Tag: real news

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Biden’s Criminal Justice Plan Can’t Reform the System He Helped Create (1/2)

Joe Biden’s Criminal Justice plan is a band aid on an open wound he helped inflict, particularly on poor Black and brown communities. Kamau Franklin and Jacqueline Luqman take a closer look at the contradiction…

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Is it Time to Nationalize the Fossil Fuel Industry?

In part 2 of her interview, Democracy Collaborative’s Johanna Bozuwa argues that the fastest way for the U.S. to lower greenhouse gas emissions and create a just transition is to buy out the entire fossil…

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Puerto Rico Governor’s Resignation ‘A Landmark’ in Island’s History

This is the first time in Puerto Rico’s history that a governor was forced to resign due to mass protests. What does Rosselló’s resignation mean for the future of Puerto Rico’s politics and its economy?…

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New Study Predicts Millions of Americans May Become Exposed to “Off the Charts” Heat

Climate scientist Michael Mann discusses the increasing frequency and severity of heat waves, just as the US, Europe, and India are experiencing this Summer Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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MSNBC & CNN To Host Climate Town Halls for Candidates

Sunrise Movement fellow Zina Rodriguez says she celebrates the moves from two major networks, but they don’t change the need for a real climate debate Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Growing Alarm in Germany Following Right-Wing Attacks

In June, the fatal shooting of a pro-migrant politician sent shockwaves through the country. This week, there were two more incidents suspected of having right-wing extremist motives. The violence has left political leaders searching for…

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UN: World Hunger Increases for Third Straight Year due to Climate Change

Cindy Holleman of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization says climate change, conflict, and economic stagnation are increasing hunger Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is…

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Baltimore Says No to Trump’s ICE Raids

Episode 8 of Real Talk Tho: As Trump threatens immigration raids, how will Baltimore respond? (5/10) immigration, deportations, trump, raids, ICE, baltimore, maryland, USA, refugees, asylum seekers, children, cages, el salvador, honduras, nicaragua, know your…

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Study: Breaching ‘Carbon Threshold’ Could Trigger Mass Extinction in Oceans

MIT scientist Daniel Rothman explains that the earth’s oceans may be at the ‘precipice of excitation,’ due to carbon in the oceans, which would unleash a mass extinction of life Subscribe to our page and…

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‘Frecia’s Story Is Very Common in Baltimore’

Episode 8 of Real Talk Tho: As Trump threaten immigration raids, how will Baltimore respond? (3/10) immigration, deportations, trump, raids, ICE, baltimore, maryland, USA, refugees, asylum seekers, children, cages, el salvador, honduras, nicaragua, know your…

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Migrants Are Escaping Conditions the US Helped Create

Episode 8 of Real Talk Tho: As Trump threaten immigration raids, how will Baltimore respond? (4/10) immigration, deportations, trump, raids, ICE, baltimore, maryland, USA, refugees, asylum seekers, children, cages, el salvador, honduras, nicaragua, know your…

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After Finding Refuge in the US, Asylum Seekers Now Fear Deportation

Episode 8 of Real Talk Tho: As Trump threaten immigration raids, how will Baltimore respond? (2/10) immigration, deportations, trump, raids, ICE, baltimore, maryland, USA, refugees, asylum seekers, children, cages, el salvador, honduras, nicaragua, know your…

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New York Blackout Prompts Call for Publicly Owned Energy

Energy mismanagement in New York City and California has sparked questions about their ownership models. Democracy Collaborative’s Johanna Bozuwa says making utilities public would help foster democracy and fight the climate crisis.  Subscribe to our…

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‘I Was One of Them’: Asylum Seeker Reflects on Her Journey to the US

Episode 8 of Real Talk Tho: As Trump threatens immigration raids, how will Baltimore respond? (1/10) Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational…

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Airline Caterers Authorize Strike Action, Supported by Presidential Candidates

Senators Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Richard Blumenthal, Sherrod Brown, and Mayor Bill DeBlasio, among others, all came out to the DC National Airport to express their support for airline food workers, who intend to strike…

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Mueller’s Seven-Hour Testimony Changed Nothing

Former FBI Agent Coleen Rowley talks about Mueller’s past incompetence and describes how the hearing is the movie following the book and amounted to “Much Ado About Nothing.” Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Netanyahu Becomes Longest-Serving Prime Minister in Israel History

Shir Hever compares the world of founding Prime Minister Ben Gurion, who pushed a collective spirit and built an Israeli security elite, to that of populist Benjamin Netanyahu, who has profited from the spoils of…

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Israel Demolishes 70 More Palestinian Apartments in East Jerusalem

Jeff Halper, a leader of the anti-demolitions movement, discusses the destruction of Palestinian homes, along with the history and politics that allows this violation of international law to continue Subscribe to our page and support…

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Corruption, Mismanagement, and Disrespect Fuel Puerto Rico Protests

The political crisis in Puerto Rico is deepening, with a massive strike and hundreds of thousands taking to the streets, demanding Governor Rosselló resign for his corrupt management of the island. Activist Julio Lopez Varona…

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The Green New Deal is Built on Decades of Climate Justice Organizing

At Netroots Nation 2019, Climate Justice Alliance’s Anthony Rogers-Wright talks about how movements—and candidates—can fight for frontline communities by scaling up and out solutions that are already working Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Uncertainty Looms Over Boris Johnson’s Response to Iranian Seizure of British Tanker

Could Trump and Bolton push Britain out of the Iran nuclear treaty? Eskandar Sadeghi-Boroujerdi discusses whether Boris Johnson could act as the U.S.’s errand boy if he assumes power as prime minister. Subscribe to our…

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“We believe that organizing is a key tool in obtaining justice for our students.”

In an exclusive interview, new Baltimore Teachers Union Diamonté Brown talks with TRNN’s Jaisal Noor about her stunning victory, her plan to bridge divides within the union, and the many challenges facing Baltimore’s schools. Subscribe…

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Toronto Temp Workers Organize in City’s Poorest Neighborhood

Jane and Finch residents, who make up Toronto’s poorest and most diverse neighborhood, are increasingly organizing to confront temp agencies that are exploiting them Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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Progressive Churches Challenge the Hard-Line Conservative Evangelical Narrative on Immigration

In contrast to the unwavering support that conservative and evangelical religious groups give President Trump, progressive churches and synagogues are fighting on the front lines against the administration’s anti-immigrant policies Subscribe to our page and…

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Unpaid Caregiving Increases Risk of Poverty in Retirement

Christian Weller discusses his PERI study showing that people who care for children or elderly parents are less likely to have decent savings for retirement. The risk is higher for women, and especially for single…

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Philadelphia Activist: ‘Oil Refinery Explosion Literally Rocked the Very Foundation of my Community’

The refinery is set to shut down after an explosion that could have killed millions, but at Netroots Nation 2019, Philly Thrive member .O says it was already negatively impacting low-income Black people who live…

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Are Police Being Paid to Kill Us?

A recent secret deal to give a Mesa, Arizona police officer a lifetime pension after a controversial shooting is raising questions about a system that appears to have troublesome incentives Subscribe to our page and…

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