowler, former chief medical examiner for the state of Maryland, whose…

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Another police killing in rural America, another case without accountability

(Content warning: Some images and details in this episode are graphic and disturbing.) The horrifying body camera footage of Chico, California, police killing 31-year-old Tyler Rushing is another troubling example of why police violence is…

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A man was tasered in his own driveway, but cops weren’t finished with him

Surveillance footage reveals police assaulting an unarmed man on his own property. While the use of force in the video is shocking on its own, what’s even more shocking is the fact that the state…

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A cop kicked a compliant man in the head, then police tried to cover it up

The brutal assault on a suspect after a high-speed chase that was captured by a security camera reveals how police have many hidden mechanisms to skirt accountability. In this episode, PAR examines not just the…

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