Tag: real news

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U.S. Hoped Putin Would be a ‘Sober Yeltsin’ – RAI with Stephen Cohen (3/5)

After the fall of the Soviet Union, a dysfunctional and pro-American Russian President Yeltsin presided over the chaos of the 1990’s; when Putin came to power, the West was very disappointed at the independent and…

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‘Mafioso Capitalism’ and the Suicide of Peru’s President

Prof. Gerardo Renique discusses the three other ex-presidents already in jail over the Odebrecht scandal, and Alan Garcia’s death, just as he was about to be arrested for corruption Subscribe to our page and support…

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Who’s Behind the Attacks in Sri Lanka?

Muslim-Christian Conflict in Sri Lanka is unprecedented, so who is behind the attack? We discuss the horrific attack with Sri Lankan journalist Sunanda Deshapriya Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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Rising Expenses and Stagnant Incomes Squeezes Middle Class Everywhere

A new study by the OECD shows that particularly millennials and the US middle class is being squeezed by expenses that rise faster than their incomes, but the phenomenon is taking place in all developed…

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Sudan Protests Intensify Demands for Civilian Government

Khalid Medani speaks to Eddie Conway about Sudanese opposition to al-Bashir and the sit-in that continues through Ramadan Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended…

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Trump Up in Polls; Who Benefits From Economic Growth?

GDP growth up, stock market up, will the economic expansion continue and who are the winners? Dean Baker and Randall Wray join host Paul Jay Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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CodePink’s Medea Benjamin: Venezuelan Embassy’s Power Cut

DC’s power company, PEPCO, cut the electricity to the Venezuelan Embassy Wednesday evening, even though the bill was paid in full. Secret Service and opposition protesters continue to harass the Embassy Protection Collective, which is…

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Col. Wilkerson: US Would Face a Unified Venezuelan Military in an Armed Intervention

Col. Larry Wilkerson describes the limits of a ‘gringo invasion’ and warns of repeating the failures of Vietnam and Iraq Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Trump’s China Tariffs: A Misplaced Strategy for the US Economy

Instead of imposing additional tariffs, which will hurt the Chinese and U.S. economies, the U.S. should have its own research and development strategy, says Richard Vague, author of The Next Economic Disaster Subscribe to our…

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State Capture Crisis Grips South African Elections

Widespread corruption, unemployment, inequity and disillusionment hovers over South African elections. We must have higher expectations from a national liberation movement says Professor Rasigan Maharajh Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Fear Mongering and Capitalism: A Recipe for Fascism? (1/2)

The effort to sell security to the people of the US is based on stoking irrational fears, something Trump has taken to new extremes, but which Democrats are guilty of as well, explains Charles Derber,…

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Fear Mongering and Capitalism: A Recipe for Fascism? (2/2)

Progressives have been notoriously bad a countering the right-wing fear/security narrative, says Charles Derber. The trick is to address the real dangers, of climate change, economic insecurity, and war Subscribe to our page and support…

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Anya Parampil from Inside the Venezuelan Embassy in Washington, D.C.

“The Real News Network will be interviewing Anya Parampil, a journalist with The Grayzone, live from the Venezuelan embassy in Washington, D.C. where activists with the Embassy Protection Collective are preventing the Venezuelan opposition from…

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Trump and Kushner Middle East Peace Deal Is a Trojan Horse for Further Occupation

Phyllis Bennis discusses the recent Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip and the real nature of Kushner’s supposed “deal of the century” Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This…

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One Million Species Face Extinction, UN Report Finds

Industrial agriculture and the climate crisis are responsible for this ecological collapse, but it’s not too late for transformative change, says Scott Edwards of Food and Water Watch Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Does Bernie Sanders Really Have A Black Voter Problem?

Last week the Bernieverse was abuzz with the news that Black voters bashed Bernie once again. But are people really getting the full context of what happened, and are Black voters – and Black voters’…

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Candidates in India’s Election Court Distressed Farmers

Reeling from falling crop prices, rising production costs and mounting debt, impoverished farmers have been marching on Indian cities in recent years, demanding help. Although the time has come for this huge constituency to vote,…

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Pentagon Report on China’s Military Expansion Hypocrisy: Col. Lawrence Wilkerson

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson discusses the hypocrisy in the Pentagon’s document which warns against Chinese espionage and the development of overseas strike ability, which the U.S has been doing for decades. He adds that the new…

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Trump and Mnuchin Break the Law By Refusing to Release President’s Tax Records

White collar criminologist Bill Black explains how the administration’s stance on Trump’’ taxes is illegal and what the possible consequences could be—or should be Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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Russia-China Alignment Challenges U.S. Hegemony

Trump’s China tariffs and aggressive military build up is pushing Russia and China to seek a closer relationship which serves China’s growing global influence – Prof. Richard Sakwa joins Sharmini Peries Subscribe to our page…

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Spain’s Center-Left Wins Without Majority, Rules out Coalition With Podemos for Now

Spain’s centre-left Socialist Party won significantly in Sunday’s election, but forming a government on its own is out of reach. Far-right Vox party enters parliament for first time. Prof. Sebastiaan Faber analyzes the result Subscribe…

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Human Rights Watch Director Expelled from Israel

Omar Shakir, director of HRW was given two weeks to leave Israel. “This is really the first time a court has put its seal on the government’s relentless effort to target advocacy around Palestinian human…

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Study: As Climate Crisis Has Worsened, So Has Global Economic Inequality

In a new study out by Stanford researchers reviewing half a century of data, researchers found that as rich countries get richer, they also have more temperate climates and face less of the brunt of…

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Venezuela’s Guaidó Falsely Claims Military Uprising in Progress: Mainstream Media Falls in Line

Tuesday morning self-declared president and opposition leader Juan Guaidó called on the military and the population to oppose the Maduro government. Only a few thousand civilians and very few soldiers heeded the call. Mike Fox…

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With 60,000 Youth Incarcerated Daily, Which Reentry Programs Reduce Recidivism?

An October 2017 study found the most potent predictor of recidivism was being a Black male, even though Black men had less contact with the criminal justice system and few of the risk factors traditionally…

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Gaza’s Economic Crisis Sends Territory Into Poverty and Chaos

Dr. Omar Shaban discusses the World Bank report on the shrinking Gaza economy and how Israeli sanctions and restrictions have destroyed a once thriving economy Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Thousands Die, Millions Injured on the Job, and No Businesses Prosecuted

Bill Black describes how OSHA’s few underfunded inspectors can’t do their jobs, and prosecutors don’t prosecute businesses for non-compliance Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is…

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