Tag: political news

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Venezuela Update: Guaidó Returns, US Continues Threats

Self-declared interim president Juan Guaidó returned to Venezuela without incident, despite having violated a travel ban. NSC chair John Bolton continued his threats against Maduro, warning him not to arrest Guaidó and reaffirming the US’s…

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Ilhan Omar’s Denunciation of Israel Lobby is Not Anti-Semitism – Phyllis Bennis

Democrats’ resolution denouncing anti-semitism is aimed at stopping criticism of Israel and at silencing a Black Muslim refugee woman who is not anti-semitic – Phyllis Bennis joins Marc Steiner Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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Study: Loss of Stratocumulus Clouds Could Precipitate Extreme Global Warming

Professor Tapio Schneider discusses a new study examining the relationship between stratocumulus cloud formation and high levels of atmospheric CO2 Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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Cuba’s New Constitution Indicates Gradual Changes Underway

Cubans voted 87 percent in favor of a new Constitution, which ratifies economic changes already underway, but also indicates some important social changes. Evangelical churches, though, managed to prevent the ratification of same-sex marriage, says…

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The Climate Denier Enablers

Are the leaders of the Democratic Party paying lip service about climate change and creating conditions for a climate denier President to ignore the crisis? – with Jacqueline Luqman, Eugene Puryear, Norman Solomon and host…

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Black History Month Spotlight: Maria Broom – Actress, Storyteller, Teacher and Dancer

Maria Broom talks about her career in Baltimore, starting as a reporter at WJZ-TV, as a teacher at Baltimore School for the Arts, a storyteller and a world-renowned dancer and theater and television actress. Broom…

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Mexico’s Monetary Policy Traps it in Poverty

Prof. Carlo Panico discusses his new report on the use of irresponsible monetary policy, which causes a constant decline in public investment. Mexico has emerged from a series of financial crises, and yet the policy…

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Clinton-Era Official Says Left Should Lead Following Center-Right Failures

Bill Black analyzes Assistant Secretary of Treasury Brad DeLong statement that neo-liberals should get out of the way and let the left lead since coalition with Republicans did not work Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories…

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UN Commission Report Accuses Israel of War Crimes in Gaza

International law professor Kevin Jon Heller discusses the report of the UN Human Rights Council, which says Israel must be held accountable for war crimes committed against unarmed civilians and that Israeli courts do not…

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Can the Jewish National Fund Dedicated to Ethnic Cleansing be Considered a Charity in Canada?

Rabbi David Mivasair, Corey Balsam, and Ismail Zayid discuss their joint efforts to revoke the JNF’s charity status in Canada, but the Canadian authorities have a long history of supporting Israeli colonization in Palestine. www.stopthejnf.ca…

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PM Justin Trudeau Admits Electoral Concerns Are Primary in SNC-Lavalin Interference

Dimitri Lascaris and Yves Engler discusses PM Justin Trudeau’s claim that his interest in the case was to save jobs. Lascaris says that the jobs are not lost – they would simply move to other…

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Thousands Mark International Women’s Day Worldwide

In Leeds, UK, dozens demanded an end to austerity and equal pay for equal work Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is…

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Chelsea Manning Jailed for Refusing to Cooperate with Wikileaks Grand Jury

Chelsea Manning said her testimony before her court martial is all she has to say, standing by her resistance to secret grand juries as her activist ancestors did before her. Kevin Gosztola, Managing Editor of…

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Eight States Have Proposed Bills in 2019 Hyper-Criminalizing Pipeline Protest

Eight different statehouses have seen bills move across the desks’ of their legislators which, if signed into law, would dole out heavy criminal penalties to protesters who participate in direct actions on private property owned…

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Charting a Progressive Foreign Policy for the Trump Era and Beyond

As President Trump destabilizes America’s role in the world, progressives have a unique opportunity to define a new foreign policy for America. But while the ascendant progressive movement in Congress has advanced a bold agenda…

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Trump’s “Coalition of the Willing” Against Venezuela Has Legitimacy Issues of Their Own

Many right-wing South American governments that are supporting Trump’s effort to oust Venezuela’s President Maduro have their own legitimacy issues, such as Brazil and Honduras. Others are deeply dependent on the US, such as Argentina…

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Would Austerity-Stricken Puerto Rico be Better off as an Independent State?

Dr. José Caraballo-Cueto examines the economic prospects of an independent Puerto Rico Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational…

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Billionaire Owners of Purdue Pharma Pushed Opioid Drug OxyContin Knowing it Could Kill

Released depositions revealed that Richard Sackler, owner of Purdue Pharma, lied to physicians about the danger of OxyContin. Now Purdue Pharma is considering declaring bankruptcy to avoid lawsuits. Tarbell.org founder Wendell Potter discusses the case…

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U.S. Peace Delegation to Iran Welcomed by Foreign Minister, Met by FBI Agents on Return

Code Pink delegation members Medea Benjamin, Margaret Flowers and  Kevin Zeese, speak about the highlights of their trip, a 90 min meeting with Foreign Minister Javad Zarif and more. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and…

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Trump Budget Showers Pentagon with Cash—Preparing for War? – Wilkerson & Jay

Trump’s budget more than doubles OCO war-fighting slush fund and proposes cutting social safety net by 9% at a time when White House rhetoric against Iran is heating up and Netanyahu, Mohammed bin Salman, and…

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Labour MP: Future of Humanity Depends on Compliance with International Treaties

Britain’s Shadow Minister for Peace and Disarmament Fabian Hamilton discusses Brexit, Yemen and Trump’s shedding of international arms treaties Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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Is ICE Trying to Intimidate Anti-Trump and Anti-ICE Protest?

An investigation published in The Nation discovered that ICE has been tracking anti-Trump and anti-ICE protests in New York City. Activists find this especially disturbing in light of ICE’s effort to deport immigration rights activist…

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Israeli Policies Force Family Separations

Al Haq’s director Shawan Jabarin discusses a new report exposing the complex system of restrictions Israeli authorities impose to control access to Palestinian territory and to stop family reunification. The consequences is to slowly force…

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As Ukraine’s Presidential Race Heats Up, Politics Shift to the Right

A brand new face entered the Ukrainian presidential race, promising to clean up the country’s corrupt politics, but the three main candidates are all pro-West and political discourse has moved to the right as the…

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German Jewish Peace Group Wins Peace Prize; Then Attacked as being Anti-Semitic

Shir Hever talks about the Göttingen Peace Prize and how it transformed the debate around Palestinian rights in Germany, despite efforts by right-wing politicians to prevent the prize from being given to Jewish Voice for…

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Venezuela Update: Massive Blackout, US Unconventional Warfare?

While Venezuela struggled with the most massive blackout in its history, president Maduro said there is evidence that a US cyber-attack caused the blackout. Meanwhile, Trump administration officials continue the offensive against Venezuela and the…

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Humane Capitalism or Fascism and War – Q&A with Paul Jay

A viewer asks why did Paul say that capitalism led to World War I, and another viewer asks if humane capitalism is the answer to today’s problems – Paul Jay joins Taya Graham Visit https://therealnews.com…

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