Tag: real news

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Iran Economic Sanctions Cost Lives

The Trump administration’s illegal economic sanctions against Iran reduce access to essential medicines, according to UN experts and interview with CEPR’s Mark Weisbrot Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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US Sanctions Leave Millions of Venezuelans Without Water

“You can’t blame the Maduro government, but as for the United States, this Donald Trump is mean. He’s mean and he’s blocked a lot of things. We have to support each other and this U.S….

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T-Mobile and Sprint Merger Endangers Free Media

Richard Wolff discusses the 26 billion merger by T-Mobile and Sprint, which the FCC announced is “in the public interest.” The merger could create an even bigger media and telecommunication monopoly that will crush medium…

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Pandering, Policy, and the Black Vote

What do top Democratic candidates Sanders, Warren, and Biden offer black voters in 2020? Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational…

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Who Makes US Foreign Policy? – Lawrence Wilkerson on Reality Asserts Itself (1/3)

TRNN Replay from May 10, 2014: Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson says US foreign policy is made by the oligarchs Watch full series https://therealnews.com/series/reality-asserts-itself-lawrence-wilkerson Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This…

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Who Makes US Foreign Policy – Lawrence Wilkerson on Reality Asserts Itself (2/3)

TRNN Replay from May 10, 2014: Colonel Wilkerson says while an Iran deal is in US strategic interests, it could still be derailed by Congress, the neocons and Hillary Clinton Watch full series https://therealnews.com/series/reality-asserts-itself-lawrence-wilkerson Subscribe…

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If I Had a Rocket Launcher: RAI with Bruce Cockburn (1/9)

Canadian singer-songwriter Bruce Cockburn speaks with host Paul Jay about his memoir Rumors of Glory, and how growing up in Cold War-era Canada affected his understanding of community. Watch the full nine part interview series…

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The Trouble With Normal: RAI with Bruce Cockburn (2/9)

Songwriter Bruce Cockburn speaks with host Paul Jay about whether his music is ‘anti-American,’ and about his early spiritual influences. Watch the full nine part interview series with Bruce Cockburn on YouTube at https://bit.ly/2XksiHO or…

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Gavin’s Woodpile: RAI with Bruce Cockburn (3/9)

Songwriter Bruce Cockburn talks about writing the song Gavin’s Woodpile and the impact of mercury poisoning on First Nations communities in Northwestern Ontario. Watch the full nine part interview series with Bruce Cockburn on YouTube…

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The Charity of Night: RAI with Bruce Cockburn (4/9)

Bruce Cockburn explains why he refers to himself as an ‘artist-correspondent,’ and describes how his relationship to God and the church has changed since he started writing music. Watch the full nine part interview series…

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Open: RAI with Bruce Cockburn (5/9)

Songwriter Bruce Cockburn discusses his experience visiting Guatemalan refugee camps and the inspiration behind his political and spiritual songwriting. Watch the full nine part interview series with Bruce Cockburn on YouTube at https://bit.ly/2XksiHO or The…

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Tokyo: RAI with Bruce Cockburn (6/9)

Virtuoso guitarist Bruce Cockburn talks about songwriting in the era of Reagan, and his experience visiting refugee camps in Honduras. Watch the full nine part interview series with Bruce Cockburn on YouTube at https://bit.ly/2XksiHO or…

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Pacing the Cage: RAI with Bruce Cockburn (7/9)

Songwriter Bruce Cockburn explains the origins of the song Pacing the Cage, “a lament about being stuck.” Watch the full nine part interview series with Bruce Cockburn on YouTube at https://bit.ly/2XksiHO or The Real News…

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If a Tree Falls: RAI with Bruce Cockburn (8/9)

Bruce Cockburn and Paul Jay discuss the existential threat of climate change, and how the song False River was written in protest of pipeline development in Canada. Watch the full nine part interview series with…

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Call It Democracy: RAI with Bruce Cockburn (9/9)

Humanity will not be able to address climate change without also examining the reasons our democracy is flawed, says singer-songwriter Bruce Cockburn. Watch the full nine part interview series with Bruce Cockburn on YouTube at…

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Daniel Ellsberg on the Release of the “Top Secret” Pentagon Papers

On the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Pentagon Papers, Daniel Ellsberg describes the tension waiting for the publishing of the story: “The Times was on lock down with armed guards.. they were fearing…

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California Defies Trump Policies by Giving Medicaid to Some Undocumented Young Adults

California’s act to cover healthcare for undocumented people sets up national debate on the politics of immigration and healthcare Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is…

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Germany Passes Deportation Legislation

Germany’s parliament adopted the first part of a new legislation packet to restrict the rights of asylum-seekers and refugees in Germany, denying them the right to work, sending them to prison once room in the…

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Targeted by the Inquisition – RAI with Matthew Fox (5/8)

Cardinal Ratzinger, who later became Pope Benedict, launched a campaign in defense of murderous dictatorships in Latin America and to purge the Church of liberation theology and priests like Matthew Fox – on Reality Asserts…

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Rising Water Rates Hurt Black Baltimore Most, Study Shows

The NAACP Legal Defense Fund shows an “explicit link between race and water affordability.” To fight this, they propose litigation and new legislation. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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How the NRA Profits From Divisive Politics

An investigation shows how the nonprofit NRA gives lavish gifts and contracts to board members and their families while losing millions of dollars of donor money each year. A deep dive following the money that…

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Israeli Authorities Confiscate and then Attempt to Sell Palestinian Classrooms

Ali Abunimah discusses the complicity of the EU, which donated pre-fabricated classrooms to Palestinian schoolchildren, but did not ensure that they would be used for the purpose of education, rather than as a way for…

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Ex-Cop: Cut Police Budget, Fund Jobs & Youth Services

Former Baltimore City police officer Larry Smith says to promote safety, the city must stop prioritizing policing over human needs ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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Why Don’t the Dems Want A Climate Debate?

This week, Biden endorsed the proposal for a climate debate and activists delivered a 200,000 signatures in support to the DNC. Media Matters’ Lisa Hymas talks about why they’re still rejecting the proposal. Subscribe to…

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Leaked Messages Confirm Imprisonment of Brazil’s Lula da Silva was Politically Motivated

The website The Intercept received a massive archive of communications between prosecutors and judges, involving Brazil’s corruption cases. Initial analysis reveals that former president Lula da Silva’s prosecution and conviction were politically motivated. Mike Fox…

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Marx, Catholicism and the Struggle for Justice – RAI with Matthew Fox (3/8)

Now an Episcopalian priest, Matthew Fox tells of his coming to political consciousness and decision to join the Catholic priesthood, which he saw not as an escape, but as a way to stay in the…

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Original Sin and the War on Liberation Theology – RAI with Matthew Fox (4/8)

Former priest Fox talks about questioning the concept of original sin, the assassination of John Paul I, John Paul II reviving the Inquisition led by Cardinal Ratzinger, and the concept that there is no love…

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