Tag: real news

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Sorry, Dem Establishment: Black Voters Actually Like Progressive Policies

The common wisdom of the Democratic establishment that Black voters will fall in line behind whoever is chosen as front-runner directly conflicts with TRNN’s conversations with black voters in South Carolina. Subscribe to our page…

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‘They Know Who I Am’: Auditor Arrested Again—While Playing a Video Game

Disabled veteran and First Amendment activist Blind Justice returns to PAR, saying he and his wife were threatened with violence and arrest while playing PokemonGo in a church parking lot in Rockingham, North Carolina. Subscribe…

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A Racist Voter ID Law Targeting Native Americans Just Lost its Punch

North Dakota will now provide Native Americans with no-cost identification to vote in a victory against racist voter ID laws⁠—but they still face shocking barriers to the ballot box nationwide. Subscribe to our page and…

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Afro-Feminist Resistance in Brazil’s Carnival

In Southern Brazil, the all women’s carnival block Cores de Aide is marching for political resistance and in defense of women, who have been particularly under attack during the far-right presidency of Jair Bolsonaro. Subscribe…

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Police Arrest Indigenous Land Defenders After Trudeau Demands an End to Blockades

Indigenous lawyer Pamela Palmater says Canada’s government is unduly influencing law enforcement. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only)…

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Glen Ford: Black Politics in America Right Now

A fiery takedown of mainstream Black politics! Filmed at the United National Anti-War Coalition in NYC on Feb. 22. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is…

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Is Medicare for All Bad for Union-Negotiated Healthcare?

The argument that Medicare for All will hurt workers because it abolishes hard-earned healthcare benefits of unionized workers has repeatedly been used against Sanders and Warren. But does the criticism have any basis? Subscribe to…

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Germany Is Failing to Take Racism Seriously

A white supremacist in Hanau murdered ten people. German authorities, however, refuse to acknowledge the connection between Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, considering only the latter to be worthy of attention. Subscribe to our page and support…

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Did a Privately Funded Spy Plane Catch Cops Lying?

The plane operator discovered footage that shows Baltimore police could have lied about the shooting of a local man, but police brass didn’t want to see it. Baltimore Defense Attorneys Claim Surveillance Plane Footage Contradicts…

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Argentina’s Fracking Boom Is Creating Climate Justice Concerns

Big Oil hopes Argentina’s shale oil and gas boom can rival the United States’. Backed by US dollar diplomacy, the boom has come at the cost of climate change, ecological damage, and encroachment on indigenous…

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How Trump Legally Undermines the Law

Trump’s grants of clemency for his cronies and Fox News friends have almost exclusively gone to people who are themselves accused of violating the justice system. Subscribe to our page and support our work at…

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The Rwanda Genocide’s Origins Are in Resource Extraction and US Militarism

Judi Rever’s book “In Praise of Blood” connects the modern scramble for control of African resources to the Rwandan genocide and sets the record straight about its alleged hero, Paul Kagame. Subscribe to our page…

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Israel Harbors Alleged American Terrorists

Alex Odeh was a leader of the Arab American Anti-Discrimination Committee. The men who allegedly assassinated him in 1985 live as free men in Israel, where they are active in right wing, racist organizations. Subscribe…

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Anti-Defamation League Report on White Supremacy Ignores Trump’s Role in Racism

The new ADL report highlights a 120% increase in white supremacist incidents in 2019 over the last year, but ignores the roots of this rise and doesn’t tackle racism. Subscribe to our page and support…

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From the Streets to the Halls

Join Movement School, the Society for Ethical Culture, and Sunrise Movement for a panel discussion on young activist leaders moving into electoral politics, in both the US and Chile. We will look at the opportunities…

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First Amendment Activist Hospitalized After Brutal Arrest

An activist known as Blind Justice was arrested after trying to film a state facility to check compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The encounter illustrates the risks citizens are willing to take to…

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Presidential Campaigns Begin in Bolivia Despite Ongoing Repression

As campaigning begins to repeat the Oct. 20 election that ended in a coup against former President Evo Morales, it remains far from certain whether this new election, under right-wing President Jeanine Añez, will be…

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700,000 Displaced as Syria and Turkey Descend into War

Syria and Turkey are fighting each other in the rebel-controlled Idlib region, forcing hundreds of thousands to flee for their lives as the bombings intensify. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Bloomberg’s Stop and Frisk Past Comes Back to Haunt Him

Mainstream media is trying to gloss over Bloomberg’s racist record, and they’re willing to discredit independent journalists to do it. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Coronavirus: Is the Climate Plague Here?

Journalists Bryn Nelson and Jane C. Hu talk about how the climate crisis means we could see more deadly outbreaks, plus the rise of xenophobia as the virus spreads. Producer: Steve Horn Director/Video Editor: Adam…

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Senate Passes Iran War Powers Resolution, Upsetting Trump

In yet another rebuke to Trump, the Senate passed a binding resolution to prevent Trump from going to war with Iran. Even though Trump will veto it, after it passes the House, it shows growing…

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Sanders Campaign Co-Chair: New Hampshire Win Shows Bernie Beats Trump

Rep. Ro Khanna says Bernie Sanders is building a multi-racial coalition that will win the nomination and beat Donald Trump. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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Neoliberalism, Nike, and the Need to Organize a Movement

What do resistance to Obama’s presidential library project in Southside Chicago, Nike’s $5 million donation to it, and the giant shoe company’s relationship with Kaepernick’s activism have in common? Subscribe to our page and support…

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Danny Glover and Eddie Conway on the 50th Anniversary of MLK Assassination

TRNN Replay from 2018: Actor and activist Danny Glover and TRNN Executive Producer Eddie Conway talk about how Martin Luther King Jr. worked to build a movement of inclusiveness against militarism, exploitation and racism Subscribe…

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Cornel West: Elites Underestimate the Power of the People

Scholar and activist Dr. Cornel West says Bernie Sanders will take on corporate power and implement a just foreign policy, and that former Mayor Michael Bloomberg is a “neoliberal gangster.” Subscribe to our page and…

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US-Philippine Relations Worsen Despite Perceived Trump-Duterte Friendship

The Philippines ended the Visiting Forces Agreement, which allows the US military to operate within the Philippines and grants access to the South China Sea. Is President Duterte doing the right thing for the wrong…

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The Neoliberal ‘New’ Deal: The Rich Drink for Free While the Poor Pay More

A water billing scandal in one of the country’s poorest cities reveals an overarching truism: Neoliberalism is a conduit for rampant inequality. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This…

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