Tag: real news

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Hong Kong Protests: A Reaction to Beijing’s Growing Effort for Control

Protesters have expanded their demands, after China’s central government has conceded to their initial demand of cancelling an extradition law. As the protests continue in Hong Kong, Adam Ni says it is unlikely they will…

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Family of Police Shooting Victim Confronts Progressive Philly DA Larry Krasner

The family of police shooting victim Khalil Lawal confronted Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner over the questionable way that the so-called “Progressive Prosecutor” has handled  several cases.  Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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Tawanda Jones Leads Rally on the Sixth Anniversary of Tyrone West’s Death

On the sixth anniversary of her brother, Tyrone West’s death at the hands of police, Tawanda Jones leads a rally at the site of where police officers brutalized him, kicking, punching and sitting on him….

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Greta: Capitalism Is Destroying The Planet

“People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is the money, and fairytales of eternal economic growth. How…

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Nate Silver and the Pitfalls of the Corporate Pundit Class

Political statistician and editor-in-chief of FiveThirtyEight Nate Silver found himself in hot water recently when he seemed to refer to the diverse supporters of Bernie Sanders’ campaign as “residue.” Jacqueline Luqman talks to Anoa Changa…

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The Modern Day Scramble for Africa

From the US to China to Israel to Russia, governments are positioning resources – both civilian and military – in various African nations for various reasons. Jacqueline Luqman talks to Maurice Carney about who are…

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Is Canada’s Government a Partner in America’s Crimes?

Margaret Kimberly of Black Agenda Report says Justin Trudeau’s blackface scandal is far from the worst of his offenses Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is…

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Black Leftists Challenge #Blexit And Political Misleadership In Baltimore

Candace Owens of the right-wing org Turning Point USA held the group’s #Blexit conference at Baltimore’s Ram’s Head Live last week. The event itself was sparsely covered by the media, which is probably a good…

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Joe Biden’s ‘Gaffes’ Are Much Bigger Problem for Democrats Than Embarrassment

Joe Biden’s off-the-cuff comments aren’t playing well to audiences any more. Is this an indication of a too-long political career finally declining, or is this a sign of a much bigger problem for the Democratic…

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Venezuela’s Maduro Attempts a Separate Peace with Part of Opposition

As tensions increase between the Maduro government and the US-supported opposition, Maduro signed an agreement with smaller opposition parties against sanctions and in favor of deescalation. Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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Fed Comes to its Senses, Lowers Interest Rate

After causing almost every recession of the past several decades, the Federal Reserve is lowering interest rates before a recession takes hold. This represents an important shift in the Fed’s policy, says CEPR’s Mark Weisbrot…

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Bernie Sanders’ Union Platform Calls for Class Struggle

Union strikes are growing, as is voter support for unions. In this context, what does Sen. Bernie Sanders’ union platform mean? Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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Police Say They Killed a Man Holding a Gun, But a Video Raises Doubts

Police in Aberdeen, Washington shot and killed a man while trying to serve a warrant two weeks ago. On this Police Accountability Report, we look at the video that raises doubts about their story and…

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Turkey’s Erdogan Presents Plan to Turn Kurds into a Minority in Northern Syria

President Erdogan of Turkey says that it’s time for Turkey to send Syrian refugees to northern Syria, currently inhabited by Syrian Kurds. Meanwhile Erdogan’s position in Turkey is weakening, both politically and economically, says Baris…

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Israeli Elections Deadlocked But Shows Power of the Arab Bloc

Our guests analyze Israeli political paralysis, the power of the right, and what having the Arab coalition be the largest opposition party might mean Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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The Ungers: A Matter of Time

Join us for a screening of “The Ungers: A Matter of Time” followed by a panel discussion of the film Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Saudi – UAE Split on Yemen Not What it Appears to Be

Antony Lowenstein parses the fog around UAE & Saudi’s in Yemen, how it is connected to the chaos in Libya, the drone attack, and wider chaos of the Middle East Subscribe to our page and…

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Argentina’s Food Crisis Worsens

Argentina’s opposition and the Catholic Church want parliament to introduce a ‘food emergency’ law to address growing poverty and food insecurity amid the country’s worsening economic crisis. Subscribe to our page and support our work…

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Drone Attack on Saudis Might Not Lead to War, but Dangerous Nonetheless

As’ad Abukhalil maintains that Trump may not actually want war, but the consequences of this attack could still have dangerous consequences Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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Republicans Partied in a Monument to American Wealth Inequality

The little-known back story of the hotel where Republican’s gathered in Baltimore last week is how it embodies all the unjust policies that have created record wealth inequality in the US Subscribe to our page…

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Israelis Lose Interest in Politics and Upcoming Election

Shir Hever talks about the slow election cycle in Israel, the second in the same year, in which the parties make minimal effort to campaign. Opinion polls predict the same result as the election last…

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Nigerians Return Home After Fleeing Violence in South Africa

Taking advantage of free flights, the first Nigerians evacuated from South Africa have arrived home. But while they feel relief at having escaped South Africa’s xenophobic violence with their lives, many are uncertain about their…

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Police Use Ignorance of the Law as a Defense, But You Can’t

On this episode we take a critical look at the obstacles to holding police accountable, and expose how both politicians and judges defend an institution that is often at odds with communities. Subscribe to our…

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Bernie Sanders Is Fighting to End the Media’s Demonization of Socialism

We had a conversation with Sen. Sanders’ Press Secretary Briahna Joy Gray on the right-wing talking points used by mainstream media to discredit Sen. Sanders and the falsehoods about socialism perpetuated by the GOP. Subscribe…

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Johnson’s Brexit Mess Now a “Constitutional Crisis”

Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson tried to undermine parliament and the Brexit process by temporarily suspending parliament, but now a court has ruled that the suspension is unlawful and a constitutional crisis unfolds, says Grace…

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Over a Hundred Arrested Resisting one of the World’s Largest Arms Fairs

Hundreds of protesters gathered in East London at one of the world’s largest arms fairs seeking to peacefully prevent the Defence and Security Equipment International from going ahead as usual. Subscribe to our page and…

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With Bolton Out, Will Trump Give Peace a Chance?

Former State Dept. official Matthew Hoh says he supports the removal of National Security Advisor John Bolton, who advocated for war and the interests of the military industrial complex Subscribe to our page and support…

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