Tag: real news

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US Sentencing Commission could act to reduce prison time for thousands | RTB

On April 27, 2023, the United States Sentencing Commission submitted to Congress amendments to the federal sentencing guidelines that would recommend lower sentences for certain defendants. If these changes are applied retroactively, some 18,775 people…

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Cops charged a man with a false DUI, but body camera exposed the truth!

Thomas, a Texas firefighter, was driving in Denton County when he was suddenly pulled over by local sheriffs. Despite being completely sober, he quickly found himself railroaded into a DUI charge by police, who claimed…

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America is in the middle of a ‘slow civil war’ | The Marc Steiner Show

Jeff Sharlet has been studying and reporting on far-right movements in the US for decades, but something feels different now. From Waco and Ruby Ridge in the ‘90s to the 2014 Bundy family standoff with…

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Why we won’t have an episode tonight at 9pm

I have to take the time to go through the many messages from people asking for help with their experiences of police brutality and misconduct. But I will also be working on an important episode…

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Working People Live: Making Baltimore a Union Town

Join Maximillian Alvarez, Editor-in-Chief of The Real News Network, for a special live edition of his podcast Working People, with guest co-host Rebekah Kirkman! They’ll be talking with shop floor organizers responsible for a surge…

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Why the UK is failing its NHS healthcare workers

Several unions of National Health Service workers in the UK have rejected a 5 percent raise offer from the government and are continuing to picket and strike. Long a target of Tory austerity measures, NHS…

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Cops keep making unjustified arrests, but these victims are fighting back…and winning!

Taya Graham and Stephen Janis break down some recent cases of bad arrests covered by PAR and share with viewers how our reporting has actually lead to progress. We also explore new ways of analyzing…

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WGA rep explains the Hollywood writers strike

Hollywood writers represented by the Writers Guild of America, East, and the Writers Guild of America, West, are on strike for the first time since 2007-08. As Alex Press writes in Jacobin, “The WGA (West…

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Neo-fascists have taken over Shasta County—is your hometown next? | The Marc Steiner Report

Shasta County, California has become a laboratory for far-right activists in search of power. The county has long been a Republic outpost in a blue state, but since the COVID-19 pandemic, local politics have taken…

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Cornel West on capitalism, Ukraine, and his presidential run | The Chris Hedges Report

Dr. Cornel West is running for president. In a wide-ranging conversation on The Chris Hedges Report, West lays out a political vision centering “the least of these.” Rejecting the corporate duopoly and its two wings—a…

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‘What is Juneteenth to the incarcerated Black person?’ | Rattling the Bars

Juneteenth has become a federal holiday—yet prison slavery under the 13th Amendment continues. Uprooting the prison industrial complex is vital to completing the abolition of slavery. In California, the Californians United for a Responsible Budget…

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Police violence, gentrification, and racial capitalism w/Robin D. G. Kelley

In 2001, Cincinnati police killed a 19-year-old Black man named Timothy Thomas, sparking an uprising that shook the city for four days. 19 years later, in the city of Minneapolis, local police officers killed George…

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Why the far-right loves racist vigilantes w/Spencer Ackerman | The Marc Steiner Show

White vigilante terror is older than the United States itself. The lawful use of violence by white citizens to establish political supremacy can be found throughout US history—from slavery and Indian killings to lynchings. Today,…

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Stop Cop City and the history of environmental activism | The Chris Hedges Report

The movement to Stop Cop City in Atlanta has brought environmental defenders and police abolitionists together to fight a mega-project that would demolish the historic Weelaunee Forest to create a massive urban warfare training facility….

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Trans panic in kids’ sports w/Prof. Travers | Edge of Sports

The right has become obsessed with trans people—and sports is an increasingly contested battlefield of the culture war. Prof. Travers joins Edge of Sports to discuss the anti-trans panic in sports, which has particularly taken…

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Yes—Canada has anti-Black racism, too

To the uninitiated, Canada may have a reputation for friendly and folksy charm. For Black and Indigenous peoples of the ‘Great White North,’ this veneer belies a white supremacy as vicious as anywhere else. Since…

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Staffers in Congress are sick and tired—they want a union!

Behind every elected official in Congress, whether beloved or reviled, is an army of staffers and aides who do everything from writing bills to organizing meetings, politicking—and all too frequently, no shortage of objectively degrading…

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Why a ‘Two-State Solution’ in Israel/Palestine doesn’t work | The Marc Steiner Show

The debate on a just future to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine has often pivoted around the question of a two-state or one-state solution. In a recent article for Foreign Affairs, four longtime proponents…

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Israel’s West Bank checkpoints, from the eyes of Palestinian workers

In the West Bank of occupied Palestine, workers queue up at Israeli military checkpoints on their commutes to work. These workers are made to walk in single file through humiliating metal structures that are set…

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48-year political prisoner reviews John Oliver’s report on solitary confinement | Rattling the Bars

The topic of solitary confinement was the focus of a recent episode of John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight on HBO. Thanks to the hard work of activists organizing against solitary confinement for decades, awareness of…

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Canada’s workers rise up! w/Emily Leedham

Caught between COVID-19 and the cost of living crisis, Canada’s workers have been pushed to the edge—and it’s spurring a revitalization of the labor movement. From an illegal one-day strike in the education sector to…

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W. Kamau Bell, the reluctant optimist | Edge of Sports

In this episode of Edge of Sports, host Dave Zirin highlights two takes on the gender politics of sports culture. Dr. Cheryl Cooky joins the Ask a Sports Scholar segment to discuss the history of…

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Indonesia protests big reversal on labor rights

Trade unions in Indonesia are mobilizing workers by the thousands to protest the 2020 Omnibus Bill, which significantly undermines many labor protections won under the 2003 Labor Law. President Jokowi Widodo argues that more labor…

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Cash bail is an abomination of justice | Rattling the Bars

While the underlying logic of the cash bail system in the US may sound convincing on paper, in practice it has become a means of denying justice to, and destroying the lives of, people who…

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Israel assassinated Shireen Abu Akleh | The Chris Hedges Report

Veteran Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu-Akleh was covering an Israeli raid on Jenin Refugee Camp in her official capacity as a reporter for Al Jazeera on May 11, 2022, when an unnamed Israeli sniper fired a…

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Marianne Williamson explains her 2024 presidential campaign

The 2024 election season has begun, and while a second Trump vs. Biden showdown is expected by many, a number of challengers have emerged within the Democratic Party. One of them is Marianne Williamson—author of…

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Khader Adnan’s matyrdom and Israel’s abuse of Palestinians w/Dr. Rabab Abdulhadi| Rattling the Bars

The death of Khader Adnan in Israeli detention during a hunger strike on May 2 of this year sparked mourning worldwide and a general strike in occupied Palestine. The 45-year-old Adnan was on his 87th…

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