Tag: real news

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Climate to Top Agenda Under Finnish EU Council Presidency

Finnish Prime Minister Antti Rinne says he intends to promote the EU’s global leadership on climate change as he takes over the 6-month EU council presidency. He appears to be serious about responding to the…

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De Zayas: UN Human Rights Council’s Report on Venezuela is ‘Unbalanced’ (1/2)

Former lawyer for the UN High Commissioner on Human Rights, Alfred de Zayas, says that High Commissioner Michelle Bachelet’s report on human rights in Venezuela mostly ignores the severity and responsibility of US sanctions against…

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Jeffrey Epstein: The Lawlessness of Patriarchy and Power

Author David Rosen asks whether justice will prevail in the insidious web of power that protects pedophillic predators who sexualy prey on young girls. Will Epstein’s prosecution uncover the intricate relations of the powerful that…

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US Violates Nuclear Non-Proliferation Obligations, Undermining Credibility With Iran and N. Korea

Trump administration officials deploy a basic lack of understanding and contradictory policies towards Iran and North Korea, despite dealing with a similar problem: nuclear proliferation. We discuss the issue with Phyllis Bennis and Tim Shorrock …

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India’s Rahul Gandhi Resigns, PM Modi Faces Little Opposition to Far-Right Agenda

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s right-wing BJP party won an overwhelming majority in India’s election last May and now there is no real opposition to his rule, says Sreerekha Mullassery Sathiamma Subscribe to our page and…

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The Pentagon’s Carbon Boot Print

Two new studies show that the U.S. military consumes more fossil fuels—and emits more greenhouse gases—than many countries Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended…

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Poll: Religion in Decline in Arab Countries, Anger at the U.S Growing

James Zogby of the Arab American Institute discusses the results of a large survey conducted by the BBC in 11 Arab countries among 25,000 responders. The results show interesting developments in Arab public opinion on…

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Honduras Now Ruled By A “Criminal Gang” – With Western Government Support

Honduran Congressman Ramón Soto Bonilla says it is now more dangerous in Honduras to be a land defender than a narco-trafficker Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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US Government Could Run out of Money, But That’s not the Real Story

Bill Black demystifies the reality of debt, what really’s happening, and why the politics of debt is so convoluted Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is…

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US Women’s Soccer Team Stands for Equal Pay and Confronting Trump

Historian and ‘Burn it all Down’ Podcast host Amira Rose Davis explores the power of women athletes to change society Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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ICE’s Expanded Use of Facial Recognition Threatens All Our Civil Liberties

Evan Greer of Fight for the Future discusses how giving ICE access to the DMV databases of driver’s license photos poses universal risks. Facial recognition technology is risky, unreliable, and has the potential to cause…

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A World Without Ice

Dahr Jamail on his book “The End Of Ice” and the significance of the many studies showing glaciers and sea ice around the world are melting at an unprecedented speed Subscribe to our page and…

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Socialism Back on Agenda, 30 Years After ‘End of History’

Alexandr Buzgalin discusses the crisis of neoliberalism and the resurgence of socialist thought and political movements, 30 years after the publication of Fukuyama’s ‘End of History’ thesis, which argued that there is no alternative to…

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Alberta Government Declares War On Environmentalists

Environmentalist Tzeporah Berman says Alberta Premier Jason Kenney is a “climate change denier” Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes…

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Greece’s Syriza Government Loses Election After Imposing Harsh Austerity (1/2)

Former Deputy Defence Minister Costas Isychos says Greek voters punished Alexis Tsipras for betraying his anti-austerity mandate Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for…

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Greek Neo-Nazi Party Golden Dawn Rejected by Greek Voters (2/2)

Greece’s Former Deputy Defence Minister Costas Isychos says support for the far-right remains strong despite neo-Nazi defeat Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for…

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How Do You Confront Prime Minister Boris Johnson?

Labor MP Chris Williamson talks about how to combat the austerity and right-wing policies of Johnson, and says people should stop worrying about Brexit Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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The Lines Between Us: The Modern History of Baltimore Apartheid (1/2)

As Trump unloads a racist attack on Baltimore, we speak with author Lawrence Lanahan, who charts the history of segregation from redlining to the civil rights movement. Subscribe to our page and support our work…

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Democrats Use Trump’s Tweets to Hide Neoliberal Policy Failures

The reactions to Trump’s tweets show that the “Diverter in Chief” has effectively derailed the conversation around Baltimore City, and has allowed establishment Democrats to avoid their own culpability in the segregation and poverty in…

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Trump’s Attack on Baltimore and Rep. Cummings Are 2020 Campaign Warning Shots

Baltimore City Councilman Zeke Cohen responds not only to Trump but looks at why America’s Baltimores exist and how you fight back and respond politically Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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House Anti-BDS Resolution Reveals the Power and Limits of the Israeli Lobby

The defense of Palestinian rights has become more acceptable and accusations of anti-Semitism have become more sparing in the mainstream media, despite the House’s recent resolution against the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, says IPS’s…

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Philly Locals: It’s Time to Shut Down Philadelphia Energy Solutions Refinery

After a series of explosions, the largest oil refinery on the East Coast said they were shutting down. But then they declared bankruptcy and said they plan to reopen. Subscribe to our page and support…

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How Can We Support Migrants at the Border and in Our Communities?

Episode 8 of Real Talk Tho: As Trump threaten immigration raids, how will Baltimore respond? (6/10) Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational…

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Biden’s Criminal Justice Plan: Too Little Too Late? (2/2)

Joe Biden’s Criminal Justice plan is a band aid on an open wound he helped inflict, particularly on poor Black and brown communities. Kamau Franklin and Jacqueline Luqman take a closer look at the contradiction…

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India’s Assam Region Grapples With Aftermath of Devastating Monsoon

Floods have killed dozens in the state of Assam. Though the worst of the monsoon rains is over, those displaced are now grappling with a lack of food, clean drinking water and medicine Subscribe to…

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Former Detective Says Police Lied About Controversial Arrest Caught On Video

In the latest episode of the Police Accountability Report we discuss an arrest caught on tape which seems to diverge from the account given by officers, and discuss if it’s possible for police to police…

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Hawaii Protectors Block the TMT Telescope to Respect Tradition and Science

What are the implications of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) project that is at the center of the growing protest in Hawaii for indigenous Hawaiians, and for science? We discuss the issue with Katie Kamelamela,…

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