Tag: public transportation

Posted in News

As Trump Nixes California High Speed Rail Money, San Diego Considers Mass Transit Plan

San Diego, with some of the worst ozone levels and highest population of any U.S. county, has unveiled a plan to massively restructure its public transit system in the name of tackling the climate crisis….

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Posted in Cop Shows

Nickel Ninja Strikes in L.A. | OFF THE CUFF: EP. 14 CLIP

The highlight from this week’s podcast episode is when Dave’s daughter Ally answers her phone in L.A. and tells the story of being hit in the clavicle with a nickel by a crazy lady on…

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Posted in Cop Shows

Police Use of Force Doesn’t Look Good (MTA TRAIN ARREST)

In a recent use of force situation on an MTA train in Los Angeles, an LAPD Sgt. removed an 18 year old female from the train for a violation of the MTA code of conduct….

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