Tag: real news

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Witchcraft, Anarchy and the Rise of LeftTube

A new generation of leftists are fighting the alt-right and influencing the progressive discourse one video essay at a time. We asked anarchist and libertarian socialist Angie Speaks about engaging with the isolation and loneliness…

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Is India Restricting Freedom of the Press in Kashmir?

A month after India suspended autonomy in Indian-controlled Kashmir, reporters there still face severe restrictions. Local media outlets are struggling to report freely under an unprecedented communications blackout. What does that mean for Kashmiris? Subscribe…

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Kashmir Lockdown Leaves Medical Care in Chaos

In August, India revoked Kashmir’s special status and imposed a communications blackout. The restrictions have had an impact on medical care. With hospital operating rooms on standby for emergencies, patients with scheduled operations are put…

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North Carolina Did What SCOTUS Wouldn’t – Ended GOP Gerrymandering

A North Carolina state court panel stopped the GOP’s gerrymandering plan by ruling that the maps drawn for GOP-dominated voting districts were in violating of the state’s constitution, and of the rights of North Carolina…

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Israeli Security Tech on US-Mexican Border Threatens Nation’s Civil Liberties

The ACLU’s Jay Stanley says that the Border Patrol’s repurposing of surveillance technology and drones could open doors that put our liberty and privacy at risk Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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US and Iran “At Cliff’s Edge”

Iran’s president Hassan Rouhani presented an ultimatum of two months to the EU to save the Iran nuclear deal. However, the deal is likely to continue to deteriorate, says The Independent’s Patrick Cockburn Subscribe to…

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Calling BS on the ‘Bad Apples’ Theory of Police Misconduct

On this episode of The Police Accountability Report, we tell a harrowing tale of a firsthand experience with drug dealing cops reveals the long and troubling history of police selling narcotics, and calls into question…

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Mozambique’s Farmers Face Food Crisis

Several months after a devastating cyclone hit Mozambique, farmers are still reeling from the losses to their crops. Food prices have risen dramatically and millions of people continue to rely on emergency aid Subscribe to…

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Agreement to End US Involvement in Afghanistan War, But War Will Continue

The US and the Taliban are about to sign an agreement to withdraw 14,000 US troops from Afghanistan, potentially ending the longest war in US history. However, the Afghans will not see an end to…

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Leading Israeli Journalists Launch Racist Rants about Palestinians

Israeli columnist Gideon Levy confronts the journalists, the depth of racism in Israeli society, and asks which is the murderous society Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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Colombia’s President “Wants War,” FARC Dissidents Comply

Colombian activist Manuel Rozental explains that the flawed 2016 peace agreement with the FARC rebels was an important step forward, but now FARC dissidents are giving in to the government’s push for more war Subscribe…

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Assam’s Citizen Register May Exclude Genuine Indians

The Indian state of Assam will soon release its National Register of Citizens, a list of residents of the state who can prove they have been living there for roughly seven decades. The government says…

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The Neoliberal Scam: Public Money for Private Playgrounds

TRNN takes an in-depth look at so-called public-private partnerships and how they funnel public money into the pockets of the ultra-wealthy Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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How Elites Crush Black Dissent

What does it mean for the people living under systemic oppression when society frames their rebellion as a riot? Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is…

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Yemen’s Hospitals Struggle to Provide Intensive Care

As the war in Yemen enters its fifth year, the country’s health care sector is in crisis. There’s a shortage of beds and medicine, and medical staff often remain unpaid. DW’s Fanny Facsar reports from…

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Jay-Z’s Double Consciousness

Controversy over Jay-Z ‘s recent NFL partnership has many of his fans questioning whether he is betraying the black freedom struggle or in a better position to support it. Subscribe to our page and support…

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Is it Cynical to Believe the System is Corrupt?

While a new poll shows most US citizens believe the political and economic system is rigged against them, Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren also echo this sentiment. Some conservatives are now pushing back. But…

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US Sanctions Take Economic Toll on Lives of Iranians

The US is applying a policy of ‘maximum pressure’ on Iran, where economic sanctions are having a noticeable effect on the everyday lives of ordinary Iranians. DW’s Theresa Tropper talked to people in Teheran and…

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Johnson Shuts Down Parliament to Help Ensure No-Deal Brexit

The Nation Editor D.D. Guttenplan walks through the political intricacies of the current “coup” in Britain and analyzes the political and economic consequences of the worldwide right-wing push Subscribe to our page and support our…

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The Israeli Elections Are Not About Palestine or Peace

Shir Hever discusses how the upcoming Israeli elections demonstrate the secular/religious divide on major issues like gender segregation, separation of church and state, public transportation during the Shabbath, and the conscription of women and ultra-Orthodox…

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Racial Inequality Is Rooted in Denial of Home and Land Ownership

The racial wealth gap in the US is directly linked to the ways in which Blacks were prevented from home and property ownership, while the government gave whites many opportunities for such ownership. We discuss…

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Orwellian Surveillance of Tohono O’odham Nation – A Test Case for Entire US Border?

Will Parrish tells the story of how Israeli surveillance techniques originally developed to control Palestinians are now being used on Indigenous land near the border to control migrants, and could be expanded to the entire…

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Corporate Media Bias Against Sanders Is Structural, Not a Conspiracy

What the United States needs is a real discussion about the systematic structural bias against politicians and political movements that question corporate control over the news, say RootsAction.org founders Jeff Cohen and Norman Solomon Subscribe…

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Rohingya Muslim Refugees Refuse to Return to Myanmar

More than 700,000 Rohingya Muslims fled from Myanmar to Bangladesh two years ago following a brutal army crackdown. This week, more than 3,000 of them were told that they were eligible for repatriation. But all…

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How to Confront the Global Rise of the Right? (2/2)

In part 2 of our discussion with Walden Bello about his new book, “Counterrevolution,” we address the role of neoliberalism, the strategies of the far-right to gain and maintain power, and how progressive forces might…

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Conflict Between Trump and Military-Diplomatic Establishment Is Full of Hypocrisy

We are living in a political world that seems turned on its head, with Democrats voting to stay in Syria and Republicans wanting to get out–but neither side is getting it right. Subscribe to our…

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Tulsi Gabbard Isn’t a Russian Asset. It’s More Complicated Than That.

The Nation’s Jeet Heer discusses Hillary Clinton’s recent remarks toward Rep. Tulsi Gabbard. Why do anti-war activists and the right wing seem to love her? Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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