Tag: real news

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Trump’s Peace Plan Is a ‘Galvanizing Shock’ for Palestinians

Donald Trump says his Deal of the Century is a new basis for peace between Israelis and Palestinians. But ironically, he’s driving hopelessly divided factions in the Arab world to unite against the plan, says…

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How Capitalism’s Structural and Ideological Crisis Gives Rise to Neo-Fascism

Globalization sociologist William I. Robinson explains how global capitalism has been mired in a structural crisis since the 1970s, but especially since 2008, which has also led to a crisis of legitimacy, giving rise to…

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Is Trump’s Impeachment Merely a Fight Within the US Ruling Class?

Once we understand how Trump and Trumpism came about, as a reaction to capitalism’s global crisis, we can see how the impeachment battle is really a battle for dominance within the US ruling class, says…

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In 2000 We Had Hanging Chads, Now We Have Hanging Apps

The caucuses raised a lot of questions: Should Iowa continue to be first? Who is the Shadow company that developed the failing app? Are the Democrats Imploding? Director/Video Editor: Adam Coley Audio Engineer: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju…

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Democrats Must Bring Optimism and Truth to Counter Trump’s Message of Lies and Distortions

The State of the Union speech was the opening of Trump’s 2020 Presidential campaign. It was Hucksterism at its best, altering truths about the economy and attacking socialism. Will the Democrats have an answer? Director/Video…

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Baltimore Explores Safe Consumption Sites

Safe consumption sites have been used around the world for decades, and advocates hope they could help Baltimore decrease its overdose death rate–one of the highest in the nation. Subscribe to our page and support…

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Torture Is the Central Issue in the Guantanamo Trials

The CIA is hiding the names of those who ordered and carried out the torture of Guantanamo detainees. Even after years of legal battles, the United States is likely still using black sites and torture….

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Lula’s Foreign Minister on Iran Diplomacy and Brazil’s Sharp Turn to the Right

Celso Amorim, who served as Brazil’s foreign minister and as defense minister under President Lula da Silva, talks about the enormous effort Brazil put into securing a nuclear deal with Iran, how it was ignored,…

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Corporate Democrats Target Sanders as his Popularity Rises

The Intercept’s Akela Lacy says Sanders is being targeted by wealthy interests who would be damaged by his presidency. Director/Video Editor: Taylor Hebden Audio Engineer: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Chase Producer: Genevieve Montinar…

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Cop Charged For Shooting Handcuffed Man Seven Times

While waiting handcuffed in a police car after a traffic stop, a man was shot 7 times by a Cpl Michael Owen from Prince Georges County, MD. The officer was not wearing his body camera…

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Trump’s ‘Deal of the Century’ Ensures Israeli Domination and Palestinian Oppression

Trump’s Kushner Plan, also known as the ‘Deal of the Century,’ gives Israel control of Palestinian land, makes settlements part of Israel, ensures endless Palestinian occupation, and is a recipe for disaster. Director/Video Editor: Cameron…

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Exclusive: Drug Lobbyist Caught Heading Prescription Affordability Board

TRNN confronted the head of the country’s only prescription affordability board about his past ties to a lobbying firm that represented a major pharmaceutical company. It’s part of our ongoing coverage of the nation’s overpriced…

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Students Say the Cost of Underfunding Schools Is Too High

200 Baltimore students and their allies ask why there’s always money to fund police and the military, but never any for public schools. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer:…

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Democrats Load Platform Committee to Stop Progressive Movement

DNC Chair Tom Perez is stacking party committees to sideline Sanders and to push a corporate agenda that kills progressive ideas and campaigns. Chase Produer: Genevieve Montinar Visual Producer: Andrew Corkery Subscribe to our page…

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Brexit Won’t Deliver What Conservatives Promised

The Johnson government said leaving the EU would allow the UK to regain its sovereignty so it can apply higher labor and environmental standards, but that was an empty promise, says University of London economist…

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200,000 Canadian Teachers Strike to Defend Public Education

Ontario teachers have joined the front lines in the worldwide battle against austerity. Public school workers organized rolling strikes against the conservative provincial government’s budget and job cuts. Subscribe to our page and support our…

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American College of Physicians Prescribes Single Payer Healthcare

The second largest American medical association analyzed the ailing U.S. healthcare system and prescribed public health insurance as the remedy. We discuss the diagnosis with ACP President Robert McLean. Director/Video Editor: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju Audio Engineer:…

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How Israel Exploits the Holocaust to Justify War Crimes Against Palestinians

On the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu asked world leaders to condemn the International Criminal Court for investigating Israeli war crimes and crimes against humanity. Director/Video Editor: Cameron Granadino…

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Progressives Want to Beat Corporate Dems, Not Just Trump

While the media focuses on the Sanders/Warren spat, Maurice Mitchell of the Working Families Party and Jennifer Epps-Addison of the Center for Popular Democracy Action argue progressives must defeat the forces that gave rise to…

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Exclusive: Body Cam Shows Cop Planting Gun on Innocent Man

Body cam footage obtained by the Police Accountability Report shows how a Baltimore police officer was caught lying about what he saw when he testified in court that a man possessed a gun. Please join…

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Biden Takes South Carolina, but Sanders Looks Towards Super Tuesday

Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) **

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Biden Wins SC Primary, But Voters Have Doubts

Biden won his first primary, but the Democratic electorate is more divided on him than mainstream media suggests. TRNN spoke with voters at the polls and on the ground in South Carolina, and some of…

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Why are More Democrats Breaking Tradition and Boycotting AIPAC?

The pro-Israel group is attacking Bernie Sanders both for his support for Palestinians and for not attending the yearly conference, but he’s not the only person calling out AIPAC’s right-wing agenda. Subscribe to our page…

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Egypt’s Government Rehabilitates Ex-President Mubarak with State Funeral

Despite being discredited and ousted by the 2011 Arab Spring, former president Mubarak’s funeral aims to rehabilitate him and his legacy of military rule. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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The Implications of the South Carolina Black Vote for Bernie and Biden

Marcus Ferrell, a former Sanders operative, takes us from the last Democratic debate, to the eve of South Carolina’s primary, to the upcoming Democratic nomination and the war with Trump. Subscribe to our page and…

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Study: Methane Emissions from Fossil Fuels Vastly Underestimated

A new Rochester University study raises new grave questions about fossil fuel production and climate change. The author of the first major study on methane and fracking, Cornell University’s Bob Howarth, explains its implications. Subscribe…

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Bloomberg Banks on Black Political Elites Selling Out

Dismissing his long record of supporting anti-Black policies, some Black Democrats are enthusiastically defending their financial benefactor. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for…

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