Tag: real news

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Chris Hedges: Mass politics must be rooted in class struggle

From the social upheaval embodied in Donald Trump’s presidency and the 2020 uprisings for racial justice to rampant corporate plunder and increasingly widespread labor unrest, the conditions for an organized mass political movement exist in…

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Global ‘hyper-inequality’ exploded during the pandemic

The concentration of wealth in the hands of a select few has become a global problem that poses a threat to the basic functioning of our societies. According to a landmark new analysis by the…

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‘It is torture’: Women in Maryland’s prisons have nowhere to turn

Pre-release and minimum security facilities connect incarcerated individuals to essential resources for re-entering society and to opportunities for work release, special leave, compassionate leave, and family leave. In the state of Maryland, there are nine…

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Hollywood makes billions off its underpaid animators

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit and live-action productions in the entertainment industry were put on pause, animated productions carried on, providing millions and millions around the world with entertainment, as they have for over a…

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Stop trying to revive local economies with prisons

Closing prisons and reducing the incarcerated population should be a good thing, but when local economies become dependent on the prison industry it creates many perverse incentives for keeping our inhumane system of mass incarceration…

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Cops arrested him for filming a traffic stop, then the case went to court…

The efforts of cop watchers and First Amendment auditors to record police continues to be a controversial subject. Some use aggressive tactics that critics say go too far, others argue the country’s law-enforcement-industrial complex needs…

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Fighting state violence, fighting for Black freedom

Malcolm X was assassinated over 50 years ago, but organizations like the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM) are carrying on the fight for Black liberation today, winning important victories and developing crucial organizing strategies that…

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How companies like Kellogg’s are weaponizing the courts to break strikes

1,100 coal miners at Warrior Met Coal in Alabama have been on strike since April 1, and 1,400 Kellogg’s workers at cereal plants in Nebraska, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee have been on strike since Oct….

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Maximillian Alvarez on why he focuses so much on talking to workers

Your support matters more than ever: https://therealnews.com/support The Real News Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible (as permitted by law.) Sign up for our newsletter: https://therealnews.com/nl-yt Like us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/therealnews…

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The US deportation machine is out of control right now

The world was horrified earlier this year to see US Border Patrol’s horrific treatment of asylum-seeking Haitian refugees fleeing for their lives. Even though the news cycle has moved on, the nightmare for migrants and…

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An urgent message from Stephen and Taya of The Police Accountability Report

Your support matters more than ever: https://therealnews.com/support The Real News Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Donations are tax deductible (as permitted by law.) Sign up for our newsletter: https://therealnews.com/nl-yt Like us on Facebook: https://facebook.com/therealnews…

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Prison food is much worse than you think

“Prison food in the United States is a public health and human rights crisis,” the Maryland Food & Prison Abolition Project states on their website. “By weaponizing the experience of eating, the state transforms one…

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Maryland Gubernatorial Transportation Forum

Get to know the transportation views of leading candidates in the Maryland Democratic Primary for Governor. Join us at the Real News Network Studio and live online to hear from leading gubernatorial candidates about their…

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Joy James on the rise of the Black bourgeoisie

In the 1970s and ‘80s, the image of the Black “welfare queen” was used as a racist scare tactic and a propaganda tool to justify gutting the postwar welfare state, “public good” institutions, and economic…

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A just transition away from the war economy is possible

Ever since World War II, the US economy has become increasingly reliant on the war industry to provide jobs. It was, in fact, World War II that converted our existing economy into one dependent on…

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Howard University faculty call off strike, win tentative agreement

Hundreds of non-tenure-track lecturers and adjunct faculty at Howard University, one of the most storied higher education institutions in the US, have been fighting for nearly four years to negotiate their first union contract with…

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Stop war in Ukraine, fight like hell for peace

The horrific war in Ukraine is now entering its third week after Russian troops launched a full-scale invasion on Feb. 24. As Ukrainians fight for their lives and the world teeters on the edge of…

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Cops thought no one would see this brutal arrest, then a video surfaced exposing the truth

Another questionable arrest in a small town is raising more concerns about the state of policing in rural America. A man was repeatedly struck by police in Paducah, Texas, during an encounter that was caught…

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Why Starbucks workers are unionizing around the US

The rank-and-file effort to unionize Starbucks stores around the United States is one of the most head-spinningly historic worker-led movements in our generation. Since the Elmwood Avenue store in Buffalo, New York, made history by…

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Exploited Turkish workers hit the streets on May Day

Working people in Turkey are engulfed in a deep economic crisis. Facing an inflation squeeze and huge price hikes, the conditions and rights of workers in Turkey are deteriorating day by day. On May 1,…

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How the media turns war into a spectator sport

From the moment Russian troops invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, people in the West have been glued to their TV, computer, and phone screens, furiously consuming news about the war and posting their reactions online….

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Lessons from Wisconsin’s 2011 worker uprising

With the passage of Act 10 in 2011, also known as the Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill, Republican Gov. Scott Walker declared war on the labor movement in general and on public sector workers specifically. Act…

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Prisoners allege abuse at ‘shock’ camps

On March 10, the Moriah Shock Incarceration Correctional Facility in upstate New York closed its doors. Opponents to the closure said that the Moriah Shock facility provided essential jobs for the community and that the…

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Kali Akuno: Organizing for revolution, not crisis avoidance

From climate chaos and capitalist destruction to rising far-right violence, there’s a lot to be despondent about right now. But Kali Akuno, co-founder and co-director of Cooperation Jackson, explains why now, more than ever, is…

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What the West is getting wrong about Ukraine

While Ukrainians are suffering from the hell of war that has followed the Russian invasion on Feb. 24, debates have raged in the West over how the war started and who is responsible. But if…

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How I survived 48 years in prison

Charles Hopkins, better known as Mansa Musa, is a 70-year-old social activist who was released from prison on Dec. 5, 2019, after being locked up for 48 years, nine months, 5 days, 16 hours, and…

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Virginia revokes early release for inmates with good behavior

Lawmakers in Virginia have approved a draconian budget measure from Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin that takes aim at inmates’ eligibility for early release. The new law prevents so-called “violent offenders” from applying credits earned for…

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