Tag: Ray Schultz

Posted in Cop Shows

Albuquerque Police Department and Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department Memorial Video

The Albuquerque Police Department and The Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department joined at Civic Plaza Downtown to celebrate the lives of our fallen officers and deputies who paid the ultimate sacrifice. http://www.odmp.org/search?ref=global&query=Albuquerque http://www.odmp.org/search?ref=global&query=Bernalillo On hand for…

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Posted in Cop Shows

Albuquerque Police Department 2012 Dodge Charger Police Car

APD – Albuquerque Police Department is changing in the look of its police cruisers to black and white. Mayor Richard J. Berry and Police Chief Ray Schultz unveiled this black and white prototype design which…

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Posted in Cop Shows

Albuquerque Police Department Cops for Kids 2012 Video

http://www.cabq.gov/police The ALBUQUERQUE POLICE DEPARTMENT had their 18th, annual Cops for kids program on Sunday, December 9th, 2012. Each year approximately 100 under privileged children participate in this one day event. Each child is paired…

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Posted in Cop Shows

Albuquerque Police – Shootings of Officer Mike King and Richard Smith Chief’s Memorial Run

A cross town shooting rampage horrified people across Albuquerque. Diagnosed schizophrenic John Hyde killed five people … including two police officers Micheal (Mike) King and Richard Smith who went to his home to pick him…

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