Tag: real news

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Canada Sees a ‘Watershed Moment’ in the Struggle for Indigenous Rights

Indigenous lawyer Pamela Palmater says ongoing solidarity protests show Canadians grasp more than ever how their government is violating indigenous rights. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video…

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Ilhan Omar’s ‘Pathway to Peace’ Would Revolutionize US Foreign Policy

The seven bills would steer US foreign policy towards international norms and remove support for human rights violators. While the chances are slim that these bills will pass, they outline a progressive foreign policy. Subscribe…

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War Criminal Omar Bashir Faces Trial in the Hague as Sudan Aligns Itself with the West

Sudan has been through a revolution, but it’s unclear what former President Bashir’s extradition to the ICC indicates for the future of the country. Has Sudan been seduced by Western power and capital? Correction (11:36):…

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Trump’s New Rule Favors Pollution Over US Waterways

Trump’s years of dogged attacks on the Clean Water Rule have finally succeeded, and big ag and fossil fuel industries are rejoicing. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This…

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Police Arrest Man for Holding a Sign, But That Was Just the Beginning

The arrest of an auditor for holding a sign was just the first in a series of questionable charges which raise fundamental questions about the true imperative of American policing. PAR interviews Otto The Watchdog….

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International Banks and Law Firms Are at the Heart of South Africa’s Corruption

In South Africa, corruption is called state capture. A new report by Shadow World Investigations reveals how world bankers, lawyers, and accountants manipulate politicians. We speak with Andrew Feinstein, the report’s author. Subscribe to our…

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Unreported Opposition Violence Continues in Venezuela

Venezuela’s opposition has a long history of burning government buildings, health clinics, and the local headquarters of the country’s social missions. The violence continues, but these acts of opposition violence are rarely covered in the…

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X: Malcolm’s Final Years

On Malcolm X’s 95th birthday, TRNN revisits this documentary, including interviews with Angela Davis and Danny Glover. (Executive Producer Paul Jay, co-production with Telesur and support from the Bertha Foundation) Subscribe to our page and…

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WORTH THE PRICE? Joe Biden and the Launch of the Iraq War

WORTH THE PRICE? Joe Biden and the Launch of the Iraq War is a documentary short reviewing the role of then-Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) in leading the United States into the most devastating foreign policy…

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Joe Biden Was Instrumental in Launching the Iraq War

A new documentary detailing Joe Biden’s pivotal role in launching the Iraq War exposes just how far he’s trying to distance himself from his war vote. We speak to the film’s director, Mark Weisbrot. WORTH…

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Medea Benjamin: The Peace Movement is Part of Every Other Social Movement

Medea Benjamin at the United National Antiwar Coalition Conference 2020. Benjamin is a co-founder of Code Pink and a veteran peace activist. Here she answers the question “what should people do to advance the peace…

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NATO’s Arctic War Exercise Unites Climate Change and WWIII

NATO will hold war games in Norway’s Arctic Circle in March, where it will be supporting climate change-induced resource extraction and increasing the military tension with Russia. Subscribe to our page and support our work…

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A Coronavirus Bailout Will Save Corporations, Not Workers

What happened to the cash from the last bailout? Industries spent it all on stock buybacks and are now looking for billions more in relief from the impact of coronavirus. Director/Video Editor: Will Arenas Audio…

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Palestine Knows the Difference between Apartheid and Quarantine

No Israeli city is facing closure, even though the coronavirus is more widespread in Israel than in Palestinian cities. The Israeli siege has protected the Gaza Strip from coronavirus so far, but what if the…

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As Corporate Capitalists Beg For Socialism, Let’s Not Forget They Tried To Destroy It

Social programs and Medicare for All could help keep people at home to slow the spread of coronavirus, but mainstream media pundits continue to fearmonger during discussions of socialism. Producer: Stephen Janis Director: Will Arenas…

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Growing Calls to End ICE Raids During the Coronavirus Pandemic

ACLU of Maryland staff attorney says closing immigration courts is a good first step, but warns prisoners and detainees remain at risk during the coronavirus outbreak. Producer: Jaisal Noor Video Editor: Will Arenas Subscribe to…

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Russia’s Putin Opens Option for Running Again

While Putin’s move to possibly remain in power beyond 2024 strengthens his hand, we should not see him as an all-powerful leader, but rather as the Russian elite’s mediator, says Russia expert Tony Wood. Director/Video…

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Thinking Outside the Box: Do More Humane Prisons Exist?

Two experts discuss how we can end mass incarceration by building infrastructure that addresses its root causes. Director/Video Editor: Cameron Granadino Audio Engineer: Taylor Hebden Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate….

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Democrats Debate: Neoliberal ‘Pragmatists’ Vs. People Pushing for Systemic Change

Pacifica’s Sonali Kolhatkar joins us to delve into what the divide means, how the power of the Sander’s movement can push change, and what lies ahead in the war against Trump. Director/Video Editor: Bababtunde Ogunfolaju…

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‘Bernie Bro’ Reign of Terror Is a Myth, According to Science

Data shows that supporters of Bernie Sanders are no worse than anyone else, but they’re perceived as being terrible because there are more of them on social media. Director/Video Editor: Cameron Granadino Audio Engineer: Will…

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Sanders vs. Biden on the Coronavirus Pandemic

Both Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders criticized Trump’s weak response to Coronavirus, but Sanders’ plan made support for working and marginalized communities a priority. Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. **…

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Chelsea Manning Released But Still Faces Massive Fine

A judge released Manning from prison the day after her third suicide attempt because the grand jury inquiry has been disbanded. The massive fine shows this was about teaching her a lesson, not just about…

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Are Police Targeting Rural America for Mass Incarceration?

There has been an explosion of incarceration in rural communities across America. PAR explores the profit motive that has stimulated this rapid increase in our carceral complex with guest Otto the Watchdog, a first amendment…

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Breaking: Police Officer Charged with Drug Dealing and Lying to FBI

More than 14 Baltimore City Police Officers have been now caught in the ever-widening scandal of cops drug dealing, robbing residents, and stealing overtime. Please join journalists Taya Graham and Stephen Janis for this important…

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U.S. COVID-19 Outbreak: ‘We’re At the Beginning’

Lack of tests and testing facilities has the United States playing a dangerous game of catch up Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for…

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How Presidential Debates Frame Issues to Support Moderate Candidates

A FAIR study of the democratic presidential debates clearly shows that questions for progressive candidates such as Sanders and Warren were always framed critically, while those for moderate candidates were neutral. Subscribe to our page…

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Sanctions Are Imposed Poverty, Abroad and in the U.S.

Sanctions impose poverty on a country and cause suffering among its people. Why do people in the U.S. accept it? Subscribe to our page and support our work at https://therealnews.com/donate. ** (Disclaimer: This video content…

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