Tag: real news

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New Abortion Laws ‘Go Against Common Sense’

Conservatives have launched a new attack on abortion rights, which go against both medical science and common sense, says Anoa Changa, but the point is to bring the issue to the new conservative Supreme Court…

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Trump’s 2020 Military Budget Is $500 Billion More Than He Claims

If all the hidden parts are added together, the true military budget would be close to $1.25 trillion, says William Hartung of the Center for International Policy Subscribe to our page and support our work…

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More Die From Medical Insurance ‘Prior Authorization’ Than Before ACA – Wendell Potter (6/7)

Wall Street demands medical insurance companies maintain their profits under the Affordable Care Act, which means they get even more aggressive in denying coverage and creating insurance models that under-insure patients – Wendell Potter on…

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Trump Says the Military Industrial Complex is Pressuring him Into a War With Iran

With a thirty year Boeing veteran at the Pentagon, Patrick Shanahan as Acting Secretary of Defense, and with John Bolton and Mike Pompeo at the helm, war with Iran is likely says the former chief…

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Canada’s Anti-Venezuela Policy: A Result of Material Interests and US Subordination

Canada has followed the Trump administration’s lead on Venezuela, but it’s charting a very different path with regard to Cuba. Yves Engler explains that while there are material reasons for the difference, Canada has followed…

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Trump-Bolton Aggression Against Iran Contained by Russia, Japan, China, and EU

Vijay Prashad says the very dangerous statements, economic sanctions and military aggression unleashed by Washington this week against Iran was countered by cool headed diplomacy by Japan, Russia, EU and China   Subscribe to our…

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German Parliament Criminalizes Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement

Germany becomes the first country in the world to criminalize the BDS movement. Shir Hever, TRNN Correspondent in Germany and expert on Palestine-Israel, responds Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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New Poverty Measurement Exposes Turkey’s Inequality Within Households

Hasan Tekguc and Bengi Akbulut discuss their research on the gender gap in poverty in Turkey. When comparing household income, it is impossible to know about the gender-based inequality within households Subscribe to our page…

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Baltimore Considers Income-Based Water Billing

Residents testified in support of the bill, but the Department of Public Works is not on board—they have a different affordability measure in mind Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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US Public Education Still Segregated 65 Years After Brown

Sixty-five years after the landmark Brown v. Board of Education case, a new report published by Pennsylvania State University reveals the persistent racial segregation in America’s public schools, and the many factors that contribute to…

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Trump’s Huawei Ban Confirms ‘Telecommunications Are Geopolitical Weapons’

As Trump warns of the surveillance danger of Huawei, the real concern of consumers should be the fact they are being surveilled by the U.S. government and all tech companies, says Yasha Levine Subscribe to…

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Climate Change Hits Southern Mexico Hard; Farmers Develop New Ways of Coping

The town of Yukuyoko, in the Mixteca region of Southern Mexico, is developing innovative ways of confronting drought. Laura Carlsen reports from Yukuyoko for TRNN Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Is Being Pushed By ‘Islamophobia Industry’

Civil rights lawyer and activist Arjun Singh Sethi says, “Even the CIA actually came out and said it would be a mistake, because in many ways the Muslim Brotherhood more recently has been a force…

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Can Biden ‘Make America Moral Again?’

Biden is countering Trump’s “Make America Great Again” slogan with “Make America Moral Again.” But bipartisan deals with Strom Thurmond, the crime bill, Anita Hill, and more, shows he lacks the moral high ground. Jacqueline…

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The MMT Debate With Dean Baker & Randall Wray

We continue our series of discussions about Modern Money Theory and funding the Green New Deal with host Paul Jay Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Brazil’s Bolsonaro: ‘Exterminator of the Future’

Alexander Zaitchik discusses the environmental policies of Brazilian president’s first four months in office as former Brazilian Ministers of Environment warn about how he is undoing decades of environmental protection Subscribe to our page and…

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Trump Provokes Iran With Intensified Economic War

Trump and Bolton’s strategy is to bait Iran into a war Bolton’s wanted for twenty years – says Trita Parsi, President of the NIAC Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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AOC & Bernie Join Sunrise Movement in DC Town Hall

At the town hall, the Sunrise Movement launched the next phase of their Green New Deal campaign: making three demands of Democratic presidential contenders Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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Can We Reach 100% Renewable Energy?

Movements pushing for 100% renewables are gaining momentum. Stanford’s Mark Z. Jacobson says we have the technology to get there Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Trump’s New Policies to Limit Asylum

Having failed to force the courts to bend to his will, Trump has now resorted to backdoor and covert measures outside of legislation to keep asylum seekers from crossing the border. We speak to Helena…

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How the Mainstream Media Ignores the Climate Change Crisis

The climate change crisis is real: more powerful storms, droughts, floods, and rising sea levels. However, mainstream media continues to ignore the crisis. A TRNN documentary on the lack of coverage Subscribe to our page…

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Florida Activists Fight Against Bill Preventing Former Felons from Voting

Last year Florida voters approved a ballot measure called Amendment 4 which restored voting rights of an estimated 1.5 million former felons. To counteract this amendment 4, Republicans proposed a bill that would require former…

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Venezuela’s Maduro Government Not Near Collapse

Andrej Hunko, a member of Germany’s parliament recently visited with President Maduro and parallel president Juan Guaidó. Hunko discussed the importance of a negotiated solution, humanitarian aid, to Venezuela, and more Subscribe to our page…

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Denying Impact of Venezuela Sanctions is ‘Like Climate Denial’

CEPR co-director Mark Weisbrot responds to Guaidó economic advisors’ dismissal of the U.S. sanctions’ effects on Venezuela Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for…

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Government Targeting of Black Activists Reminiscent of COINTELPRO

In October 2017, a leaked memo entitled, “Black Identity Extremist Intelligent Assessment” revealed a government surveillance program targeting black activist liberation movements. Eddie Conway talks with Professor Adjoa Aiye and Sue Udry, executive director of…

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Privatization of Public Assets: A Recipe for Corruption

The roots of Baltimore’s current corruption scandal lie in the ongoing effort to transform public entities into sources of profit for private interests Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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Manufactured Iranian Threat in the Persian Gulf

The U.S. military is sending an aircraft carrier into the Persian Gulf, claiming there is an unspecified threat from Iran, but this has no basis other than Bolton’s desire for regime change, says Col. Larry…

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