Tag: real news

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Opposition Demand for Maduro’s Resignation a Non-Starter, Says Norwegian Source

An unnamed Norwegian source with inside knowledge of the talks between the Venezuelan opposition and government in Oslo said the opposition “needs to be more realistic.” We discuss the talks with Norwegian Venezuela specialist Eirik…

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Col. Larry Wilkerson on Mueller and Courage to Impeach Trump

Chuck Schumer to Nancy Pelosi, democrats are cowardly, incompetent and without courage to begin impeachment proceedings says Col. Larry Wilkerson Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Mueller’s Statement: Why is it Unconstitutional to Indict a Sitting President?

Mueller says a legal analysis of a DOJ Policy prevented him from charging the president. Professor Doug Colbert says one objective for Mueller was to put some distance between himself and Attorney General Barr’s representation…

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Marijuana Activist Faces 10 Years in Prison for Using Facebook Live

A 20-year-old student activist was charged with felony wiretapping for using Facebook Live while in the office of Rep. Andy Harris, known for pushing back against the legalization of marijuana in DC Subscribe to our…

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The New Authoritarians

David Renton discusses his new book The New Authoritarians: Convergence on the Right. Although the new wave of right-wing politicians is not fascist, it is dangerous and must be studied closely in order for the…

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Tyrone West Would Have Been 50

The sister of Tyrone West, Tawanda Jones, has been protesting for 303 weeks since 2013 to get justice for her brother who was killed by University and city police in Baltimore Subscribe to our page…

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Sen. Graham’s Call for Military Intervention in Venezuela: A Scare Tactic?

Sen. Lindsey Graham issued one of the most explicit threats of military intervention against Venezuela yet. But does he mean it and does he truly believe Venezuela is a threat to the United States or…

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Six Children Have Died While in ICE Custody – Why?

Undocumented immigrants seeking asylum are being separated from their children and detained in prison camps as more restrictive racist policies are being imposed by Trump. We discuss the policy with ACLU attorney Astrid Dominguez Subscribe…

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Theresa May’s Resignation Could Mean a Hard Brexit

The chaos in Britain’s politics has only intensified in the wake of Theresa May’s resignation and the tremendous losses that Conservatives suffered in the European Parliament election. Prof. Leo Panitch analyzes the result Subscribe to…

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US Has No Moral Authority to Deem Muslim Brotherhood ‘Terrorist’

As’ad Abukhalil shares his perspective on the Trump administration’s stated intent to declare the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, pointing out that the U.S. has killed countless civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq in recent years…

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Waiting for Guaido   (Pt 2/7)

Why did Edgardo Lander and the Citizens Platform for the Defense of the Constitution meet with Juan Guaidó? The potential for violence, military intervention, and even civil war, made it important to find ways to…

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44 States File Suit Against Drug Companies for Inflating Prices

Ending patent monopolies and prosecuting big pharma will drive prescription drug prices down, says Alex Lawson, Executive Director of Social Security Works Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This…

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Without Medicare for All, the Healthcare System Will Collapse – Wendell Potter RAI (7/7)

The healthcare system is unsustainable; without a Medicare for All system, only the wealthiest will be able to afford decent care – Wendell Potter on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay Watch full series https://therealnews.com/series/reality-asserts-itself-wendell-potter…

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Activists Push Back Against Conservative Threat to Safe and Legal Abortion

With abortion rights under threat across the country and conservative anti-abortion bills gaining momentum, women and activists are taking their protests to the streets to defend their right to privacy and bodily autonomy. Subscribe to…

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Chicago’s New Mayor to End Water Shutoffs

The move will help tens of thousands who are struggling with rapidly increasing bills, but there is still work to be done to make Chicago’s water affordable, says organizer Jenya Polozova Subscribe to our page…

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There Are no Nation-States, Only Corporate Global Governors (Pt 1/2)

Watch full series https://therealnews.com/series/unpacking-corporate-capture-in-institutions-of-global-governance While in the past transnational corporations were powerful actors, at the international level there were at least nation-state based governors; not anymore in the current ‘multi-stakeholder’ organization of globalization as described…

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How the U.S. Crackdown on Abortion Laws Influences Other Countries

As Americans struggle to decide the fate of reproductive rights state by state, the U.S. government has imposed a “Gag Rule” that would remove U.S. federal funding from any country or international organization that provides…

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Guaidó Out of Gas (1/2 )

After several failed US-backed coup attempts, Juan Guaidó sent an envoy to Oslo to explore talks with the government. Former Chief of Staff to Nicolás Maduro, Temir Porras, joins Sharmini Peries for analysis Watch full…

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Guaidó Out of Gas (2/2 )

The US has failed its regime change venture in Venezuela. Former Chief of Staff to Nicolás Maduro, Temir Porras joins Sharmini Peries for analysis Watch full series https://therealnews.com/series/guaido-out-of-gas Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Modi Wins Another Term for the Anti-Muslim, Right-Wing Hindu Nationalists

Vijay Prashad analyzes the Indian election result, which has returned right-wing Narendra Modi to power. Money, mass media abdication of its watchdog function, and institutional collapse enabled Modi triumph Subscribe to our page and support…

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Daniel Ellsberg on Julian Assange’s Espionage Charges

The US Department of Justice issued an 18-count indictment against Julian Assange for violating the 1917 Espionage Act. We speak to Daniel Ellsberg about the dangerous implications this move has for journalism in the United…

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Far-Right Israeli Organization Publishes List of ‘Disloyal’ Professors

Hilla Dayan discusses the right-wing Zionist group Im Tirtzu, and the scare campaign against leftist and progressive professors going on in Israel Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This…

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AFL-CIO Budget Declares Organizing Unimportant

A leaked copy of the budget for largest labor federation in America drops funds for organizing from 30 percent to less than 10 percent. Union activist and scholar Bill Fletcher, Jr. analyzes its impact Subscribe…

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Three Ways To Discipline Corporate Global Governors (Pt 2/2)

Watch full series https://therealnews.com/series/unpacking-corporate-capture-in-institutions-of-global-governance No stakeholder-based global governance system comes close to matching the democratic legitimacy of a citizen-based and nation-state-based governance system, says Harris Gleckman, who advocates three alternatives to the current corporate-driven multi-stakeholder…

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100,000’s of Kids Hold School Strike for Climate Action

Students from 2,300 schools across 150 countries held their second global climate strike. Next time, they want adults to join in Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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As Trump Threatens Iran With War, Espionage Charges Against Assange Threaten Journalists

The Espionage Act removes the possibility of a public interest defense for Julian Assange, and sends a chilling message to journalists and whistleblowers. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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Trump Offers No Evidence of Iranian Threat or Terrorism

Eugene Puryear and Paul Jay discuss the hypocrisy of Trump allying with Saudi Arabia, the largest sponsor of global terror, over concerns about alleged Iranian terrorism Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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