Tag: real news

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As Ukraine’s Presidential Race Heats Up, Politics Shift to the Right

A brand new face entered the Ukrainian presidential race, promising to clean up the country’s corrupt politics, but the three main candidates are all pro-West and political discourse has moved to the right as the…

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German Jewish Peace Group Wins Peace Prize; Then Attacked as being Anti-Semitic

Shir Hever talks about the Göttingen Peace Prize and how it transformed the debate around Palestinian rights in Germany, despite efforts by right-wing politicians to prevent the prize from being given to Jewish Voice for…

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Venezuela Update: Massive Blackout, US Unconventional Warfare?

While Venezuela struggled with the most massive blackout in its history, president Maduro said there is evidence that a US cyber-attack caused the blackout. Meanwhile, Trump administration officials continue the offensive against Venezuela and the…

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Humane Capitalism or Fascism and War – Q&A with Paul Jay

A viewer asks why did Paul say that capitalism led to World War I, and another viewer asks if humane capitalism is the answer to today’s problems – Paul Jay joins Taya Graham Visit https://therealnews.com…

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US Military Budget Reveals an Offensive Posture, Russia and China on Defense – Wilkerson

The massive military expansion in the US and China could lead to absolute disaster – Larry Wilkerson joins Paul Jay Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Prison Reformer Faces Challenges in Council Race

Chris Ervin knows firsthand the challenges of reforming the prison system. He spent time in prison and now has his own re-entry program where he trains former prisoners in the trucking industry and getting their…

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HR1: A Call for Campaign Finance Reform, Ethics, and Voting Rights

Rep. John Sarbanes of Maryland joins us to explore the legislation that he’s spearheading to end the involvement of dark money in politics, allow public campaign financing, and demand major ethics and voting rights reforms,…

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Beto O’Rourke: Corporate or Progressive Democrat?

O’Rourke is a member of the New Democrat Coalition, a caucus with close connections to the finance, insurance and real estate industries; Beto’s supporters call him a progressive Democrat – with Jacqueline Luqman, Norman Solomon…

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The Real News Doesn’t Side with Russian or American Oligarchs

In light of the Mueller report we replay this March 5, 2017 interview with TRNN Editor-in-Chief Paul Jay, where he discusses the underlying forces driving the Russia-Gate story, corporate media’s self interest, and the use…

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Bernie and the Reparations Debate

Prof. Adolph Reed and Jacqueline Luqman discuss the ways in which the issue of reparations has become a 2020 campaign issue; should Bernie support reparations? Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Will Corruption Scandal Sink Netanyahu Weeks Before Election?

The upcoming election in Israel is increasingly focused on the corrupt arms deals between Israel and Germany, from which Prime Minister Netanyahu personally profited millions of dollars. TRNN’s Shir hever discusses the implications Subscribe to…

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Mexico Update: 100 Days In, Progressive President Riding High in Polls

Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador’s approval rating is through the roof—Laura Carlsen reports from Mexico City on what has been achieved and what has not Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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40,000 UC Workers Are About to Strike Over Race, Class, and Gender

UPTE-CWA and AFSCME workers are holding a one-day strike March 20 not just over wages and benefits, but over a larger social struggle for dignity in their work. Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help…

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Cubans Hopeful and Cautious, as New Constitution Passed

After months of debate, millions turned out in a historic vote on a new constitution for Cuba. The Real News Network was on the ground to hear from Cubans about the vote and the process,…

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Ecuador’s Lenin: Talks Progressive, Acts Conservative

Local elections in Ecuador over the weekend show that President Lenin Moreno has condemned his own party to irrelevance, while former President Rafael Correa’s new party makes a strong showing Subscribe to our page and…

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Homicide and Baltimore’s Black Butterfly – RAI with Eddie Conway (12/12)

Murders take place in Baltimore at a rate that compares with New York, thirteen times the size; Eddie Conway says deep poverty, unemployment, and brutal policing are contributing factors to the murder epidemic – on…

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Democrats’ Russophobia Hid Trump’s Real Crimes

Gerald Horne and Jeff Cohen join host Paul Jay to unpack the Democrat and corporate media obsession with Russiagate, the foreign policy implications, and how it let Trump off the hook on major policy issues…

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Democrats’ Russia Obsession Let Trump Abandon Nuclear Treaties—Wilkerson and Jay

While there’s ample evidence to indict Trump for obstruction and Democrats naively trusted Mueller, more crucial issue is the missed opportunity to negotiate stronger nuclear weapons treaties—Larry Wilkerson joins Paul Jay Subscribe to our page…

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“We Are Swimming in an Ocean of Lies” on Venezuela

Former UN Special Rapporteur says Michelle Bachelet needs to change her team and visit Venezuela herself, or she is going to continue to get an “unprofessional, one-sided, politicized report” on the state of the country…

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Green New Deal Voted Down by Senate, but Activists Aren’t Deterred

The Senate rejected the proposal in what Democrats called a “sham vote,” but 18-year-old Jeremy Ornstein of the Sunrise Movement says that won’t stop the movement for climate action Subscribe to our page and support…

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A Worldwide Web of Digital Colonialism: The Internet into the Present  (Pt 1/2)

Watch full series https://therealnews.com/series/digital-colonialism-humanitys-struggle-for-digital-freedom Big Tech is reinventing colonialism in the digital era says Michael Kwet in discussing centralized control of the Internet at the root of current problems like privacy and monopoly power and…

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“No War for Oil” as Thousands March Against US Intervention in Venezuela

As part of an international day against US intervention in Venezuela, a mobilization in Washington, DC with speakers Daniel Ellsberg and Jill Stein emphasized that Trump is only interested in Venezuela’s resources, not in its…

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Trump and GOP Steeped in Corruption, as Corp. Dems Push Cold War Fever

Our weekly roundup panel looks at the fracture lines in the Republican Party and the corporate Democrats continue their frenzy about Russia – with Jacqueline Luqman, Jeff Cohen and host Paul Jay Visit https://therealnews.com for…

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Is Corbyn’s Socialism Possible Within the EU? – Lapavitsas and Jay

With the Conservative Party in disarray, can the Labour Party take advantage of the “Brexit moment”– Costas Lapavitsas joins host Paul Jay Visit https://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at…

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Cuba: Private Property and the Market Allowed in New Constitution

Cuba has officially passed reforms that will change economics and labor relations on the island. Union leaders told the Real News Network that the move doesn’t spell a break with socialism, but questions remain about…

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38 Years Prison and 148 Lashes for Iranian Human Rights Defender

Nasrin Sotoudeh defended political prisoners and worked to abolish Iran’s death penalty. Human rights groups are worried her sentence could signal increased repression of peace activism in Iran under a judiciary with a history of…

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The Attack on Ilhan Omar and Pelosi’s Unconditional Support for Israel

Nancy Pelosi pledged support for Israel “even if the Capitol crumbles”, as major Democratic Party funder and pro-Israel advocate Haim Saban looked on – our panel discusses anti-Semitism, Israel and the Democratic Party with Jacqueline…

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