Tag: real news

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Two Brothers on Opposing Sides in Venezuela’s Political Conflict

Vladimir and Ernesto Villegas – both well-known Venezuelan journalists – one part of the Maduro government and the other an ex-Chavista, navigate opposing sides of Venezuela’s political divide while remaining true to each other and…

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Israeli Private Intelligence Company Black Cube Out of Control

Shir Hever discusses the dangers of privatizing security and intelligence, as a private company called Black Cube that claims to use Israeli Mossad procedures hires out its services to the highest bidder and goes after…

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Hopkins Hospital and Nurses Reach Settlement On Unionization Efforts

Veteran nurse Richard Jones responds to the agreement. For more analysis go to: https://therealnews.com/columns/hopkins-hospital-and-nurses-reach-settlement-on-unionization-efforts Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational…

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Hong Kong Authorities Bow to Beijing, Determined to Ignore a Million Protesters

Hong Kong residents have taken to the streets to protest against the growing influence of mainland China over the city. But, the protests are falling on deaf ears, says Prof. Sean Starrs Subscribe to our…

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It Could Take 2,800 Years to Clean Alberta’s Old Oil and Gas Wells

To speed the clean up process, regulators would have to mandate a stricter schedule—but that could cost tens of billions of dollars, much of it coming from taxpayers, says Regan Boychuk, oil sands expert and…

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National Referendum on Elections: A Way Forward for Venezuela (3/7)

Venezuela’s opposition and government are at an absolute impasse about how to get the country out of its current crisis, the best way forward is to renew the electoral authority and have a referendum on…

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Trump’s Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia: An Impeachable Offense?

Trump pulled an end run around Congress when he declared a national emergency letting him sell arms to Saudi Arabia. We speak to RootsAction’s David Swanson about whether the move is an impeachable offense Subscribe…

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Pope Francis Targeted by Homophobes and Right-Wing Steve Bannon Allies – RAI with Matthew Fox (1/8)

Former priest Matthew Fox discusses the book In the Closet of the Vatican, which depicts a “ring of lust” at the highest levels of the Church, and the campaign to hypocritically “weaponize” sexuality and bring…

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Dramatic Increase in Political Violence in Colombia due to Abandonment of Peace Agreement

Recent human rights reports show that murders of social leaders have skyrocketed since Colombia’s right-wing President Ivan Duque came into office in 2017. Activist Manuel Rozental speaks to us about the situation from one of…

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Climate Science Denied as Trump Admin Orders Halt on Long Term Projections

One way in which climate change deniers are getting their way in the Trump administration is by subverting the application of scientific findings by ignoring long-term projections when setting policy. We discuss the implications with…

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The Environmental and Economic Challenge of Our Time

James K. Boyce of the Political Economy Research Institute says we must develop new economics to serve human and environmental needs. We need to think deeply about these ethical foundations, says Boyce, as he discusses…

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US-China Trade War: Trump Attempts to Veto China’s Industrial Policy

The U.S. bans Huawei products, alleging “security threats.” Pressure to prevent China from putting conditions on foreign investors won’t change China’s industrial policy, which is a vital part of their development planning, says Mark Weisbrot…

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Anti-Semitism in Germany

German police say anti-Semitic crime rose by 20% between 2017 and 2018. Many Jews in Germany no longer feel safe. And many must struggle with the question of whether to wear their traditional skullcaps in…

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Is Pope Francis Doing Enough to Root Out Sex Abuse in the Church? – RAI with Matthew Fox (2/8)

Pope Francis announced new rules requiring pedophilia and sexual abuse to be reported to Church superiors, but survivors are critical, saying police need to be informed – on Reality Asserts Itself with Paul Jay Watch…

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U.S. Prepares Sanctions to Block Food Program for Millions of Venezuelans

The United States is preparing sanctions against a major Venezuelan government subsidized food program that distributes important food staples to over half of Venezuelans each month. The impact would be devastating. Mike Fox reports from…

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State Department Perpetuates Disinformation on Iran

Regular State Department briefings have been few, but the public is entitled to them, to hold the Trump administration accountable, such as on its policies towards Iran, says Col. Larry Wilkerson Subscribe to our page…

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Austria’s Far Right Gains Ground Despite Massive Corruption Scandal

Austria’s right-wing FPÖ party was forced to leave the governing coalition in the wake of a serious corruption scandal, but nonetheless went on to increase its vote in European Parliamentary election. We analyze why with…

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Oshawa GM Plant Workers “Collateral Damage”

The GM plant in Oshawa, Canada, has shrunk from 23,000 jobs in early 1980’s to 300 today. Taxpayers bailed out GM to save jobs and productive capacity. A democratic just transition that saves the community…

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Canadian Inquiry Demands Justice for Genocide of Indigenous Women and Girls

Dr. Pamela Palmater of Ryerson University says PM Justin Trudeau had an opportunity to take the lead on the recommendations of the inquiry, but he didn’t. She has no confidence that the political will exists…

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Trump’s Mexico Tariff Ignores the Reality of Migration

Mexico has already deported thousands of Central Americans who are fleeing their homelands because of a century of U.S. interventionist policies Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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Trump’s Mexico Tariffs: A ‘Foolish’ Policy

The US has massive trade with Mexico, in both directions, which would be seriously impacted by Trump’s proposal to impose a progressively rising tariff on all Mexican imports until Mexico limits migration to the US….

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Has Indonesia Bucked the Global Rightward Trend?

The conflict between incumbent and winning president Jokowi and his conservative challenger Prabowo has led to violent protests, 8 deaths, and hundreds of injured, but Prabowo’s challenge to the election result has largely failed. Does…

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D-Day: How the US Supported Hitler’s Rise to Power

Historian Peter Kuznick joins Paul Jay to discuss the role of Ford, GM, and other industrialists in rearming Germany and supporting Hitler’s rise to power Watch full series https://therealnews.com/series/peter-kuznick-d-day Subscribe to our page and support…

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Trump Targets Cuba’s Tourism and Small Businesses

Trump administration sanctions that impose new travel restrictions on Cuba are aimed at Cuba’s economy and will have no effect on Cuba’s support for Venezuela, says Netfa Freeman of IPS Subscribe to our page and…

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Venezuelan Families Build Solidarity Amid Crisis

Once a month, 181 families in Caracas, Venezuela, collectively buy tons of produce, directly from a cooperative in Lara state, five hours away. The project, known as Alpargata, shows how the economic crisis is also…

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California Senate Shelves Bill Tying Affordable Housing to Climate Crisis, Public Transit

Senate Democrats have removed SB 50 from the docket for the 2019 legislative session. Aiming to tackle housing, public transit and wildfires, it came under fire for loopholes and weak mandates, but policy conversation now…

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China-Russia Partnership Threatens US Global Hegemony

The U.S. expected China to integrate into global capitalism as a subordinate power, but recent deals with Russia show China is moving towards equality in economic and military power Subscribe to our page and support…

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