Tag: Rafael Correa

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Arrest Warrant for Ecuador’s Ex-President Correa: Based on “No Evidence”

The prosecution of ex-president Rafael Correa is a blatant attempt to prevent the return of Correa to Ecuador, as the country’s most prominent opposition leader, says former foreign minister Guillaume Long Visit http://therealnews.com for more…

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Rightward Shift in Latin America Spelling End of Regional Integration

The Union of South American Nations – UNASUR – was an ambitious project to integrate South America not just on economic terms, but also on political and social terms, but the rightward drift in Latin…

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Ecuadorian Ex-Diplomat: Report Claiming Assange Met Manafort Is False

The Guardian report claiming WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange met with Paul Manafort is fake news, says the former consul in Ecuador’s London embassy, Fidel Narváez. But he tells TRNN’s Ben Norton is true that Trump’s…

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Ecuador’s Lenin: Talks Progressive, Acts Conservative

Local elections in Ecuador over the weekend show that President Lenin Moreno has condemned his own party to irrelevance, while former President Rafael Correa’s new party makes a strong showing Subscribe to our page and…

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Ecuadorian President’s Motives for Surrendering Assange: Vengeance & IMF Loan?

$4.2 billion IMF loan, submission to the US, and vengeance appear to have been President Moreno’s true motives for revoking Assange’s asylum in Ecuador’s London embassy, says Ecuador’s former foreign minister Guillaume Long Subscribe to…

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Ecuador Takes Harmful IMF Loan, Even Though it Doesn’t Need it

According to an analysis of the Center for Economic and Policy Analysis, Ecuador’s recent IMF loan of $4.2 billion comes with strings that will hurt economic growth. Ecuador doesn’t even need the loan, says the…

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Ecuador’s Strike is a Class Struggle, Not an Endorsement of Previous Government

On the second week of massive protests in Ecuador, thousands of indigenous protesters paralyzed the country and thousands more arrived in the capital of Quito, where they marched and eventually faced martial law. They reject…

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