Tag: real news

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El Salvador’s President Militarizes Legislature to Strengthen Police Force

President Nayyib Bukele tried to intimidate lawmakers into approving his national security plan, saying it would bring down El Salvador’s sky-high crime rate. But the law and order plan follows US dictates and doesn’t address…

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‘Parasite’ Is a Class-Conscious Climate Parable

Audiences are used to thinking of apocalyptic stories as fantasy. But “Parasite” resonates because it merges themes of class warfare and climate crisis to show the dystopia we’re already living in. Producer: Steve Horn Director/Video…

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Trump’s Latest Immigration Policy: No More Africans or Muslims

The Trump administration is expanding its travel ban. It now prevents nearly a quarter of Africa from getting immigration visas. Director/Video Editor: Will Arenas Audio Engineer: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Chase Producer: Genevieve…

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US Sanctions Venezuela Again to Prove Socialism Doesn’t Work

Shortly after Venezuelan opposition leader and self-declared president Juan Guaidó got a standing ovation at Trump’s State of the Union address, United States officials promised more sanctions on Venezuela. Why? Director/Video Editor: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Audio…

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Sex Workers Are Organizing, and Voters Are With Them

Grassroots organizing is giving the movement to decriminalize sex work unexpected traction this election cycle. Focus on specific policies instead of data helped show the real level of support for what’s been called a nationally…

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‘Bernie Beats Trump’ Rally Draws Thousands on Eve of New Hampshire Primary

Sanders supporters remain confident he can win on Tuesday, that he’s best positioned to beat Donald Trump, and that he can implement a vision that values the human rights of all. Subscribe to our page…

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Activists Demand Public Control of Presidential Debates

Corporate media moderators focus debates on corporate interests and fail to represent public concerns, said protesters outside ABC News. They say control of debates should be returned to the public. Subscribe to our page and…

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Sanders’ Path to Victory Relies on Turning Out New Voters

Progressive Caucus co-chair Rep. Mark Pocan argues Sanders is electable because he won states like Wisconsin in the 2016 primary. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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The Case for Elizabeth Warren

Nelini Stamp says Warren addresses race, gender, and class like no other candidate does. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational…

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Sanders Wins New Hampshire

Bernie Sanders won a close contest in New Hampshire, and his supporters say this victory will help him secure the Democratic nomination and beat Trump in November. Subscribe to our page and support our work…

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Irish Left Set to Win General Election, But Still Shut Out of Governing?

For the first time in 100 years neither of Ireland’s two historically dominant parties will win a plurality of the vote, providing an opening to Sinn Fein and other left parties. What made this possible?…

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US Gov’t Attempts to Railroad Venezuelan Embassy Protectors

Prosecutors convinced the presiding judge not to allow political considerations in a highly politicized trial against four defendants who attempted to prevent Venezuela’s parallel government from illegally taking over the DC embassy Director/Video Editor: Adam…

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Fighting for Housing Rights in Brazil’s Largest City

Despite cuts to the state housing budget and the criminalization of housing movements in Sao Paulo, thousands of poor Brazilians remain in occupied buildings across the city, demanding their social right to housing. Subscribe to…

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Body Cam Shows Brutal Arrest of Man for Exercising 1st Amendment Rights

A recent arrest of a man playing guitar on a public sidewalk raises deeper questions about the power of American policing and how cops have nearly lawless discretion to arrest and harm. Please join journalists…

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Michael Moore: It’s Disqualifying to be Funded by Billionaires

Award-winning filmmaker Michael Moore responds to the Democratic presidential debate in New Hampshire. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes…

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Nina Turner: Politicians Shouldn’t Answer to the Billionaire Class, they Should Answer to the People

Former Ohio Sen. Nina Turner says there are oligarchs influencing the government in the United States, but Sen. Bernie Sanders definitely isn’t one of them. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Warren Makes Final Pitch in New Hampshire

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who vows to tax the rich to pay for social programs, says New Hampshire isn’t ‘do or die’ for her campaign. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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Exxon to Congress: Lift Cyprus Arms Embargo, There’s Gas Nearby

TRNN’s Steve Horn and The Intercept’s Lee Fang say a bill to lift the arms embargo on Cyprus and promote offshore gas in the region received lobbying support from ExxonMobil, and the pro-Israel and pro-Greece…

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They Killed a Man in Prison. This Is How They Covered it Up

New documents reveal how prison authorities tried to cover up the death of a man who died of dehydration in a jail cell. Please join journalists Taya Graham and Stephen Janis for this important episode…

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NFL’s Racism Runs Deep, All the Way to the Super Bowl

For example: Teams with racist names; only three Black coaches when 70% of players are Black; players like Kaepernick are sidelined for life; billionaire owners who support Trump; and players who are treated like meat…

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10 Years After Earthquake, Massive Demonstrations Call for Haiti’s President to Resign

Foreign state donors and Haitian elites have misappropriated and stolen billions that were meant to rebuild Haiti. Director/Video Editor: Cameron Granadino Audo Engineer: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar Subscribe to…

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Black Communities in Brazil Under Threat from US Satellite Deal

Dozens of traditional Black communities, or Quilombos, in northern Brazil are at risk of being removed from their ancestral land due to an agreement that will give the United States access to Brazil’s Alcantara Satellite…

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France’s Anti-Neoliberal Protesters Get Their Second Wind

The strikers protesting President Macron’s pension reform are expanding their target to the whole neoliberal system. They’re gathering their forces for a new wave of opposition, says Le Monde Diplomatique’s Renaud Lambert. Subscribe to our…

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Trump Will Be Acquitted but the Political Struggle Has Just Begun

When McConnell opened his mouth it was done; but impeachment revealed a lot: most Americans want him convicted and the possibility of a Giuliani indictment means this is far from over Director/Video Editor: Cameron Granadino…

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Detroit’s Land Bank Holds More Trouble for City’s Remaining Homeowners

What happens to the remaining homeowners, their properties, and their neighborhoods in Detroit after the foreclosure crisis created a glut of abandoned, city-owned houses? Director/Video Editor: Will Arenas Audio Engineer: Taylor Hebden Chase Producer: Genevieve…

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Brexit Sparks Renewed Calls for Scottish Independence

Britain’s departure from the European Union has sparked calls for another referendum on Scottish independence. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and…

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Trump Claims Credit for Life Expectancy Rise, Introduces Medicaid Cutback

Life expectancy in the US rose for the first time in four years because of a drop in opioid overdose deaths. Trump claimed credit, even though he’s done nothing to address the problem and intends…

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