Tag: real news

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Agent Provocateurs and the Assassination of Black Panther Fred Hampton

TRNN’s Eddie Conway honors the 50th anniversary of Hampton’s assassination by describing the event and its significance for social movements today. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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How Cops Shoot First, Get Paid Later

The Police Accountability Report explores how a controversial shooting may lead to a lifetime pension for the officer involved, and why concepts like blanket criminality and moral disqualification drive the system that rewards questionable behavior….

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How White Collar Criminals Get Away with Murder

White-collar crime prosecutions are at a 33-year low. Corporate leaders can cause environmental disasters, economic crashes, and the deaths of thousands and still walk free. But there’s a way out. Director: Adam Coley Audio Engineer:…

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Trump Declared War on the Poor–And the Poor Are Fighting Back

Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue announced plans to cut SNAP benefits that could drive millions further into poverty. Liz Theoharis of the Poor People’s Campaign and Karen Dolan of IPS join us to discuss the…

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France’s Pension Reform Met with Massive Protests and Strikes

Prof. Jean Bricmont discusses the biggest strike since President Macron was elected in 2017. Millions are protesting the new pension reform, which will force private sector workers to work beyond retirement age in order to…

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Historic Radical Organization Relaunches to Fight Police Oppression

Jacqueline Luqman talks to Max Rameau about the relaunch of the National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression, and the start of a national effort to advocate for community control over the police. Director/Video Editor:…

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Climate Change Fuels Hellfire in the City of Angels

California’s fire season isn’t over yet, but megafire events have already taken a major toll on the state and its inhabitants, forcing the evacuation of tens of thousands of people. Warm, dry climate change conditions…

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Brazil’s Right-Wing Bolsonaro Regime Attacks Leading Critic Glenn Greenwald

Brazil’s government faces near unanimous condemnation over its attempt to punish journalist Glenn Greenwald for revealing its corrupt investigation practices. Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley Audio Engineer: Cameron Granadino Subscribe to our page and support our…

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Impeachment Trial Won’t Be Impartial and Won’t Convict Trump

Legal scholar Marjorie Cohn says ‘Vichy Republicans’ are making a mockery of the constitutionally mandated impeachment process. Director/Video Editor: Taylor Hebden Audio Engineer: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Subscribe to our page and support…

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Climate Change Will Alter Sports Forever

Australian Open competitors had to fight through wildfire smoke in their qualifying rounds. Political sportswriter Dave Zirin says we’re about to see how the climate crisis will permanently change the way we play sports. Producer:…

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Interest in its Natural Resources Is Tearing Libya Apart

Political writer Greg Shupak discusses the failed attempt in Moscow to reach a ceasefire agreement in the Libyan civil war, and the new attempt in Berlin. As Turkey, the UAE, Egypt, and other regional players…

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Phase One of US-China Trade Deal Is Mostly Symbolic

President Trump says his just-signed trade deal with China is unprecedented, but it’s mostly symbolic and has little to nothing to offer ordinary Americans, says Jocobin’s Nicole Aschoff. Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley Audio Engineer: Taylor…

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3 Arrested for Plans to Incite Violence at ‘Gun Rights’ Rally in Richmond

Three suspected neo-Nazis were arrested, accused of planning to incite violence at the upcoming gun rights rally in Richmond, VA. The state’s capitol is in a state of emergency after finding a pattern of communications…

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The Barber and the Rev

This is the first in a series of short documentaries exploring Martin Luther King through a different lens. Nelson Malden was King’s barber from the moment King came to Montgomery to just before his assassination….

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Bipartisan NAFTA 2.0 Is Still Fatally Flawed

Congress passed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) almost unanimously. It contains improvements over the original NAFTA, but still puts corporate interests over those of ordinary citizens, says Jacobin’s Nicole Aschoff. Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley Audio Engineer:…

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Climate Activists Sound Alarm on Mediterranean Natural Gas Pipelines

Activists say the environmental risks of natural gas drilling are being ignored in the rush to challenge Russia’s control of the European energy market. Producer: Steve Horn Copy Editor: Jocelyn Dombroski Narration: Taya Graham Subscribe…

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$600M Property Tax Overcharge Is Eroding Detroit’s Black Homeownership

African-American homeowners in Detroit don’t just face lingering damage from the 2008 recession. The city is suffering from a foreclosure crisis after overcharging homeowners $600 million in property taxes. CORRECTION: The estimation that Detroit owns…

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The Liars that Led Us to War

Two Iraq war veterans explain why Congress has failed to stop the endless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and say the United States needs to learn from its imperialist history if anything is going to…

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Auditors Battle Cops to Protect our First Amendment Rights

Auditors across the country are turning the tables on police surveillance. The Police Accountability Report spoke to an auditor who was arrested to understand how filming cops ultimately preserves our civil rights. Please join Taya…

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The Cruelty of U.S. Justice System Exposed in A Single Video

A 19-year-old girl was punished with 9 months in a men’s jail, for spitting at an officer during a mental health crisis. Her interview is here https://youtu.be/7BOGY4g4hkc The viral video reveals the extreme treatment she…

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What Really Happened With Venezuela’s Parallel President?

Media reports and the Trump administration presented a very one-sided version of the election of Venezuela’s National Assembly leadership, presenting it as a coup. But who is trying to overthrow whom? Subscribe to our page…

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Turkey Cuts Deal with Russia, Intensifying the War for Gas in Libya

Turkey sent Syrian fighters to Libya to back the government and keep its control of offshore natural gas reserves. Egypt, Russia, ExxonMobil, Israel, and Greece are expanding Libya’s civil war in a fight over control…

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Toronto Uber Drivers First in Canada to Hold Union Vote

After Uber refused to hear their concerns about income and conditions, Uber drivers held a union certification vote. If allowed, the move could be a watershed moment for Canadian gig economy workers. Subscribe to our…

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Report: Maryland’s Governor Used Tax Dollars to Enrich Himself

Eric Cortellessa and Lisa Snowden discuss new allegations that Larry Hogan siphoned money from public transit projects to build highways that benefited his real estate companies. Director/Video Editor: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Audio Engineer: Cameron Granadino Camera…

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Canada’s Cops Were Ready to Shoot Indigenous Anti-Pipeline Activists

RCMP officers were instructed to use as much violence as they wanted at the blockade of the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline. Kanahus Manuel, an indigenous activist in British Columbia, said it’s part of Canada’s long colonial…

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War Powers Resolution on Iran Still Has Teeth

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution to prevent Trump from engaging in further hostilities against Iran. It is a mistake to assume that the resolution, if it passes the Senate, won’t have an…

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Calling Bernie Sanders Anti-Semitic Is Islamophobic

Sahar Aziz discusses her article from The New Arab, “Accusing Bernie Sanders of anti-Semitism is nothing but thinly veiled Islamophobia.” The accusation of anti-Semitism has been weaponized to attack people who promote solidarity with Muslim…

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