Tag: real news

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Seeing (and fighting) fascism beyond twentieth-century Europe

The “F” word has been thrown around a lot in the age of Donald Trump. From President Trump’s “Muslim ban,” to bipartisan support for migrant-filled concentration camps, to the failed insurrection at the Capitol building…

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Striking Alabama coal miners are prepared for a long fight

In this installment of “Battleground Brookwood,” new TRNN contributor Kim Kelly reports on the ground in Alabama from a UMWA rally held on Wednesday, April 21, in support of striking miners. Help us continue producing…

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Taharka Bros: Ice cream with a side of worker ownership

The pandemic wiped out 70% of their business, but Baltimore’s Taharka Bros’ worker-owners successfully pivoted to delivery, saving their company and offering insight into how co-ops were able to weather COVID-19. This report has been…

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How prisoners expanded the civil rights movement

“From Attica to the Texas work strike of 1978 to the most recent nationwide prison strikes in 2016 and 2018,” Robert Chase, Associate Professor of History at Stony Brook University, writes, “prisoners have offered a…

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State doles out severe sentence for threatening speech while cops kill people with ketamine

With over 900 residents injected with ketamine while in police custody between 2018 and 2020, police in the state of Colorado have turned the public into “unwitting guinea pigs” of a deadly pharmacological experiment. Please…

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“People are dying every minute”: COVID catastrophes in India and Brazil

Listen to new episodes of The Marc Steiner Show every Tuesday on your favorite podcast player: https://therealnews.com/the-marc-steiner-show While wealthy countries like the United States are rushing to vaccinate their populations and “reopen” their societies, the…

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Mass incarceration is an environmental justice issue, and vice versa

Prisoners in the United States are forced to drink contaminated water, breathe poor quality air, and live on or near land full of hazardous materials. Kempis Songster, David N. Pellow, and Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro discuss…

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Breaking bad: Botched Brexit could plunge Northern Ireland back into violent unrest

The 1999 Good Friday Agreement brought to an end 30 years of strife in the North of Ireland. Now, less than 25 years after the Agreement was made, social tensions are rising again, prompting many…

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These co-op restaurants didn’t need to open indoor dining to survive the pandemic

At the height of the pandemic, the restaurant industry sued to overturn bans on indoor dining, arguing it was the only way they could survive. But at cooperatively-run restaurants, where worker-owners vote over major decisions,…

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The feds want him to spend 20 years in jail for a single phone call, but the case is falling apart

The federal government attempted to build a case of guilt by association hinging on a single phone call, which would have left Sean Weston incarcerated for 20 years. The case of this beleaguered Baltimore businessman…

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Worker cooperatives prove your job doesn’t have to be hell

Is there really a “worker shortage,” or are frontline workers just tired of risking their lives for substandard pay, protections, and benefits? During the COVID-19 pandemic, worker co-ops demonstrated that it’s possible to run a…

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What corporate media got wrong about this brutal arrest caught on bodycam

While PAR conducted two separate investigations into the case, the brutal arrest and tasering of cab driver Lufti Saalim at a Toledo, Ohio, Walmart went unreported by local news for over a year after the…

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Everyone benefits from public media, but nobody talks about funding it

As the world of digital media becomes more and more saturated, it’s harder than ever for left-leaning independent media to make an impact. TRNN Editor-in-Chief Maximillian Alvarez talks to journalist Laura Flanders, who interviews forward-thinking…

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The forgotten worker

Homecare is an essential service, yet many workers lacked PPE during the pandemic, emblematic of the industry’s poor treatment. Co-ops are showing it doesn’t have to be this way. Help us continue producing radically independent…

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Hassan Diab is accused of a deadly explosion. Supporters say his continued persecution isn’t justice

Roger Clark of the Hassan Diab Support Committee and author and human rights academic Monia Mazigh say officials based their case against Diab on problematic evidence. They update TRNN host Eddie Conway about the latest…

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A business without bosses

ChiFresh Kitchen, located in Chicago, is owned and operated by formerly incarcerated women of color. Launched just as the pandemic hit, its five worker-owners mobilized to provide healthy meals to communities hardest hit by COVID-19…

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Cops told him the First Amendment doesn’t apply, then they arrested him to prove it.

The arrest of a cop watcher by Texas police raises serious questions about the rights of citizen journalists and the state of the First Amendment. We examine the unlawful detention of cop watcher David Boren…

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France’s attempts to extradite Hassan Diab have chilling implications (EXTENDED INTERVIEW)

The French government has renewed its attempts to extradite professor and exonerated terrorism suspect Hassan Diab. In this extended interview, we talk with Roger Clark of the Hassan Diab Support Committee and Monia Mazigh on…

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The true price of coal

Over 1,000 union coal miners in Brookwood, Alabama, have been on strike since April 1. While industries around the world depend on the coal these workers pull out of the ground, few know the toll…

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Co-ops are democratizing the food chain

Millions went hungry when the pandemic hit, but at the Black-owned cooperative Brooklyn Packers, workers rose to the challenge by packing thousands of meals a week. In a sector known for exploitative pay and poor…

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Cops lied to put him in handcuffs, but a camera caught the truth!

A Los Angeles man says he was targeted by police after he was pulled over for crossing a line in front of a stop sign; but after placing him in handcuffs and arresting the passenger…

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The latest on the deadly effects of COVID-19 in prisons

Eddie Conway talks to two experts about the latest infection rates, issues with transparency, and more. Help us continue producing radically independent news and in-depth analysis by following us and making a small donation: Donate:…

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No funding? No problem, for Baltimore’s co-ops

While large corporations received billions in tax breaks and subsidies, worker co-ops struggled to raise capital. So worker-owners in Baltimore started their own revolving loan fund, supporting nearly two dozen co-ops as they successfully weathered…

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A man was tasered in his own driveway, but cops weren’t finished with him

Surveillance footage reveals police assaulting an unarmed man on his own property. While the use of force in the video is shocking on its own, what’s even more shocking is the fact that the state…

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Care workers have gone through hell for us—will we show up for them?

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has thrown America’s deeply dysfunctional system of caregiving into sharp relief: overcrowded and understaffed nursing homes account for a third of all COVID-19 deaths in the US. ICUs have been stretched…

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The Texas abortion ban is even more extreme than you think

Texas just enacted the strictest anti-abortion law in the country. Senate Bill 8, which went into effect at midnight on Sept. 1, effectively bans abortions after six weeks into a pregnancy, before most people who…

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A region scarred by coal production now faces fracking threats

In her documentary “Hard Road of Hope,” independent filmmaker Eleanor Goldfield details the history and contemporary struggles of West Virginians living and dying in coal country. As part of our coverage commemorating the Battle of…

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