Tag: real news

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The US is the ONLY country sentencing children to life without parole. A movement is fighting back.

Sonia Kumar, senior attorney at the ACLU of Maryland, explains the movement to restore the parole option to people sentenced for serious crimes in childhood. Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis…

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Former cop became cop watcher after this fraught encounter with police

What would cause a former cop to cross the thin blue line and use his camera to monitor law enforcement and hold police accountable? For well-known police auditor James Madison, it was a fraught encounter…

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Big Agriculture’s bleak future for all of us

A proposed concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) in Burnett County, Wisconsin, is slated to house 26,000 hogs and produce millions of gallons of liquid manure every year. Residents fear the irreparable damage an operation of…

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Cops illegally took his camera … but they weren’t ready for what happened next!

Holding police accountable requires defending the First Amendment right to put them on camera. This is why Philip Turner, known on YouTube as The Battousai, fought to solidify that right in Turner v. Driver, a…

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Remembering George Jackson, revolutionary author and activist

To celebrate Black August, TRNN Executive Producer and former Black Panther Eddie Conway talks with Claude Marks about the life and legacy of revolutionary author and activist George Jackson 50 years after his assassination. Help…

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Who won the War in Afghanistan? The Taliban and defense contractors

After tens of thousands of lives lost and trillions of dollars wasted, the US departure from Afghanistan has left the Taliban in total control. How can we begin to measure the human and financial cost…

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The Mediterranean is on fire

After experiencing the most severe heatwave in decades, Mediterranean countries like Greece, Turkey, Italy, Algeria, Morocco, and Spain have been in the midst of a wave of destructive and deadly wildfires that have displaced thousands…

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The moratorium extension won’t end evictions

Progressives celebrated as Biden extended the eviction moratorium. But three housing advocates in a city with one of the nation’s highest eviction rates warn that renters were never really protected during the pandemic. Help us…

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Cops want him to plead guilty to see his kids, but he’s fighting back instead

Just how far will the criminal justice system go to quash dissent? The case of popular police auditor Otto the Watchdog is a cautionary tale of how far prosecutors and cops will go to pursue…

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Slavery still exists in the US, but these CA organizers are working to end it

Thanks to the 13th Amendment, slavery still exists in the US in the form of low- or no-wage prison labor. But organizers like Jeronimo Aguilar and John Cannon are working to end this practice for…

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We are running out of time to stop runaway climate change

Deadly heat waves, wildfires, melting ice sheets, and devastating floods around the world are just a small taste of what humanity will continue to face if it fails to dramatically reduce carbon emissions, according to…

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Connecticut made prison phone calls free. Other states should do the same

After Gov. Ned Lamont signed a new bill into law in June, Connecticut became the first state in the US to make phone calls free for incarcerated people, including those in juvenile detention facilities. Studies…

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Striking Alabama coal miners protest corporate greed at NYC BlackRock headquarters

Striking Alabama coal miner Mike Wright says workers at Warrior Met Coal are taking their calls for fair pay and benefits to the NYC headquarters of their company’s biggest investor: BlackRock Help us continue producing…

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Palestinian villagers fight against illegal Israeli settlements in Beita

In early May, a group of Israeli settlers arrived with caravans and set up an illegal outpost on the top of Jabal Sabih on the outskirts of Beita, which is located in the northern occupied…

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Cops made his life a living hell. Judges are making it worse

Offensive Facebook posts led to the arrest of activist Joshua Martinez. But his treatment in court and $1 million bail reveal the often-overlooked role played by judges in the questionable and unequal implementation of the…

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Big business exploits prison labor instead of paying fairer wages

After surviving a deadly pandemic, workers in the US are reluctant to return to unsafe workplaces for poverty wages. Rather than offer better pay, protections, and benefits, businesses are choosing to exploit prison labor. Help…

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Eviction nightmare begins as Democrats let moratorium expire

As Congress heads out for a long recess without extending the pandemic-related moratorium on evictions, millions face a nightmare scenario.  Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and…

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Ten years after Act 10, Wisconsin teachers are still fighting to rebuild from the rubble

Under Republican Gov. Scott Walker Wisconsin became a “right to work” state, and public sector unions were gutted with the passage of Act 10 in 2011. But teachers like Maricela Aguilar Monroy haven’t stopped fighting….

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Will new governments in Germany and Norway take serious action on climate crisis?

Recent federal elections in Norway and Germany saw entrenched conservative and neoliberal governments swept from power, replaced by an odd assortment of liberals, leftists, and Greens. In Norway, Europe’s largest oil and gas producer, a…

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US disdain for Haiti & Haitian refugees has a deep history

Just weeks ago, as we reported previously on The Real News, onlookers around the US and around the world were horrified yet again by scenes of pain, desperation, and brutality at the US-Mexico border in…

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Hollywood’s exploited workers speak out

Last weekend, tens of thousands of members of the International Association of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE) voted overwhelmingly to authorize a strike. With 89.66% of eligible members participating and 98% voting to authorize the strike,…

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Free Indigenous political prisoner Leonard Peltier

In this special Indigenous Peoples’ Day episode of Rattling the Bars, TRNN Executive Producer Eddie Conway speaks with author and activist Ward Churchill about the wrongful imprisonment and deteriorating health of Indigenous political prisoner Leonard…

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Kellogg’s workers across US go on STRIKE

Like Frito-Lay, Nabisco, John Deere, and Heaven Hill Distillery, cereal giant Kellogg’s has seen consumer demand skyrocket during the pandemic, reporting profits of $1.25 billion in 2020. To meet this demand, many workers in Kellogg’s…

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The COVID-19 scandal Tucker Carlson doesn’t want you to know about

America’s most popular TV host, Tucker Carlson, continues to share baseless COVID-19 conspiracy theories with his millions of Fox News viewers while comparing vaccine mandates to authoritarian overreach. In reality, though, Carlson’s pushing of debunked…

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‘Fighting to free our people’: 55 years of the Black Panther Party

In October of 1966, the Black Panther Party was founded in Oakland, California. Since then, the Panthers have been a driving radical force for Black liberation, self-defense, and community organization and self-determination. In this special…

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Robin DG Kelley: Fighting for freedom in the face of capitalist apocalypse

The world was a very different place when Robin DG Kelley’s renowned book Freedom Dreams: The Black Radical Imagination was first published in 2002. As the reality of post-9/11 America and the war on terror…

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A staggering number of inmates have died in Louisiana prisons

In the state of Louisiana, 786 inmates—none of whom were ever sentenced to death—died behind bars between 2015-2019 while serving out their prison sentences. Since Black people are already incarcerated at disproportionate rates, these deaths…

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