Tag: police unions

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The Secretive Source Of Cash Police Unions Use To Block Reform

PAR investigates how police unions use taxpayer dollars to defend brutal police officers and block legislative change. We speak with a New York commuter who was arrested as a “violent” protestor for stopping her bicycle…

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Police Union Defends CONVICTED COPS Keeping Their Jobs

Why is it so hard to reform the police, let alone hold police accountable for abusing their power? What are the legal and political protections that have put police above the very law they’re supposed…

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Posted in Cop Watch

Inglewood Police Spectator of Police Misconduct

I’ve been recording police and making videos since 2010. I am a freedom fighter, and I am always actively seeking to learn and educate myself and share my factual information with those that want to…

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Posted in Cop Watch


https://petitions.moveon.org/sign/stop-protecting-bad-cops Attorney General Becerra is seeking $477K and 3 positions to handle records requests under SB 1421. Skinner: “It’s hard to see why you need additional funding and positions when you’re not releasing records.” **…

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