Tag: real news

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Ecuador Takes Harmful IMF Loan, Even Though it Doesn’t Need it

According to an analysis of the Center for Economic and Policy Analysis, Ecuador’s recent IMF loan of $4.2 billion comes with strings that will hurt economic growth. Ecuador doesn’t even need the loan, says the…

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Yemen’s Houthis Maintain Upper Hand, as Peace Talks Proceed

A UN-brokered ceasefire to protect the port of Hodeidah appears to be holding, while the United Arab Emirates are withdrawing, having achieved their objectives, says Patrick Cockburn. Also, US Congressional effort to stop US support…

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Republicans Are Transforming Federal Courts for the Next Generation

The Nation’s Elie Mystal says Conservative think tanks and Senate Majority Leader McConnell are creating a right-wing federal court system with Trump’s help that will affect generations to come Subscribe to our page and support…

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Trump’s Racist Lies About Ilhan Omar Define the Republican Party

The Ilhan Omar quote Trump bastardized came from her conversation with John Nichols, who joins us to look at US history for inspiration and understanding. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Italy Prepares to Round Up Sinti and Roma

Evoking memories of the Holocaust, when so-called “Gypsies” were targeted, Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini uses his authority to call for demolition of settlements of Sinti and Roma minorities in Italy, and rounding up those…

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Trump Bans Asylum Seekers at the Border in Violation of National and International Law

Litigator Angelo Guisado says Trump’s tactics are proto-fascist, and stopping asylum seekers in transit through other countries violates standing U.S. law and international treaties. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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Will the Afghan Peace Agreement be a Face-Saving Fig Leaf?

Afghanistan is making progress for a peace agreement, but such an agreement will not necessarily mean an end to war or even assure the Afghan government’s survival, says Matthew Hoh Subscribe to our page and…

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Some Candidates Have Climate Plans, But Are They Climate Justice Plans?

At Netroots Nation 2019, 350.org’s Thanu Yakupitiyage says she’s looking for every presidential candidate to release tangible climate plans, bring frontline communities into the room, and take on the fossil fuel industry and its money…

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EU Elects First Woman President: Germany’s Conservative von der Leyen

Members of the European Parliament have made history by electing the first woman as Commission President. Germany’s outgoing defence minister Ursula von der Leyen won lawmakers’ support for the role. She was voted in by…

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Kamala Harris Goes After the Black Vote With a Homeownership Plan

Will Kamala Harris’ home ownership proposal address the persistent issue of the racial homeownership and wealth gap, or will her plan create more problems for the very people she aims to help? Subscribe to our…

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Trump Tweets About Disloyal Jews, Then Tweets He’s “King of Israel”

Haggai Matar, editor of #972 Magazine discusses Netanyahu’s Trump-inspired Omar and Tlaib ban, Trump’s bizarre retweets, and its effect on Jews and the U.S. election Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Italy’s Right-Wing Government Collapses – Will the Next One Be Better?

Matteo Salvini of the right-wing League party tried to maneuver for new elections, but failed. Now coalition talks are happening to see if the anti-corruption 5-Star Movement and the center-left Democratic Party can form a…

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Newark’s Water Crisis is One of Thousands That Are Worse Than Flint’s

Lead poisoning is a public health emergency in poor working class communities across the United States, raising crime rates, causing school dropouts, filling our prisons and creating human tragedy Subscribe to our page and support…

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Why is the Far-Right Rising Globally? (1/2)

Walden Bello, author of “Counterrevolution: The Global Rise of the Far-Right,” argues that the far-right is in ascendancy at the moment not only in reaction to the failures of neoliberalism, but also because of the…

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The 1619 Project: A Nation Born in Contradiction, a Democracy Defined by Black Struggle

Nikole Hannah-Jones, who spearheaded the New York Times’ 1619 Project joins The Real News Network to look at the lies that founded the U.S. and how Black America has given life to American ideals Subscribe…

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Police Use Your Money to Buy Silence from Brutality Victims

A Real News investigation reveals how the political power structure of policing allows brutal cops to silence victims with public money Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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The Amazon is Burning at a Record Rate

The fires are the product of Bolsonaro’s policies that prioritize agribusiness over people—especially indigenous people, says Amazon Watch’s Christian Poirier Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Pope Francis Confronts the “Idolatry of Money” – RAI with Matthew Fox (7/8)

With his criticism of excessive capitalism and of climate change, Pope Francis has become the target of the far-right, and especially of the secretive Opus Dei sect within the Catholic Church, explains former priest Matthew…

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DHS Was Tracking White Supremacist Terrorists, but Nobody Wanted to Listen

No one listened when the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI sounded the alarm about the rise of white supremacist and far-right domestic terrorism, says former DHS intelligence analyst Daryl Johnson and Greg Huffman…

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Bernie Sanders Takes Aim at the Pathology of the For-Profit Criminal Justice System

An analysis of Sen Sanders’ new criminal justice reform plan and a brief history of neoliberal democrats ‘playing’ at progressive politics while enacting regressive policies. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Israeli Arms Trade in South Sudan Was Disguised as “Agriculture”

Investigative journalist Sam Mednik revealed that the agricultural company Green Horizon was a front for former Israeli general Israel Ziv’s security company CST who were supplying arms to South Sudan, fueling the conflict by selling…

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How The Mainstream Media Fuels America’s Income Inequality Machine

From medicare for all to neoliberal tax subsidies for major corporations the mainstream media often bolsters the notion that a more fair and equitable society is not possible Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Venezuelans Transition from the Bolivar to the US Dollar

Venezuelans in the nation’s capital of Caracas are sidestepping the bolivar—the country’s local currency—in favour of the US dollar. This trend appears to be on the rise as Venezuela’s currency crisis worsens. Subscribe to our…

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Why Corporate Media Doesn’t Talk Honestly About Racism

Media conversations about racism are rarely accurate, let alone honest, facilitating the status quo and hindering systemic change. A discussion between Dylan Rodriguez, Eddie Conway, and Jaqueline Luqman Subscribe to our page and support our…

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De Facto Annexation of Kashmir Means the End of India as a Secular State

Sidharth Bhatia, of the website The Wire, disucsses the “new roadmap for India,” by which India practically annexed the disputed Muslim-majority region of Kashmir. The policy is leading India ever more towards a state in…

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Germany Shows Signs of Recession – Is the Global Economy Next?

Heiner Flassbeck argues that the China-US trade war is not having as much of an impact on the global economy as many assume. China’s currency is not undervalued, despite its recent devaluation. Rather, the undervalued…

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Trump Tweets, Then Netanyahu Bans Reps. Ilhan Omar & Rashida Tlaib From Israel

Jim Zogby and Phyllis Bennis discuss the Trump-Netanyahu dynamic, the diminishing power of AIPAC, and the political battle against Rep. Omar and Rep. Tlaib Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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