Tag: real news

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Riveting Testimony at Historic Hearing on Medicare for All – RAI with Wendell Potter (2/7)

The House Rules Committee heard powerful testimony about the urgency of passing Medicare for All from Ady Barkan, who is in late stages of ALS. Wendell Potter on Reality Asserts Itself hosted by Paul Jay…

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We Can’t Be the Best Students if We’re Not Put in the Proper Environment

Students, parents, and the ACLU and NAACP-LDF are suing Maryland for under-funding Baltimore’s majority black school district Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for…

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Michigan: The Latest Victory in Ending Gerrymandering

The Michigan Republican legislature’s 2011 gerrymandering scheme has been ruled unconstitutional by the U.S. District Court. What will the impact of this latest case of biased redistricting mean to voters? Subscribe to our page and…

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DA Krasner Drops Challenge: Most Significant Ruling in Mumia’s Case in Years

A few weeks ago Philadelphia District Attorney agreed to drop his challenge for Mumia to be able to appeal his case. Dr. Michael Schiffmann says this is the most significant ruling since a federal judge…

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Black Women Rally in Defense of Rep. Ilhan Omar

Hundreds of Black women and men gathered at the US Capitol to serve notice to the Republicans who are attacking her, and to the Democrats who are not defending her, that they all #StandWithIlhan. Subscribe…

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UK Parliament Endorses Jeremy Corbyn’s Call for a Climate Emergency Declaration

Corbyn: “Are we content to hand down a broken planet to our children? That is the question members must ask themselves today. We have the chance to act before it’s too late. It’s a chance…

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Barr Hearings on Mueller Report Display the Threat to Democracy

Attorney and activist Kamau Franklin dissects the questioning of Attorney General Barr on his handling of the Mueller report Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is…

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As Pugh Resigns, Is a Better Baltimore Possible?

Baltimore’s powerful mayor resigned amid corruption allegations. Three activists ask if the city charter can be amended to limit mayoral power and create a more just city Subscribe to our page and support our work…

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Left Media Coverage of Venezuela Questioned (1/7)

Prominent Venezuelan sociologist and intellectual Edgardo Lander says while it’s correct to oppose U.S. intervention and interference, Left media should not minimize the responsibility of the Maduro government for the economic crisis Subscribe to our…

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How Big Money Contributions Cripple our Politics

Despite the many setbacks, consumer advocate, author, and former health insurance executive Wendell Potter says there is reason to be optimistic about our politics if we take the long view and challenge corporate power Subscribe…

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South Africa is Bracing for an Electoral Storm Over the Climate Crisis (1/2)

Prof. Vishwas Satgar provides a climate justice critique of South African political parties: What are the commitments of the ANC, DA, and EFF to a deep, just, life-sustaining transition? Subscribe to our page and support…

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South Africa is Bracing for an Electoral Storm Over the Climate Crisis (2/2)

Prof. Vishwas Satgar provides a climate justice critique of South African political parties: What are the commitments of the ANC, DA, and EFF to a deep, just, life-sustaining transition? Subscribe to our page and support…

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PREVIEW: Baltimore Schools Chronically Underfunded, Lawsuit Says

For the full report go to: https://therealnews.com/stories/we-cant-be-the-best-students-if-were-not-put-in-the-proper-environment Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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The Calm After the Storm in Venezuela: Opposition and Government Measure Support in Streets

It would seem that the April 30th coup effort by Juan Guaidó backfired and  energized the Chavista base while it demoralized the opposition. Mike Fox reports from Caracas Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Guilt by Association? Arrest of Assange Friend Has No Basis

Cyber-security and privacy expert Ola Bini was arrested in Ecuador the same day that Ecuador revoked Julian Assange’s asylum. A court now affirmed his pre-trial detention, while his parents and his lawyers say it has…

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Assange Extradition Will Have Chilling Effect on Investigative Journalism, Free Speech

We speak to Julian Assange’s lawyer, Jennifer Robinson, about the first extradition hearing Assange had in London, where he refused to voluntarily turn himself over to US authorities Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Climate Movements Must Be as International as the Oil Industry

“Gasland” director and author Josh Fox says environmental movements should counter industry opposition with global solidarity Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational…

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Mozambique Cyclone Kenneth Leaves Devastation in its Wake

Cyclone Kenneth tore over the island of Ibo in northern Mozambique with a fury that left little standing in its wake. DW’s Adrian Kriesch accompanied an aid flight to the island and found suffering and…

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The DCCC’s Anti-Progressive Policy Might Be Backfiring (1/2)

In March, the DCCC announced its policy against progressive challengers of incumbent Dems. But the policy has been met with widespread scorn, and may be starting to backfire. Ryan Grim, Eugene Puryear, and Jacqueline Luqman…

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The DCCC’s Anti-Progressive Policy Might Be Backfiring (2/2)

In March, the DCCC announced its policy against progressive challengers of incumbent Dems. But the policy has been met with widespread scorn, and may be starting to backfire. Ryan Grim, Eugene Puryear, and Jacqueline Luqman…

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Why I’m Pro-Detente with Russia – RAI with Stephen Cohen (5/5)

I realized it wasn’t the Soviet Union that was the great danger, it was the potential of nuclear war, and it’s still the case today – says Stephen Cohen on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul…

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Citizenship Question Could Invalidate 2020 Census

Immigration activist Attorney Andrea Senteno analyzes the significance of the Supreme Court’s hearing on including a citizenship question on the 2020 census Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This…

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Real Talk Tho Pilot

The Real News is launching our Community Editorial Committee to bring people together and talk about the issues that matter most you. Join your neighbors, friends, family and colleagues in open and honest discussions about…

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Real Talk Tho Episode 2

Since the early ’90s Baltimore has shuttered over 60 rec centers, while funding for police has more than doubled. Meanwhile, a new fund set up by the city that was originally intended to modernize rec…

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Deutsche Bank: Trump’s Money Laundering ‘Criminal Organization’

In 1990 Trump reorganized his finances and no bank would lend him money except for Deutsche Bank. Deutsche Bank has already paid $600 million dollars in fines for money laundering says David Cay Johnston. Subscribe…

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How Johns Hopkins’ Influence Haunts Baltimore (Pt 1/2)

Antero Pietila, author of “The Ghosts Of Johns Hopkins” charts the rise of the influential Baltimore-based university while the city embraced segregation Watch full series https://therealnews.com/series/the-ghosts-of-johns-hopkins Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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Trump Appointees Refuse to Say They Support Brown v. Board of Education

65 years ago, the Supreme Court ruled 9-0 to end school segregation. Now Trump’s appointees to the federal bench and Department of Justice refuse to say they support it. What does the future hold? Subscribe…

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